Wednesday, October 26, 2005

IBM adds strategy-mapping tool to Workplace

All the week's news and views about Security, 10/26/05
This newsletter is sponsored by ConSentry Networks
Stop Malware in Milliseconds Not Minutes

Detect and contain malware in milliseconds before it spreads and
takes down your network. ConSentry uses custom algorithms based
on malware behavior, rather than complex baselining or
signatures, to thwart attacks and ensure network availability.
For more information click here
This newsletter is sponsored by Trend Micro

The Trend Micro Threat Map dynamically displays real-time data
to show worldwide trends in virus and content security threats
as they happen. Collected from actual computer infections, the
Threat Map can be used to help determine appropriate security
policies, based on the prevalence of threats that can adversely
affect your business.

Network World's Security News Alert

Skype patches critical flaws, 10/25/05
Skype users are being urged to upgrade to the latest version of
the popular Internet telephony client, thanks to a number of
critical flaws in the software that were disclosed Tuesday by
Skype's maker, Skype Technologies.

Postini to sell threat-identification technology to others,
10/25/05 <>
E-mail security service provider Postini Monday made
commercially available the Postini Threat Identification Network
service, which the company has been using internally to pinpoint
senders of spam and malicious e-mail.

Extortion virus makes rounds in Russia, 10/25/05
Two new versions of a virus first reported in May are staging
renewed attacks against computers in Russia, encrypting files
and then extorting money from victims to decode the files.

Spammers' new tricks, 10/25/05
You gotta hand it to spammers for at least one thing: They're
industrious. Always trying to get into your servers and bypass
your anti-spam software, spammers are now launching some...

The top 5: Today's most-read stories

1. Cisco talking IP-radio nets
2. How to respond to a security breach
3. School traps infected PCs in its web
4. Cartoon of the Week
5. CTO: BellSouth lost 9 COs to Katrina

To contact:

Senior Editor Ellen Messmer covers security for Network World.
Contact her at <>.
This newsletter is sponsored by ConSentry Networks
Stop Malware in Milliseconds Not Minutes

Detect and contain malware in milliseconds before it spreads and
takes down your network. ConSentry uses custom algorithms based
on malware behavior, rather than complex baselining or
signatures, to thwart attacks and ensure network availability.
For more information click here

Security research center Latest security news, analysis,
newsletters and resource links.


Grid computing continues to gain ground and vendors such as IBM,
Platform Computing, Sun, SAS and Univa are launching services,
products and partnerships to support this growth. But will
challenges such as software licensing, security and bandwidth
issues hinder grid rollouts? Click here for more:

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