Friday, October 14, 2005

Symantec patches Veritas NetBackup bug

All the week's news and views about Security, 10/14/05
This newsletter is sponsored by Cisco Systems
Cisco Threat Defense System Guide: How to Provide Effective Worm

Worms are among the biggest security challenges to business
productivity today. Protect your networks with an integrated
security solution that is both flexible and pervasive, providing
collaboration between networking and security services, and
comprehensive coverage from your network to your endpoints -
Cisco Threat Defense System.
This newsletter is sponsored by Trend Micro

The Trend Micro Threat Map dynamically displays real-time data
to show worldwide trends in virus and content security threats
as they happen. Collected from actual computer infections, the
Threat Map can be used to help determine appropriate security
policies, based on the prevalence of threats that can adversely
affect your business.

Network World's Security News Alert

Symantec patches Veritas NetBackup bug, 10/13/05

Symantec has patched a critical vulnerability in its Veritas
NetBackup software that could be used to seize control of an
unpatched system.

Exploit code discovered for new Microsoft flaw, 10/13/05

Security assessment vendor Immunity has discovered a way to
exploit a recently disclosed bug in Microsoft's Windows
operating system, and researchers are concerned that a new worm
attack, similar to last August's Zotob outbreak, may be

Microsoft employee blasts 'fake' service pack, 10/13/05

A Microsoft employee has warned against downloading an
unauthorized version of Windows XP Service Pack 3 that has
surfaced on a popular Web site that provides software patches.

Microsoft aligns with Nigeria to crack down on scams, 10/14/05

The Nigerian government and Microsoft Friday signed an agreement
calling for the software giant to help law enforcement break up
crime rings that use the Internet for fraud and theft.

Phishing scams harder to pull off, group says, 10/13/05

The number of days a phishing site remains online has dropped to
an average of 5.5 days, a sign that countermeasures against
fraudulent Web sites are being enacted with increased speed,
according the Anti-Phishing Working Group, which monitors
phishing trends and online crime.

Open source Nessus security tool to be commercialized, 10/13/05

Tenable Network Security, the sponsor for the widely used open
source vulnerability scanning tool Nessus for discovering
weaknesses in software, plans to commercialize Nessus in a major
upgrade to be unveiled next month.

Symantec testing 'Big Brother' database appliance, 10/13/05

Engineers within Symantec's research and development
organization have built a new database security appliance that
could eventually lead the company into the database security
business. The project has been tested by a handful of Symantec
customers since September, and the company is expected to decide
within the next few months whether to bring it to market.

U.S. still world's top spammer, 10/13/05

The U.S. is still the world's top spammer, but the percentage of
unsolicited commercial e-mail originating from within its
borders is dropping, according to a report published Wednesday
by security vendor Sophos.

The top 5: Today's most-read stories

1. Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine has serious bug
2. New WLAN group shakes up standards process
3. Windows 2000 vulnerability could lead to new outbreak
4. You won't find this book on Oprah's list
5. IETF effort promises fewer net failures

To contact:

Senior Editor Ellen Messmer covers security for Network World.
Contact her at <>.
This newsletter is sponsored by Cisco Systems
Cisco Threat Defense System Guide: How to Provide Effective Worm

Worms are among the biggest security challenges to business
productivity today. Protect your networks with an integrated
security solution that is both flexible and pervasive, providing
collaboration between networking and security services, and
comprehensive coverage from your network to your endpoints -
Cisco Threat Defense System.

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Network World Technology Insider on Security: Is Encryption the

Encryption won't solve all your security issues but these days
there is no excuse for not safeguarding your organization's
sensitive data. From Clear Choice product coverage to new
regulations and high-profile breaches, this Technology Insider
on Security covers it all. Click here to read now:

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