Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mailbag: VoIP standards

Today's focus: Mailbag: VoIP standards


In this issue:

* Readers weigh in on importance of standards for VoIP
* Links related to Convergence
* Featured reader resource
This newsletter is sponsored by WiredRed Software

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When it comes to VoIP, most network managers are satisfied that
the technology works. But there are questions: What will the new
technology cost to roll out and support, and what benefits can
companies expect to reap? Check out NW's step-by-step guide on
how to determine the true cost and benefits of VoIP. Click here:

Today's focus: Mailbag: VoIP standards

By Steve Taylor and Larry Hettick

Today we'd like to pass on three reader comments about vendor
support for VoIP standards vs. their internally developed

One reader takes issue with our contention that proprietary
protocols aren't necessarily bad in a closed (single enterprise)
system. He writes:

"The bad thing about proprietary protocols, even in a contained
environment, is lack of commercially available test equipment,
and a lack of readily available maintenance talent. This forces
the users to get vendor support, which increases costs for both
the end user and the vendor, which further increases costs for
the end user. So while from a consultant's perspective
proprietary protocols may be theoretically OK, from an
operations management perspective they are not."

Our reply: Excellent point - and an alert to readers who are
constructing their business case to include these added costs
that may have not been included in the original calculations.

The second reader suggests that some vendors may prefer to
support proprietary protocols to add another layer of security
since proprietary products are less vulnerable to malicious

Our reply: While the reader's premise is true, we would hope
that network engineers would consider both proprietary AND
standards-based products equally vulnerable. After all, a cut
cable or an employee bent on destruction can do damage to both.

In the third comment (really, our third "set" of comments) many
vendors noted that they have had SIP-based VoIP equipment for
some time, and would be happy to brief us and our readers about

Our reply: Now that summer's over and school is about to begin,
we look forward to a full fall season of trade shows and
briefings on many more convergence-related topics.

The top 5: Today's most-read stories

1. Cisco preparing management play

2. IT staff shortage looming

3. Questions surround smartphone security

4. Google goes berserk

5. CLECs play a new tune

Today's most-forwarded story:

IT staff shortage looming
To contact: Steve Taylor and Larry Hettick

Steve Taylor is president of Distributed Networking Associates
and publisher/editor-in-chief of Webtorials. For more detailed
information on most of the topics discussed in this newsletter,
connect to Webtorials <>, the premier
site for Web-based educational presentations, white papers, and
market research. Taylor can be reached at

Larry Hettick is an industry veteran with more than 20 years of
experience in voice and data. He is Vice President for Telecom
Services and Infrastructure at Current Analysis, the leading
competitive response solutions company. He can be reached at
This newsletter is sponsored by WiredRed Software

e/pop Web Conferencing - Share desktop, apps, PowerPoint and
multiparty video. Secure connections with SSL and even your own
PKI. Easy admin with user, feature and QoS controls. Software or
service: easy 5 minute server install, or one phone call hosted
service activation. Free trial.

Archives of the Convergence newsletter:
Trends affecting WAN in powerful ways - Webcast Explains

A panel of experts will help you understand the principles of
the Adaptive WAN and how it can help you proactively address the
challenges emerging in your evolving enterprise IT architecture.

Outsourcing. Automation. Downsizing. The industry has been awash
in unemployed IT pros. But experts are now predicting an IT
staffing crunch is just around the corner, and the implications
for U.S. technology innovation are sobering. What might be
causing the shortage and what might need to be done to prevent
it? Click here:
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Copyright Network World, Inc., 2005

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