Friday, July 31, 2015

How States Are Using the Courts to Fight Against Police Taking People's Money and Property

The Daily Signal
July 31, 2015

How States Are Using the Courts to Fight Against Police Taking People's Money and Property

From coast to coast, states are tackling legislation that would protect property owners from abuses of a system that has become known as policing for profit.

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A California Judge Needs a Lesson in the First Amendment

A California court's temporary restraining order against the group behind undercover Planned Parenthood videos potentially violates fundamental First Amendment precedents that bar prior restraints on speech.

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Why Congress Could Face a Government Shutdown This Fall

The House and Senate are set to leave Washington, D.C., for a month-long summer break. But they are leaving behind unfinished business.

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22 of 23 Taxpayer-Backed Obamacare Co-Ops Lost Money In 2014, Audit Finds

Additionally, 13 of the 23 nonprofit insurers enrolled significantly less people than projected.

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Ben Carson: 'I Used to Be a Flaming Liberal'

Dr. Ben Carson sat down with The Daily Signal's Genevieve Wood to talk about the Planned Parenthood scandal and his views on America's growing debt.

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What's Wrong With Senate Energy Bill

The Senate is attempting to move forward with allegedly non-controversial legislation, the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015, which, according to proponents, contains no "poison pills."

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