Thursday, June 04, 2015

Revolutionary idea to fight big government

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June 04, 2015
On Today's Program

Charles Murray believes the country as we know it is over. We live in an increasingly lawless country, where only people with money have access to the courts and even those with money are burdened by countless regulations that handcuff them from doing any real business. How do we fight back? Find out HERE.

The guys discussed Election 2016 on radio today, and it's looking more and more like Hillary won't have a shot at winning the nomination. She has been mired in scandal since the start of her campaign, not to mention her disastrous handling of Benghazi while serving as Secretary of State. Glenn thinks it may be too late, and there's only one person who could step in if she drops out. Who is it? Find out HERE.

People assume that just because things are one way today, they will be that tomorrow. That's a huge cultural myth. You need to prepare for what is coming in the very near future, and Pastor Jim Garlow is hosting a conference in San Diego to help. On radio this morning, Pastor Garlow discussed the the Future Conference, the Black Robed Regiment, and MORE.

On Tuesday's episode, Glenn spoke about his "Army of compassion," unfortunately members of TheBlaze audience did not feel the same way as Glenn did. See Glenn's response to the some of the negative reactions he received. READ

It's that time again! Stu has updated our poll, and hopefully we now have a better idea of who the Republican candidates are. Don't forget to vote on what you WANT to happen, not what you think will occur. VOTE

This morning on radio, Glenn discussed a new Gallup poll released, saying that the number of Americans who believe human cloning, polygamy, extramarital affairs, and suicide are morally acceptable "are now reaching record highs." A frustrated Glenn found himself questioning just how much people have thought this through, saying, "We don't even know what morally acceptable means." See more of his reaction HERE.

'We are at the end of an era of failed leadership': Rick Perry is in for 2016
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry launched his second campaign for president with a scorching takedown of Barack Obama's time in office, and painting himself as the only candidate with the proven skills to right the course for the country. "We're at the end of an era of failed leadership," Perry said, announcing his campaign before a crowd at an airplane hangar in Dallas. MORE

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Unbelievable: Vladimir Putin targets TheBlaze
The New York Times published a mind-blowing story Tuesday about Russia's Internet Research Agency, a propaganda tool of the Kremlin that would spread disinformation and pro-Putin messages all over the web. While the story is shocking enough on its own, the really interesting piece comes from how one source describes their attacks on TheBlaze. Glenn has the story and reaction on radio. MORE

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