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Monday, October 03, 2005

Jupiter Webcast: Optimizing Self-Service Search: Zeroing In on Usability Flaws

Register today for this Jupiter Webcast:
Optimizing Self-Service Search: Zeroing In on Usability Flaws 
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Registration is FREE for qualified attendees. This Webcast is sponsored by InQuira, Inc. For more information and to access this event now visit

David Daniels, Research Director, JupiterResearch
Mark Woollen, Vice President, Products, InQuira, Inc.

According to a recent JupiterResearch consumer survey, 90% of consumers who have made an online purchase in the past six months said they used site search to access self-service content. And companies benefiting from site search have told JupiterResearch that visitors using search are converting orders at an increased rate, with some retailers reporting a 50% improvement in aver order value. 

However, the usability of online self-service continues to challenge consumers. Many consumers find self-service inefficient, with higher dissatisfaction with the efficiency of the search tool rather than the features of the search. 

In this Webcast David Daniels, Research Director at JupiterResearch, discusses: 

- Which consumers are most likely to embrace self-service search tools.
- Which site search usability issues are most troublesome to consumers.
- Tactics and best practices to improve self-service search usability. 

Joining David is Mark Woollen, InQuira's Vice President of Products, who shares best practice examples from Fortune 1000 companies that have achieved measurable success with search self-service by understanding and responding to customer needs through intelligent search interactions. 

Registration is FREE. To view this event now visit

Jupiter Webcast are educational Web conferences focusing on IT and Internet related business issues. Each Webcast runs approximately 45 to 60 minutes in total, and integrates a PowerPoint presentation with audio. 

This Webcast is sponsored by InQuira. InQuira is an innovator in applying Intelligent Search technology to improve the quality of personalized customer interactions through websites and through contact centers. Customers include industry leaders like Bank of America, Honda, Fidelity Investments, Yahoo!, PayPal, Mentor Graphics, and many others. For more information, please visit 

For additional information about sponsoring a Jupiter Webinar, please contact Mary Warley at or call 508-660-1404. 

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