Monday, August 31, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 08/31/2015

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Oct 20, Are you prepared for the upcoming financial storm?
5 Best and Worst IRA / 401(K) Rollover Decisions ever made Special: 6 Banks in America Backing New Form of Currency, Will Render Your Money Useless!
Rouhani to Iranian parliament: Don't make deal legally binding
8/31/2015 10:01:56 AM  Ed Morrissey
Over the weekend, the undecideds in Congress got another confidence-builder from Iran on the nuclear deal that Barack Obama and John Kerry insist they support. If Congress approves the deal, it carries legal weight in the US, at least for the next 16

Forget 2016. Let's kick Kanye 2020 into gear
8/31/2015 9:21:48 AM  Jazz Shaw
Before launching into this important political story I have a rather embarrassing confession to make: I didn’t actually watch the Video Music Awards last night as part of my preparations to report on the critical issues of the day for you. I meant

Sorry, McKinley: Obama orders name change of highest continental peak to "Denali"
8/31/2015 8:41:32 AM  Ed Morrissey
For 98 years, the highest mountain in North America officially carried the name of William McKinley, the third US president to have been assassinated in office. First federally recognized in 1917, the name for the Alaskan peak went back in popular usage

EPA hits farmer with $16M in fines for building stock pond
8/31/2015 8:01:18 AM  Jazz Shaw
It was just this weekend when we saw the EPA moving head with sweeping regulations which redefine the meaning of the Clean Water Act, seeking to extend their control over every pool of water in the country, despite the fact that a federal judge had put

Special: 6 Banks in America Backing New Form of Currency, Will Render Your Money Useless!
5 Best and Worst IRA / 401(K) Rollover Decisions
Oct 20, Are you prepared for the upcoming financial storm?

Quotes of the day
8/30/2015 8:01:38 PM  Allahpundit
Donald Trump says it's not all about him. No, seriously. Campaigning in Nashville, Tennessee, Trump on Saturday paid homage to his supporters — claiming they are a part of "a movement" and using colorful language to beg for their support. "This is a

The Last Ship open thread: The Missing Man table gets serious
8/30/2015 6:31:47 PM  Ed Morrissey
This ain’t Star Trek: The Original Series, folks — it’s not just the redshirts that are at risk in war. Last week’s episode, “Valkyrie,” featured an explosive plot twist that sent two significant cast members into the

Scott Walker: A wall on the northern border might be nice.
8/30/2015 5:01:12 PM  Taylor Millard
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is doing his best Sheila Broflovski from South Park imitation by shouting "Blame Canada!" and suggesting a wall along the northern border is a "legitimate issue." He told Chuck Todd on Meet the Press that people along the

Report: General Electric won't move to Texas because Jeb Hensarling doesn't support Ex-Im
8/30/2015 3:31:58 PM  Taylor Millard
General Electric is apparently not going to move to Texas because Congressman Jeb Hensarling doesn’t support the Export-Import Bank. Bloomberg cited the ever nebulous "people familiar with the matter" in their report on Friday. GE told Dallas

Sanders: hey… I've always been a big gun control guy, ya know
8/30/2015 2:01:14 PM  Jazz Shaw
Back at the beginning of the summer I predicted that Bernie Sanders was going to get hit on guns if he started becoming too much of a threat to Hillary Clinton. No matter all of the discussion of his socialist bona fides, Bernie is from a gun friendly

WaPo editorial writer about to become very unpopular with #BlackLivesMatter
8/30/2015 12:31:32 PM  Jazz Shaw
When we talk about growing violence in America’s larger cities we frequently focus on New York and Baltimore. (And for good reason, to be honest.) But the nation’s capital has been experiencing its own problems along those lines lately. A

Sunday reflection: Mark 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23
8/30/2015 12:01:56 PM  Ed Morrissey
"Sunday Reflection" is a regular feature, looking at the specific readings used in today's Mass in Catholic parishes around the world. The reflection represents only my own point of view, intended to help prepare myself for the Lord's day and

Christie: we're going to track illegal immigrants like FedEx packages (Updated)
8/30/2015 11:01:48 AM  Jazz Shaw
Contrary to popular belief, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is apparently still running for president and presenting his plans for the nation. This week that process included laying out part of his vision for handling the illegal immigration problem.

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Trump is setting the GOP's agenda
Why the new black nationalists are ineffective
Jeb Bush: Trump's border wall won't work
Trump: I don't want to run attack ads
"You know if you don't want to entice a rapist, don't wear high heels so you can't run from him"
The anti-Trump angst grows
Scott Walker: We should consider building a northern border wall with Canada too
Great news: Kanye West running for president in 2020
Rising anxiety that stocks are overpriced
Research: A nap a day could save your life

Special: 6 Banks in America Backing New Form of Currency, Will Render Your Money Useless!
5 Best and Worst IRA / 401(K) Rollover Decisions
Oct 20, Are you prepared for the upcoming financial storm?


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