NEW! Wi-Fi Product Watch [October 14, 2005] The latest updates and new products in wireless networking: Linksys debuts USB adapter/signal finder; Network Magic 2.0 helps setup; Buffalo ships new antennas and Ethernet-to-wireless adapter; and more. NEW! Roam From Town to Town [October 13, 2005] Pronto's investment in a nationwide grid of municipal networks stresses applications even in cities without a wireless deployment yet as much as roaming. NEW! Palm Offers New Wi-Fi Handheld [October 12, 2005] The PDA vendor unleashes two new handhelds, the entry-level Palm Z22 and the higher-end Palm TX with Wi-Fi, as it discontinues the Zire and Tungsten brands. NEW! Hotspot Hits [October 12, 2005] The latest in public access Wi-Fi: Several new B&N stores opening with FreedomLink service; Clearwire to sell at Best Buy; Intel announces unwired campuses; and more. NEW! Are SMBs Unhappy With Remote Access? [October 11, 2005] A new study claims 80 percent of SMBs think SSL-VPN is too expensive for them. More News >> NEW! Covad's Acquisition of NextWeb Makes Sense [October 11, 2005] It's the biggest ISP deal in recent memory. WISPs are interested, especially those hoping to sell out at the same valuation. So here's the deal. NEW! Winning Municipal Business [October 10, 2005] A major ISP just won national attention with a public contract win. Here's what it took to win the first contract, and what's coming next. Dont Forget Fixed WiMax [October 7, 2005] Of course mobile WiMax (802.16e) will overtake fixed wireless but not until around 2010, says analyst. Making Location Awareness Useful [October 3, 2005] AeroScout's deployment with a Canadian mining operation showcases how Wi-Fi for positioning and RFID can improve workflow and the bottom line. More Insights >> Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo Fall 2005, the premier event for search engine marketing and optimization, returns to Chicago Dec. 5-8, 2005. Be part of this exclusive gathering of search professionals that features world-renowned search engine expert Danny Sullivan. Whether you are new to search marketing and need to come up to speed or are experienced and looking to further your existing knowledge, the show offers plenty to everyone of all levels. Register early & save! | Interested in placing your TEXT AD HERE? Click Here NEW! Nikon CoolPix P2 [October 14, 2005] You got your Wi-Fi into my camera finally and despite some connection glitches, this initial 5-megapixel camera with 802.11g for image transfers works well. ZyXEL Prestige 2000W Wireless VoIP Phone [October 5, 2005] Until someone ships a phone with true cellular/Wi-Fi convergence, this VoIP unit for connecting at some (but not all) WLANs and hotspots could be the best way to make cheap calls on the road. Iogear Bluetooth USB/Parallel Wireless Printing Kit [September 29, 2005] The kit includes everything you need to make any printer a wireless printer. While we hit a few connection snags, some small office / home office users will find this an ideal way to unwire their printer. TRENDnet 802.11g Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter with HotSpot Detector (All-in-1) [September 26, 2005] Why limit your USB adapter to simply connecting you to a network? This product will give you info on networks before you even boot up the laptop. More Reviews >> NEW! Bluetooth: Plugging the Latest Enterprise Security Loophole [October 14, 2005] Bluetooth is everywhere today and needs to be secured just like the mini WiFi hub it is, writes CIO Update guest columnist Brian Hernacki of Symantec. NEW! Understanding WEP Encryption Bit by Bit [October 14, 2005] Wireless technology is confusing enough, but when terminology collides, it can get ugly. We sort out a bit of encryption confusion. Plus, will a wireless network mess with cordless phones? NEW! Your Next WAP: Hold the Cheese? [October 13, 2005] They're made of the same components and do the same work. What's the difference between enterprise and SOHO WAPs? NEW! FreeRADIUS and Linux Secure Your WLAN [October 11, 2005] Part One: Wireless security is still a bit of a mess. With Linux and RADIUS, you can begin to straighten it out. NEW! Improving Security with Wi-Fi Video Surveillance [October 11, 2005] Installing wireless video cameras is easy, and can improve the physical security of your facility. Learn what you need in order to deploy video surveillance solutions over wireless networks. More Tutorials >>
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