Thursday, July 30, 2015

NEW: Confederate Flag T-Shirt

Take a stand against revisionist history.....
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The Patriot Depot
"If This Flag Offends You...
You Need a History Lesson." T-Shirt
Only $19.95!
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With all of the outrage and hoopla about the Confederate flag in recent days, we think it's time for those of us who actually understand our history to speak out. If you're like us, you don't hate anyone, you're not racist, you don't support or condone the evils of slavery in 19th century America (north and south). You're just a patriotic American who takes pride in our southern heritage, which has nothing to do with slavery or racism. And we want to provide a way for you to make that statement loud and clear, which is why we're releasing this Confederate Flag T-Shirt.

If you're tired of the liberal and progressive narrative of history determining what is acceptable and what isn't, then please take a stand with us and tell the liberals, "If the Confederate Flag offends you, you need a history lesson."

NOTE: These are selling out fast, and we're not sure when we'll be able to get more of them made. Order yours now before we run out!  Continue Reading...

The Confederate Flag:
Cause You Said I Can't T-Shirt
Only $19.95!
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Before the media's recent firestorm about the Confederate Flag flying over the South Carolina Capitol building, some of us may not have been Confederate flag flying rebels. But we dang sure are now! How dare the history revisionists demand that we ban this symbol of Southern pride and heritage?

They need to be shown that we can't be silenced by falsely slapping the "racist" label on us and blatantly lying about our history and what it's symbols mean. They may have won a couple of small battles, but they have also woken a sleeping giant. Patriots across the country need to stand up and send this message to the liberals: "Don't tell us what to do!"

This t-shirt perfectly captures our spirit: "Cause You Said I Can't."  Continue Reading...
Don't Tread on Me Folding Rescue Knife
Only $19.95!
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The black handle features a medallion with the Don't Tread on Me coiled snake, which is also etched into the blade.

Super fast spring-assisted opening action – just flick the stud on back spine of knife for instant blade deployment! Built in seat belt cutter and glass breaker.

4.5" closed. 3" partially serrated surgical steel blade.  Continue Reading...
America: Imagine the World
Without Her DVD
Only $19.95!
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Liberals and progressives love to criticize and condemn America for all of the horrendous things she has alledgedly committed. Revisionist history has been taught to the American population for several generations now, leaving very few who know America's true history.

"You'll be inspired."Rush Limbaugh

To hear the progressive's tell the story, you'd think we stole our land from Native Americans and Mexicans, built our country on the backs of the African slave trade, and now are using our military might to rob other countries of their oil. And to top it all off, we have a capitalistic system that keeps everyone from getting their "fair share". Dinesh sets all of those myths straight and more, with the help of Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul, Noam Chomsky, Alan Dershowitz, and others.

While America may have her faults, we are still the freest, most prosperous, and most generous country in the world. It's almost impossible to quantify all of the ways the world benefits from America's existance. But instead of arguing about what America has done, maybe it would be easier to take a different approach to the subject... Has anyone actually stopped to think about what the world would look like without America? I won't give any spoilers here, but suffice to say, it's not a pretty sight.

"This film should be seen by every patriotic American."Jon Voight

In this new documentary from Dinesh D'Souza, creator of 2016: Obama's America, we get a sobering look at a world where America never existed.  Continue Reading...

The New England Pulpit and
the American Revolution
Only $16.95!
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The diminishing light of civil liberty in this land is linked directly to the lack of preaching on it in today's pulpits. Dr. Alice Baldwin's wonderful book is a welcome antidote to this problem, should we be willing to take it.

Dr. Baldwin illustrates how the preachers of the early American era thought and practiced just the opposite as today. Mountains of research in colonial sermons, tracts, pamphlets, and other publications, reveals how the pulpits of colonial America rang constantly on all aspects of the public square: good rulers, good laws, good forms of government, and the blessings of liberty. We especially hear of those choice values of biblical order that became the battle cries of American independence.

Commenting on the classic paraphrase of "life, liberty, and property," Baldwin proclaims,

No one can fully understand the American Revolution and the American constitutional system without a realization of the long history and religious associations which lie behind these words; without realizing that for a hundred years before the Revolution men were taught that these rights were protected by divine, inviolable law."

Covering the entire revolutionary era, she concludes that the central force behind it all was the pulpit's application of the Word of God to politics and government. She says, "It must not be forgotten, in the multiplicity of authors mentioned, that the source of greatest authority and the one most commonly used was the Bible." And she proves that "from the law of God they derived their political theories."

It is long past time to recover the great and powerful preaching of our founding era—a time when pastors did not fear to preach politics, resist tyranny, and found their governments on the Bible. Dr. Baldwin's nearly-forgotten book is a powerful resource toward that end. We recommend it to every pastor and every Christian in hope that they follow the example of its subject matter even more.   Continue Reading...

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