Wednesday, July 29, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 07/29/2015

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New mystery in Afghanistan: Is Mullah Omar dead?
7/29/2015 10:01:15 AM  Ed Morrissey
If Osama bin Laden became the enduring face of al-Qaeda and virulent Islamist terror, Mullah Omar remains the face of the Taliban nearly fourteen years after 9/11. Rarely seen since the fall of the Taliban government, the one-eyed undisputed leader of

Christie: enjoy your pot now, stoners, because when I'm elected the party's over
7/29/2015 9:21:26 AM  Jazz Shaw
Hey, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and Washington! Smoke up those skunk weed spliffs while you can. (Don’t bother correcting me in the comments. I have no idea what the kids are calling it these days.) If Chris Christie is elected president your days of

Biden — his time as Hillary sinks?
7/29/2015 8:41:22 AM  Ed Morrissey
How desperate will Democrats have to be to turn their lonely eyes to Joe Biden? National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar argues that desperation has begun to be the operative mode as Hillary Clinton seems intent on proving just how disastrous a candidate

Fox opens up the kids' table to all the candidates… sort of
7/29/2015 8:01:04 AM  Jazz Shaw
With barely a week to go before next Thursday’s first GOP debate, Fox News seems to have finally settled on the structure for the event, if not the exact criteria for who will get a seat on the main stage. One of the chief questions plaguing the

Quotes of the Day
7/28/2015 10:11:14 PM  Jazz Shaw
Planned Parenthood has enlisted high-profile Washington public relations firm SKDKnickerbocker as it scrambles to deal with the ongoing scandal and release of a third undercover video Tuesday showing a clinic's staff handling fetal tissue after an

Video: Baby born at 23 weeks goes home with family after almost a year
7/28/2015 9:31:02 PM  Mary Katharine Ham
A beautiful video from North Dakota that serves as an antidote to the third gruesome installment in the Planned Parenthood undercover series, but also a reminder of what’s actually at stake. Meet Trevor Frolek, born at 1lb., 6 oz. and going home

Oh, that time raising the minimum wage gutted over 700,000 jobs
7/28/2015 8:41:26 PM  Matt Vespa
Are liberals better at economics or are they just more adept at selling ideas that drive purely on emotion? Increasing the minimum wage is a perfect example. Raising it increases the living standards for those who struggle earning such a wage, and those

Politico: Obama personally lobbied Jon Stewart twice
7/28/2015 8:01:56 PM  Ed Morrissey
Barack Obama famously disdains the kind of personal politicking that can build bipartisan coalitions for policy and budgets. He also has a tendency to ignore and shun the White House press corps for anything but lengthy lectures dressed up as press

Video: New EPA ozone regulations will be violated by… Yosemite National Park
7/28/2015 7:21:19 PM  Jazz Shaw
As you may have heard already, the EPA is not done handing out new environmental regulations. One set involves controlling ozone levels, and there were immediate concerns about them as soon as they were suggested. They were predicted to be the most

Black and Hispanic Chicago residents represent 'highest concentration' of concealed carry permit holders
7/28/2015 6:41:45 PM  Matt Vespa
The Land of Lincoln was the last state to recognize concealed carry rights in July of 2013 after the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state's law banning the carrying of firearms in public was unconstitutional in December of 2012.

Will Utah be the new Canada of oil sands extraction?
7/28/2015 6:01:16 PM  Jazz Shaw
One of the big complaints from environmental warriors who disdain the energy industry has been the “dirty tar sands” which produce oil through newer exploration methods from bitumen deposits in the Earth. Much of the production to date has

Charlie Hebdo: No more cartoons of Mohammed for us
7/28/2015 5:21:23 PM  Ed Morrissey
This is from last week, but it’s worth noting.  After several members of the Charlie Hebdo staff got slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in January, a large number of their colleagues blamed the magazine for deliberately provoking the attack with its

NJ public worker unions sue state for billions over pensions… again
7/28/2015 4:41:04 PM  Jazz Shaw
We previously discussed the dire financial situation in New Jersey where some lower courts had essentially fabricated a constitutional right to union pension payments out of thin air. Those efforts largely sagged in the weeks that followed, but the

People running to government to stop BBQ smell
7/28/2015 4:01:28 PM  Taylor Millard
There’s a new threat people want the government to put an end to: barbecue smell. Yes, the smell of barbecues grilling meat. There’s video out of Florida of a Pinellas County Environmental specialist talking to someone about the BBQ smoke and

TEMS Tuesday: Andrew Malcolm, Jeff Dunetz
7/28/2015 3:21:11 PM  Ed Morrissey
Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day! We’ll be on the Ustream channel: Andrew Malcolm joins us for Tuesdays with Andrew! The Prince of Twitter and I will discuss all of the hot political

Pollard wins parole, release date in November
7/28/2015 2:41:58 PM  Ed Morrissey
Well, that didn’t take long, did it? Just a few days after the Wall Street Journal reported that the US would free convicted spy Jonathan Pollard as a sop to the Israelis angry over the Iran deal, the parole board approved Pollard’s release.

Hillary outlines energy plan
7/28/2015 2:01:26 PM  Bruce McQuain
And, quite frankly, it’s as unachievable and utopian as all the other “clean energy” plans we’ve heard.  In fact, IBD calls it a “farce”.  And rightfully so. Why?  Well here are the basics: Clinton says she has two big

NY judge deals seemingly illegal setback to Citizens United against AG
7/28/2015 1:21:31 PM  Jazz Shaw
There’s been a battle going on in New York for quite a while now between Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Citizens United (CU) over the state government’s efforts to unmask charitable donors through some backhanded legal maneuvers. As

Fourth Planned Parenthood video could drop at Texas Senate hearing
7/28/2015 12:41:56 PM  Taylor Millard
Fresh off the heels of the Center for Medical Progress releasing video of a former Planned Parenthood worker discussing organ harvesting is the possibly of a fourth video. This time it won’t be on the Internet, it will be in a Texas Senate

Hillary on Keystone: You'll have to wait for my election to get my position
7/28/2015 12:01:27 PM  Ed Morrissey
Profiles in Courage this ain’t. As Hillary Clinton points out when asked directly whether she would approve the Keystone Pipeline, the proposal for this project came to State in 2009, which meant that Hillary had almost four years to deal with the

Jeb Bush vows to enact comprehensive immigration reform. To Telemundo. In Spanish.
7/28/2015 11:21:18 AM  Jazz Shaw
A story about Jeb Bush being in favor of amnesty, er… sorry, “comprehensive immigration reform” shouldn’t be anything new. But at the same time, the candidate seems to have been sending some mixed messages to the base over the

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Obama: Yeah, I could win a third term if I wanted
Rejoice, donut lovers. Now we have an "exercise pill"
TN lawmaker asks county clerks not to issue gay marriage licences
Feeling safe? Man boards plane in Dallas with no ticket
Walker: That Trump sounds kind of like a Democrat, doesn't he?
Putin thinks Sepp Blatter deserves a Nobel Prize
Mark Cuban describes Donald Trump in 43 words
Hey, this is prosperity
Uh oh: Fabulously wealthy multibillionaire may be less multi- than estimated
Hack for Android devices could impact 950 million


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