Monday, June 18, 2007

Symantec Adds Risk Management Consulting

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Symantec Adds Risk Management Consulting - June 18, 2007
With risk assessment and management scattered among departments, Symantec says it can help firms tie them all together.

Four Bot Herders Get Put Out To Pasture - June 18, 2007
Four down, 18,000 to go. FBI finally starts to nail people responsible for offers of low mortgages and "herbal v14gr4."

Microsoft Unleashes a Slew of Critical Fixes - June 15, 2007
Six bulletins, 15 fixes, most of them critical. Time to get patching.

Storage RAIGE - June 15, 2007
EIT Toolkit: Pivot3's storage cluster infrastructure features RAID protection and non-disruptive expansion.

Six Sigma Crushing Creativity? - June 14, 2007
Elsewhere in IT: While rigid processes can squeeze out the profits, they can turn into the bane of business agility and the killer of corporate culture. Also, ten great network utilities; RAID basics; and is Sprint about to turn its back on WiMAX?

What's Out There? Network Discovery Tells You - June 14, 2007
Today's enterprise network is far too complex for one person to track. Network discovery tools ease the burden.

NeoAccel Steers SSL VPNs into the Fast Lane - June 4, 2007
An SSL replacement for IPsec VPN? NeoAccel says yes.

Who Are You? ID Purveyors to Collaborate - June 11, 2007
Microsoft, Liberty Alliance and OpenID to work together to achieve identity system interop.

FAN for the Branches - June 8, 2007
EIT Toolkit: Brocade's new FAN component attempts to simplify remote data aggregation and access; and Sun puts SPARC, Intel, and AMD blades in the same chassis.

Explorer, Firefox Take Heat - June 7, 2007
Security researchers claim a number of zero-day flaws in both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

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OpenVPN Ready for Business? - June 6, 2007
AntiOnline Spotlight: A question about this open source VPN software yields meaningful insight into the world of corporate security. Also, Ubuntu experiences; efficient network design; and adventures in botched data recovery.

Vendors Buy in for Consumer, Corporate Protection - June 6, 2007
EMC, McAfee and VeriSign demonstrate their commitment to IT security in time for the Gartner IT Security Summit.

Google Buys More Web Security - June 1, 2007
The company's GreenBorder purchase secures its underlying business -- the Web.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

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