Friday, June 26, 2015

Townhall PM - Same-Sex Marriage Legal in All 50 States - June 26, 2015

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  Must Reads  
Supreme Court Rules 5-4 Gay Marriage Is a Constitutional Right, Bans Struck Down
Katie Pavlich
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Man Beheaded By ISIS at U.S. Based Chemical Plant in France, 27 Killed at Resort in Tunisia
Katie Pavlich
Oh My: Apparently, Hillary Clinton Didn't Turn Over All Of Her Work-Related Emails
Matt Vespa
Majority of Americans Believe The Economy Is Still Hurting
Katie Pavlich
McAuliffe Considers Reinstating Dangerous Parole to 'Safeguard' Taxpayer Dollars
Cortney O'Brien
Sheldon Whitehouse Thinks the Department of Justice Should Silence Climate Change Skeptics
Aaron Bandler
No, Mr. President, the Obamacare Debate Isn't Over
Guy Benson
VIDEO: EU Leaders Agree to Relocate 40,000 Migrants
European Union leaders have agreed to relocate 40,000 migrants from Italy and Greece to other EU countries over the next two years, in an effort to share the burden of a growing migrant crisis.
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The Media's Vile Attacks on Conservative Assimilationists
Michelle Malkin
I have had enough of smug liberal elites wrapped in their "Celebrate Diversity" banners tearing down minority conservatives.
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VIDEO: 'Abortion Drone' To Fly Pills Across Border Into Poland
Women's rights groups are planning to deliver abortion pills by drone from Germany to Poland in an attempt to help women in the country terminate their pregnancies.
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All the Rage These Days
Erick Erickson
If you have not realized it, outrage is about the only tool left in the Democrats' political arsenal.
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VIDEO: Tennessee Abortion Clinics Sue to Stop New State Laws
Three Tennessee abortion clinics are suing to block new state laws set to take effect Wednesday.
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Memphis Mayor Wants to Dig Up Dead Confederate War General
Todd Starnes
Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton wants to dig up the bodies of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife and remove them from a city park in the latest and perhaps most despicable example of the anti-Southern cleansing spreading across the nation
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ROUNDUP: 2016 Candidate Reactions to Obergefell v. Hodges Decision
Christine Rousselle
Lots of opinions.
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Obama: Same-Sex Marriage Ruling "Reaffirmed" America's Founding Principles
Daniel Doherty
"This ruling will strength all of our communities."
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Medical Costs Drive Record High Number of Americans to Delay Treatment
Sarah Jean Seman
Sarah Jean Seman
The Supreme Court's Gift to Republicans
S. E. Cupp
S. E. Cupp
Facing a Changing World Balance, Obama Makes Odd Choices
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
The Obama Robot's Gushy Podcast
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
F the "Respect Compact"
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
Liberals Are Playing A Racial Shell Game
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Marilyn Mosby Guilty of What She Seeks to Condemn
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Whitewashing the Democratic Party's History
Mona Charen
Mona Charen
The Iranian-American Nuclear Project
Caroline Glick
Caroline Glick
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Washington Post Blogger Suggests Firearms Aren't a Deterrent To Crime If Criminals Aren't Killed | Bob Owens
EMPIRE STATE REBELLION: New Yorkers REFUSED To Register More than 95-Percent Of "Assault Weapons" | Bob Owens
Open Carrier Terrorizes Three Stores In Mississippi, Is Lucky To Have Avoided Being Shot | Bob Owens
12 Y/O BLASTS Obama's Gun Control Grandstanding After Charleston Terror Attack | Bob Owens
Are Hockey Pucks – BULLETPROOF? | Bob Owens
Political News
Tears and sniffles in courtroom as gay marriage ruling read | AP News
Thousands attend Obama's eulogy for church shooting victims | AP News
Facebook staff diversity little changed over past year | Reuters News
Police around country gather to honor slain Cincinnati cop | AP News
The Latest: US condemns attacks in France, Kuwait, Tunisia | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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