Tuesday, June 30, 2015

WindowSecurity.com - Last day to take part in the WindowSecurity.com 2015 site survey

WindowSecurity.com - Last day to take part in the WindowSecurity.com 2015 site survey

Hi Security World,

Just Published
Last day to take part in the WindowSecurity.com 2015 site survey (on 30 June 2015 by The Editor)
TechGenix, in collaboration with Pluralsight, will be giving away a Pluralsight Annual Plus subscription to one lucky participant.

Recent Articles & Tutorials
Windows 10 Trusted Computing Base a Comprehensive Security Strategy (on 24 June 2015 by Ricky M. & Monique L. Magalhaes)
Windows 10 represents the new wave of software and security technology that for the next few years will start to replace the immortal Windows XP and other Windows flavours that have attempted to replace it. According to recent reports in 2015 there are still significant deployments of XP and the Windows 10 team have a significant challenge in replacing the legacy and securing the new trusted computing base.

Avira Exchange Security - Voted WindowSecurity.com Readers' Choice Award Winner - Email Anti Virus (on 18 June 2015 by The Editor)
Avira Exchange Security was selected the winner in the Email Anti Virus category of the WindowSecurity.com Readers' Choice Awards. Kaspersky Security for Mail Server and McAfee Email Protection were runner-up and second runner-up respectively.

Developing and Assessing your DLP Strategy (Part 4) (on 17 June 2015 by Deb Shinder)
In this article we’re going to look at what is in many ways the most important element since all of the others flow from it: the people who are involved in designing, implementing and working within the constraints of the DLP strategy.

Product Review: Netwrix Auditor v7.0 (on 16 June 2015 by Richard Hicks)
In this article the author reviews Netwrix Auditor v7.0.

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