Wednesday, June 24, 2015

'Warren Buffett Indicator' Signals Massive Collapse


Michael Reagan


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Dear Reader,

It is only a matter of time before the stock market plunges by 50% or more, according to several reputable experts.

Mark Spitznagel, the hedge fund manager who is famous for his hugely profitable billion-dollar bet on the 2008 crisis, said, "We have no right to be surprised by a severe and imminent stock market crash. In fact, we must absolutely expect it."

Unfortunately, Spitznagel isn't alone.

"We are in a gigantic financial asset bubble," warns Swiss adviser and fund manager Marc Faber. "It could burst any day."

And billion-dollar investor Warren Buffett is rumored to be preparing for a collapse as well, as his "Warren Buffett Indicator" is breaching crash-alert status.

So With a Severe Market Crash
    Looming, What Should You Do?

There are no easy answers . . .

And that is why our top investment expert, Sean Hyman, has prepared a video that explains what you should do next. (It's not what you think!)

In this must-see video, Sean even reveals his "crash alert system" and how he plans on getting 18.79% a year . . . for the rest of his life.

Click Here to Watch This Exciting Video Now

   Christian Hill
   Financial Publisher
   Newsmax Finance


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