Monday, August 01, 2005

[UNIX] Bugzilla Multiple Vulnerabilities (Unauthorized Bug Change, Information Disclosure)

The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list, and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site:
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Bugzilla Multiple Vulnerabilities (Unauthorized Bug Change, Information


<> Bugzilla is "server software designed to help
you manage software development".

Lack of proper privileges checking in Bugzilla, allows attackers to expose
or hide bugs, change their status, and/or obtain bug information before
changing their status to private.


Vulnerable Systems:
* Bugzilla development snapshots version 2.19.3
* Bugzilla version 2.18.1
* Bugzilla version 2.17.1

Immune Systems:
* Bugzilla version 2.18.2
* Bugzilla version 2.20rc1

Unauthorized Bug Change:
Any user can change any flag on any bug, even if they don't have access to
that bug, or even if they can't normally make bug changes. This also
allows them to expose the summary of a bug.

By manually modifying a link to process_bug.cgi, it is possible to change
a flag on a bug that you do not have access to, because Bugzilla does not
validate that the flag you are attempting to change is associated with the
bug that you are attempting to change.

If the attacker makes a flag change which causes the attacker to be
emailed, the attacker will see the summary of the bug in that email.

If you are using the request_group or grant_group features of 2.19, the
attacker will be prevented from exploiting this security hole if they do
not have permission to change the flag in the fashion that they are
changing it.

Information Disclosure:
Bugs are inserted into the database before they are marked as private, in
Bugzilla code. Thus, MySQL replication can lag in between the time that
the bug is inserted and when it is marked as private (usually less than a
second). If replication lags at this point, the bug summary will be
accessible to all users until replication catches up.

Also, on a very slow machine, there may be a pause longer than a second
that allows users to see the title of the newly-filed bug.

Vendor Status:
The fixes for all of the security bugs mentioned in this advisory are
included in the 2.18.2 and 2.20rc1 releases. Upgrading to these releases
will protect installations from possible exploits of these issues.

Full release downloads, patches to upgrade Bugzilla from previous
versions, and CVS upgrade instructions are available at:

Specific patches for each of the individual issues can be found on the
corresponding bug reports for each issue, at the URL given in the
reference for that issue in the list above.


The information has been provided by <> mkanat.
Bug reports about the issues can be found at:


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