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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Posts from Conservative Daily News for 06/04/2015

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Jun 04, 2015 02:04 am | R. Mitchell

The True U.S. Economy Most Ignore – Powerful Note from the Middle Class

The Wall Street Journal published a blog post entitled “A Letter to Stingy American Consumers” that was obviously a tongue-in-cheek poke at why consumer demand is so weak in the “recovery” that the fed and Obama officials pretend is happening. The post was truly sataristic in nature so no fault is placed on WSJ for the article, but it does point
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Jun 04, 2015 01:32 am | R. Mitchell

Boehner Pushing TPA – Despite the Pitfalls

Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) was passed by the U.S. Senate on May 22nd. Now, the more conservative House of Representatives is pushing back and Leader Boehner wants them to bend. Boehner acknowledged some in his party are opposing the fast-track legislation, known as Trade Promotion Authority or TPA, simply because they don’t trust Obama. But the Speaker added: "This is
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Jun 03, 2015 07:44 pm | Dave King

If Republicans Allow The Destruction Caused By Obamacare To Be Blamed On Them, Then They Are Idiots And Deserve The Blame

Obamacare was forced on Americans under cover of night with only Democrats voting for it, and they strutted like roosters in celebration of their taking over one-sixth of the U.S. economy and forcing every American to knuckle under to their leftist dream bills.  Repeat: No Republicans voted for this unread, lengthy piece of legislative crap! But now that Obamacare is
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Jun 03, 2015 07:42 pm | Dave King

When A Community Organizer Tries To Address Difficult International Issues Bad Things Can Happen, And We See Evidence Of Them Daily

It's obvious to all who honestly observe current domestic policy and Obama's executive actions, that liberals (Democrats in other words, and Obama in particular) have caused great harm to our nation, and particularly to America's poorest citizens with its vote-getting handouts of goodies and welfare payments.  The third-world neighborhoods created by Democrats in the slums of the most prosperous nation
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Jun 03, 2015 07:40 pm | Dave King

Hillary's Positions Are Just Dumb And Economically Thoughtless, But Her Democrat Voters Don't Object. Why?

Hillary, a woman who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, argues that the rich have too much power and influence and that they must be brought into line by the federal government that she will administer as president, in order to gain economic justice for all citizens.  Why doesn't this un-American, unconstitutional, hate-the-rich position of Hillary make her rich,
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Jun 03, 2015 07:38 pm | Dave King

A Stupid President Is Preferable To An Evil President

Edward Banfield once said that criminals are people who can't foresee the logical results of their bad actions.  They are unable to predict that prison will result from their stealing or killing.  They are doomed to keep making mistakes that hurt people and will keep paying the price.  Likewise, liberals/Democrats/progressives can't foresee the bad outcomes of their liberal decisions and
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Jun 03, 2015 07:36 pm | Dave King

Is John Kerry Really An Idiot, Or Does He Just Play One On TV?

Recently the Secretary of State, John Kerry, said that the world has never been safer than it is today.  Really Mr. Kerry?  Could you possibly be more wrong? James Clapper, our Director of National Intelligence, stated immediately after Kerry made his ridiculous statement, that "2014 will have been the most lethal year for global terrorism in 45 years".  Does that
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Jun 03, 2015 07:33 pm | Dave King

What's Wrong With Obama Wanting To "Fundamentally Transform America"? Let Me Count The Ways.

When someone wants to "fundamentally transform" something it means that they hate the current existence of the thing and want to make it completely different from what it is today.  For a professional community organizer like Barack Obama, this kind of thinking comes naturally.  He has always hated the way things were and wanted to organize and change them to
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Jun 03, 2015 07:29 pm | Dave King

Unfortunately The Question Isn't "Can We Trust The Iranians", The Question Is "Can We Trust Obama"

It goes without saying (except when Kerry or Obama are saying it) that Iran cannot and must not be trusted to be honest in their dealings concerning their development of nuclear weapons.  Just like the Nazis and Communists before them, Iran will cheat and lie and will not allow any verifications or inspections to confirm that they have ceased work
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Jun 03, 2015 07:17 pm | A.F. Branco

Police Brutality


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