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Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Putin targets TheBlaze

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June 03, 2015
On Today's Program

The New York Times published a mind-blowing story Tuesday about Russia's Internet Research Agency, a propaganda tool of the Kremlin that would spread disinformation and pro-Putin messages all over the web. While the story is shocking enough on its own, the really interesting piece comes from how one source describes their attacks on TheBlaze. Glenn has the story and reaction on radio. MORE

Last night on television, Glenn issued a clarion call to viewers telling them it is time to put faith into action. The five year anniversary of 8/28 is approaching, and since that time Glenn and his audience have been cleaning out their lives and turning towards God. Listen to Glenn's inspiring message and hear his cry for an army of compassion HERE.

Matt Kibbe from FreedomWorks joined Glenn on radio this morning, to discuss who he thinks are the top picks for the GOP candidate of 2016. Do you agree with Kibbe's picks? Take a listen and find out. Also, see what Glenn and Kibbe have to say about Hillary Clinton's candidacy for 2016. LISTEN

It's that time again! Stu has updated our poll, and hopefully we now have a better idea of who the Republican candidates are. Don't forget to vote on what you WANT to happen, not what you think will occur. VOTE

Woman's tumors all vanish following bizarre Christian healing technique [click now to view controversial video]

Ami Horowitz, an American media personality recently released a video on YouTube of him in Minneapolis. In Horowitz's video you see him speaking to multiple American Muslims, asking them if they would rather live by Sharia law or American law. The result? Well, let's just say that it left many of us scratching our heads... WATCH.

Where would bottles be without caps? And how would we get anywhere without bridge cables?
Firebrand conservative and #1 New York Times bestselling author, Michelle Malkin tells the riveting stories of the relentless thinkers and inventors who made America what it is today. In her new book, Who Built That, she pays a rousing tribute to the inventions that have changed our lives and the "tinkerpreneurs" who created them. Get your copy of Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs TODAY.

That time William Shatner got into it with Glenn on overpopulation
Maybe William Shatner should stick to going where "no man has gone before" in space versus climate change. Yesterday on radio, Glenn played snippets of an old interview he had with Shatner, where they discussed overpopulation and the capability of Earth to sustain our constantly growing population. Did all the imaginary space exploration in Star Trek fog up his head? LISTEN

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