Thursday, October 20, 2005

[TOOL] Network Utilities from Bindshell

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Network Utilities from Bindshell



<> hosts some nice
networking and other tools, take a look at:

* synscan - A very quick half-open portscanner with optional
multithreaded protocol specific probing tool.

* ipsort - takes input from standard in, a file or list of files and
sorts the ip addresses.

* rfidtool - is a linux command line tool for editing rfid tags.
Functionality includes reading, writing, saving, loading and erasing. It
currently supports ACGs PCMCIA/CF Multi-Tag Readers.

* massresolve - This program performs reverse dns lookups for network
blocks or an input file and supports multi threading.

* kismet-parse - kismet-parse is a small perl script for parsing kismet
network files. It displays information relating to the MAC address of the
discovered access points and clients


To keep updated with the tool visit the project's homepage at:


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