Monday, June 29, 2015

The post-Christian world has arrived

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June 29, 2015
On Today's Program

Immediately after the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, supporters took to social media to not only celebrate their victory, but to also trash anyone who believes in traditional marriage. It seems that if #LoveWins, than anyone who doesn't support same-sex marriage implicitly loses — especially Christians. Time Magazine even printed an article about America transforming into a post-Christian nation. The fight over gay marriage was never about whom you sleep with and everything to do with the right of conscience. Glenn has the full story on Monday's radio show. WATCH

For nearly five years, Glenn has been warning the world to pay attention to Greece. The economic crisis, which now seems ready to boil over, could set off a chain of dominos bringing down the European Union, collapsing global markets, and even destroying the dollar. With Greek banks closed and citizens lining up at ATMs, that prediction seems closer to reality than ever. Will people pay attention? Glenn issued a dire warning on radio this morning — will it be ignored? Get the story and Glenn's reaction HERE.

EY presented Glenn with their Entrepreneur Of The Year Award in the Southwest over the weekend, recognizing him for leading the innovative and entrepreneurial efforts of Mercury Radio Arts. Glenn, Stu, Pat, Jeffy and their families all got dressed up for the big awards dinner. Check out photos and get Glenn's reaction to the award HERE.

How does Senator Ted Cruz plan to handle the gay marriage issue if he's elected President? The candidate joined the radio show Monday morning to give his thoughts on the issue, as well as the steps he would take to protect traditional marriage and rein an activist Supreme Court. Listen to the interview HERE.

Discovered by scientists in Denmark, this 2oz piece of precision engineering can turn more than 947 liters of E. Coli, poop and even Fly Egg infested water into fresh, clear and clean drinking water… for pennies on the dollar compared to traditional water filters. See shocking video on how this "magical" device can save your life in a crisis. WATCH

The Supreme Court ruled against the EPA and the Obama administration for its restrictive power plant regulations it tried to impose. So far the internet hasn't exploded into celebratory mode, but certainly a catchy hashtag like #CoalWins is right around the corner. Get the full story HERE.

David Barton: Religious liberty will come under attack after Friday's Supreme Court ruling
In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage, Glenn spent the majority of Friday's radio show speaking with experts about the impact of the decision on people who believe in traditional marriage. David Barton doesn't have a lot of confidence that religious liberty and freedom of conscience will be safe given the political atmosphere and the activist courts. He also thinks there is zero chance conservatives will be able to pass a constitutional amendment to preserve traditional marriage. So what happens next? MORE

Parade of trucks flying Confederate Flags comes to a grinding halt when cameraman's prediction instantly comes true
A parade of more than 35 pickup trucks flying Confederate flags was spotted cruising through what is believed to be the town of Dalton, Georgia, this weekend. The event was recorded on a cell phone camera and posted online. But it's what happened partway through the video that has the video going viral. Watch the full video via TheBlaze HERE.

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