Monday, June 29, 2015

Posts from Conservative Daily News for 06/29/2015

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Jun 29, 2015 02:47 am | Joe Messina

The Haters are a Hatin!

Here we go again. For those of with a very low IQ and the inability to look words up in a dictionary, by definition, "disagreement" is not "hate"! Me believing that my viewpoint is correct and yours is not, is not hate. Believing I am better than you because my viewpoint is right, could be hate and, in some cases,

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Jun 28, 2015 08:59 pm | R. Mitchell

WTH Weekly -06-28-15 – the week in review

Continuing the WTH (“what the heck” happened) series, this week we look at Obama’s Iran capitulation, a rocket explodes,Greece implodes, single payer closer than thought, gay marriage and concealed carry, Obamacare subsidies, flags of our forefathers, Jindal enters the race and more! Shockingly, Obama isn’t serious about the Iran nuclear talks. Today, reports surfaced that Obama has given into Iran’s demands

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Jun 28, 2015 08:48 pm | Dave King

Children Finding And Crossing Our Southern Border Alone? Give Me A Break!

How does a child cross multiple international borders, avoid being raped, imprisoned, enslaved or outright killed along the way, get food in a foreign country and find a place to sleep as he/she travels?   These young people entering across our southern border have traveled hundreds or even thousands of miles all alone, and have been able to determine the

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Jun 28, 2015 07:56 pm | R. Mitchell

Greece collapse to start Monday

The PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) have been under scrutiny for months due to their unsupportable mountains of debt in comparison to their incomes – on Monday, Greece may be the first to go down. Despite Greek Priminister Tsipras’ plea for calm in this video: Greeks lined up to drain ATMs of every ounce of cash they contained.   Reports

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Jun 28, 2015 06:10 pm | R. Mitchell

Report: Obama gives in – no inspections of Iranian nuke facilities required for deal

Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) is reporting that the P5+1 led by the United States has capitulated to Iran’s demand that no inspections of nuclear facilities take place. President Obama has been working to record another controversial accomplishment for his legacy – the Iranian nuclear weapons program negotiations. A centerpiece to the Obama position has always been that inspections would

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Jun 28, 2015 11:47 am | R. Mitchell

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch Goes Terribly Wrong Shortly After Launch [Video]

Just two and a half minutes into the launch on Sunday, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket started to break apart and then disintegrates.

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