Sunday, June 28, 2015

Posts from Conservative Daily News for 06/28/2015

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Jun 27, 2015 10:21 pm | R. Mitchell

National Healthcare Insurers on Path to Merge from Five to a SINGLE PAYER

Many, including CDN, projected that consumer choice would become greatly limited after the imposition of Obamacare – this month is proving all of them right – and more. The Economist published an article detailing the turmoil healthcare insurers are experiencing. The remedy they seek is to eliminate competition in an impossible marketplace: A similar consolidation among health insurers was also predicted. But since

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Jun 27, 2015 04:17 pm | Frank Salvato

The US Supreme Court Has Gone Rogue

Many on the Right side of the aisle are outraged. Gay marriage – a social issue at its core – has been validated by the US Supreme Court. The outrage is palpable. And while there is legitimacy to this outrage – especially with regard to the Court's transgression of the 10th Amendment – the decision on gay marriage is a

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Jun 27, 2015 03:29 pm | Dave King

Under Obama, P.O.T.U.S. Takes On A Whole New Meaning

Under Obama's presidency P.O.T.U.S. has come to mean "Piss on the United States".  From the very beginning of his administration he has complained about the actions of the United States and how defective the constitution is in it's limitation of governmental intrusion in its citizens' lives.  He has befriended and empowered foreign dictators and excluded and insulted America's allies.  

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In This Issue

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With Gay Marriage In, ACLU Drops Backing of Religious Freedom Law
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President Obama Comments on Gay Marriage Ruling [Video]
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