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Thursday, September 01, 2005

[TOOL] RWKG Random WEP/WPA Keys Generator

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RWKG Random WEP/WPA Keys Generator



The RWKG tool can be used to generate random WEP and WPA keys.

These randomly generated a strings of allowed ASCII characters are then
converted to their hex format (where 5/13/16/29 characters are used to
create 64/128/152/256 bits WEP keys, or between 8 and 63 characters
strings to create WPA/PSK keys).


# Random WEP/WPA Keys Generator
# This tool generate a random string of
# allowed ascii characters and convert it
# to hex format (5/13/16/29 characters are
# necessary to create 64/128/152/256 bits
# WEP keys, 8-63 characters strings instead
# to create WPA/PSK keys).
# Code for proof use only.
# Legal notes :
# BlackAngels staff refuse all responsabilities
# for an incorrect or illegal use of this software
# or for eventual damages to others systems.

# Variables
$keytype = $ARGV[ 0 ];
$keydimension = $ARGV[ 1 ];
$string = " !#\$\%\\&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\".
"@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[^]". "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{~|}";
@chars = split(//,$string);
$n = @chars - 1;

# Random WEP/WPA Keys Generator
if ($keytype eq "WEP") {
if ($keydimension eq 64) { $key = generate(5); }
elsif ($keydimension eq 128) { $key =
generate(13); }
elsif ($keydimension eq 152) { $key =
generate(16); }
elsif ($keydimension eq 256) { $key =
generate(29); }
else { usage(); }

print "\n\n[*] Generating WEP key ...\n";
$type = "WEP";
elsif ($keytype eq "WPA") {
if ($keydimension >= 8 && $keydimension <= 63)

if ($keydimension <= 20) { print "\nWarning: WPA/PSK keys with a length
of less then 20 characters, could be simply found via bruteforce attack
.."; }

$key = generate($keydimension)

else { usage(); }

print "\n\n[*] Generating WPA/PSK key ...\n";
$type = "WPA/PSK";
else { usage(); }

$hex = unpack('H*', $key);
print "\n[+] Random $type key";
print "\n [-] ASCII Value -> $key";
print "\n [-] Hex Value -> $hex\n\n";

# Subroutines
sub generate
my ($len) = @_;
for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {
$index = int(rand $n);
$key = $key . $chars[$index];
return $key;

sub usage
print "\nUsage :\n";
print "perl <key type> <key dimension>\n";
print "Key types allowed: WEP, WPA\n";
print "Key dimension WEP allowed values: 64, 128, 152, 256\n";
print "Key dimension WPA/PSK allowed values: 8/63\n";
print "Code for proof use only\n\n";


The information has been provided by <>
D'Amato Luigi.
To keep updated with the tool visit the project's homepage at:


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