Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ted Cruz: Time Is Running Out


Michael Reagan


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Dear Reader,

Senator Ted Cruz is slamming the Supreme Court, saying the recent rulings were the "darkest 24 hours" in U.S. history.

Ted tells it like it is and is not afraid to speak the truth!

Many Republicans (and even Democrats) want to know what really makes Ted tick — and how, as president, he would roll back Obama's policies and make America great again.

Now you can be among the first to read Ted Cruz's newly published book A Time For Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America.

This book is just released — order now and be among the first to get a copy of this sure-to-be best-seller.

With so many candidates competing — Rand, Rubio, Walker, Jeb, Trump, Carson, and others — now is the time to go inside Ted Cruz's mind and find out his real values.

Newsmax has a great offer to help you take the measure of Ted Cruz!

In A Time For Truth you will hear Ted's voice as he shares his personal story as the son of an impoverished immigrant who fled Cuba's communism.

Ted went on to graduate from Harvard Law School, serve as solicitor general for the state of Texas, and then become a U.S. senator.

Now he's a top-tier presidential candidate.

Get Ted Cruz's newly released book — a $27 value — Only $9.95 with this special offer.

Read A Time For Truth as it:

  • Rips away the media distortions to uncover the "true" Ted Cruz
  • Reveals a deeply personal journey from poverty to the U.S. Senate
  • Offers penetrating insight into the evolution of Ted's beliefs
  • Reflects how his conservative, constitutional upbringing influences every decision
  • Looks inside Washington and uncovers the twisted politics that are stealing the American Dream
  • Showcases vignettes of Anwar Sadat, Elie Wiesel and others with courage to speak out — even at personal risk
  • Pulls back the curtain on Washington's lobbyist-brokered back-room deals that benefit the elite at the expense of the average American
  • Sets out free market, constitutional plans to restore greatness to this country

A Time For Truth shows the American Dream still comes true. It offers hope to everyone frustrated with crony politicians — in both parties — who refuse to listen to your voice.

Time Is Running Out

We want you back, and America needs you back!

You may not be aware, but you are one of our best readers (fewer than one in five Newsmax readers are in the "best" category).

So we don't want to pass you by without one more chance on the amazing offer we're running right now on the new Ted Cruz book.

Time will run out very soon on the opportunity to put your name at the head of the list for Ted's new book, A Time for Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America, just released on June 30.

We are among the first to have copies.

It's not a problem if you missed the notices we sent you last week about Ted's new book.

This is a truly unique opportunity because we've been able to use our contacts in conservative publishing circles to do two remarkable things for you at once.

We can give you one more chance to say "yes" to an incredible deal before we release your copy of the book to the next person on the list, but act very soon, please (thanks for understanding):

First, even though Ted Cruz's new book was just released, we can get your name at the head of the list to be among the first to receive this much-anticipated book from one of the most exciting conservative voices to burst onto the national scene.

Second, because of your Best Reader status, Newsmax is picking up most of the tab for you on this. You'll receive Ted's book ($27.99 cover price) for only $9.95 with today's special offer — this is cheaper than anywhere else including Amazon!

But truly, we need to hear back from you TODAY. (Stick with us, we have two more great "freebies" for you.)

Now as we said, we can't do this for everyone. It's a special offer for our Best List only, and it comes with one more benefit we don't offer to other customers.

All you need to do to qualify for your super-discounted Ted Cruz book — that saves you over $20 when shipping is factored in — is to simply to act today, plus we will send you a FREE 6-month subscription to Newsmax magazine.

And we've made this an easy decision, because with this special offer that will end soon, you can get this book for the absolute lowest price anywhere.

Not only will you save the $20-plus on the book's cost, but you will get a FREE value of $30 with Newsmax magazine.

Newsmax magazine has exclusive stories you have read NOWHERE ELSE. More than 500,000 Americans read us monthly because we have real news and perspective — and we are not afraid of exposing political correctness.

Each month get incredible reports and insights from such experts as Dr. Ben Carson, Ben Stein, George Will, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, David Limbaugh, and Michael Reagan — to name a few.

Dr. Ben Carson, best-selling author and commentator, tells America: "Each month I look for Newsmax magazine to give me the news I can't get elsewhere, you should too."

Ben Stein adds that Newsmax reveals the "unafraid, uncomplicated, bare-knuckles truth about today's dangerous world."

Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, says: "I guarantee that you'll love Newsmax magazine."

So, say "yes" to this Best-Reader-only deal and you'll not only receive Sen. Cruz's book at a great discount, you are going to receive TWO MORE great gifts, making THREE GIFTS IN ALL:

  1. You get Ted Cruz's book, A Time for Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America on a priority basis, at the lowest price available of $9.95.
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  3. That's not all. We're also going to send you our Special Report, Insurgent: Ted Cruz Takes On the GOP Establishment – and Rises (a $5 value) FREE!

This Newsmax magazine report explores the senator's presidential candidacy amid an ever-growing field of Republican presidential hopefuls.

As we said, these discounts and savings come to a grand total of $75 – yours for only $9.95.

And truly, this offer will end soon.

Claim your book, your FREE bonuses, and your savings right here.


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