Monday, June 01, 2015

Townhall PM - O'Malley, Graham Throw Hats Into The 2016 Ring - June 1, 2015

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Graham at 2016 Launch: "Radical Islam is Running Wild"
Daniel Doherty
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is one of the many long shot candidates vying for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016. As we've noted before, he has largely been written off by almost everyone, launching what many perceive to be a quixotic, pointless campaign for president.
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"Call Me Caitlyn"--Bruce Jenner Reveals New Name on Vanity Fair Cover
Christine Rousselle
National Guard Soldier Denied Burial at Arlington Cemetery, Army Suggests Cremation Instead
Cortney O'Brien
Good News: Travel Ban on Taliban Five Won't Be Lifted, For Now
Katie Pavlich
Good News: DOJ Says New Gun Regulations Are Coming In November
Matt Vespa
Aww: Actor Chris Pratt Teaches Two-Year-Old Son Pledge of Allegiance
Christine Rousselle
Families of Shooting Victims to de Blasio: 'We Need Stop-and-Frisk'
Leah Barkoukis
VIDEO: GOP Senators Paul and McCain Battle on the Senate Floor Over Patriot Act
With the looming expiration of some previsions in the Patriot Act, America's foremost domestic surveillance law, Republican Senators John McCain and Rand Paul sparred over debate time preceding a vote.
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Welfare for the One Percent
Ron Paul
This month Congress will consider whether to renew the charter of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank).
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VIDEO: Jeb Bush: 'I'm For a Path to Legalized Status'
In a recent interview, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said he supports legal status for millions of people who entered America illegally.
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How Universal Pre-K Scams Your Child
Katie Kieffer
If you love your child, and I know you do, its time to say bye bye to the social pacifier that is free universal preschool.
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VIDEO: A Huge Victory on Mass Surveillance for Eric Snowden
It is the first serious reversal in almost four decades for the US intelligence agencies in terms of accumulation of power and a huge victory for the whistleblower Edward Snowden.
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Undeterred by Waitlists, Parents Apply in Droves for School Lotteries
Kevin Glass
"Lottery," to you, might bring to mind ping-pong balls bouncing around in a glass tube, as millions anxiously wait to see if they'll win millions of dollars.
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Rand Paul: I Bet My Critics Are Rooting for a Terrorist Attack, Just So They Can Blame Me
Guy Benson
In case you're just tuning into the NSA/surveillance battle on Capitol Hill, a handful of the PATRIOT Act's provisions expired last night, with Sen. Rand Paul declaring temporary victory over what he calls an excessive and illegal federal surveillance state.
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Blue on Blue: Martin O'Malley Takes Direct Shots at Hillary Clinton
Guy Benson
In case you missed it -- and we can't blame you if you did -- former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley announced his candidacy for president over the weekend.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
IRS Workers Still on Track to Get Bonuses
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Poll: Americans Favor Suing Obama For Immigration Overhaul
Sarah Jean Seman
Sarah Jean Seman
Carlos Slim: The New York Times' Sugar Daddy
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
4 Pieces of Conservative Advice For Young Conservative Men
Kurt Schlichter
Kurt  Schlichter
An Embarrassment to Our University
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
It's Socialism, not Deodorant, That Starves the Poor
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
Freedom Is Offensive
Terry Paulson
Terry Paulson
Who's Afraid of the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
Rachel Alexander
Rachel Alexander
I Reserve the Right to Offend You
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Liz Harrison
Rand, Lindsey & George (Pataki)
Rich Galen
Rich Galen
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Colorado D.A. Confirms Shooting Of Three Thugs Was "Common Sense Self-Defense" | Bob Owens
House Democrat Backed By Insurance Companies Pushes Mandatory Gun Insurance | Bob Owens
A WELL-REGULATED MILITIA: Bounding Fire & Movement | Staff
Open Carry, Campus Carry Pass In Texas | Bob Owens
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Father: Son shot by Oklahoma troopers was not violent | AP News
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Analysis: By design, Paul stands alone in presidential race | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
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