Monday, July 02, 2007

The 7 Wonders of the Internet; Race is on to unlock the iPhone

Network World

Daily News: PM

Network World Daily News: PM, 07/02/07

Editor's note

This week, we're publishing Network World in an electronic-only edition, as we get ready for an all new, revamped Network World to debut next week. Download our e-dition - if you like it, you can also sign up for our free iDemand platform, which delivers not only the weekly e-dition of Network World but daily updates in key networking topics.

Breaking news

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The data on your network is growing at a rapid pace that's only going to increase. Download Network World's latest Executive Guide and get the practical, real-world advice and insider information you need to best manage and meet your storage demands and industry regulations.

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Race is on to unlock the iPhone
Now that Apple's iPhone is finally on sale, the race is on to see who can unlock it. Locked phones can only be used with cellular service from one carrier, a move designed to guarantee carriers recover the cost of subsidizing a handset through monthly service charges. But the cost of the iPhone, which is priced at up to $599, is not subsidized by AT&T. Users must pay full price for the handset and sign a two-year contract, which requires them to pay up to $100 per month for cellular service. Unlocking the iPhone will enable the handset to be used with any cellular provider with a GSM or EDGE network, not just AT&T's network. That's an attractive proposition for users who already have a cellular contract with another carrier, or users outside the U.S. who can't wait to get their hands on Apple's new handset.

Mitel charges ShoreTel with VoIP patent infringement
Mitel last week sued VoIP rival ShorTel over alledged patent infringements, thwarting Shoretel’s plan to go IPO and raise $82.9 million.

July author-expert blogger

Rand Morimoto will be writting about Microsoft applications, everything from Exchange 2007 to SQL 2005.

From the blogs and forums

Paul McNamara comes up with a list of the Seven Wonders of the Internet. Agree or disagree with his choices? What would be on your list?

Tyson Kopczynski challenges you to answer the question: What do you think is a very important emerging information security concept, technology, practice, etc.? Best answer gets a signed copy of his Windows PowerShell Unleashed book. John Obeto details Microsoft's new "Centro" 64-bit Windows Server product.

Layer 8 takes a look at a generation gap in IT decisions at SMB concerns. Greg Royal wonders where the unlocked iPhones that have been hacked to work on other GSM networks are. Mark Kadrich dissects the security ramifications of those "greeting card" e-mails we all get.

Brad Reese takes a look at possible changes in Cisco's design certification track. Denise Donohue gives thanks to network engineers everywhere. Mark Gibbs suffers through yet another digital-rights management application. Miles Baska ponders whether Dell is really serious about selling Linux computers.

Users consider if they're under attack from a possible RealPlayer vulnerability or just an attempt by RealNetworks to extract revenue from them. Users help out a fellow user with questions about the steps to aggregate 2 ports on one switch/router to two ports of two different Cisco switches/routers. Users discuss whether it's time to separate identification and authentication in security. Users talk about alternatives to IPSec for mobile workers.

How to

Ron Nutter helps a user get his Adtran videoconferencing network running again.


Audio: Catching up with Nortel CTO John Roese
In a wide ranging interview, Nortel Networks CTO John Roese talks with Network World's Phil Hochmuth about the company's renewed focus on research and development, what's on the product roadmap, and their "friends in Santa Clara."

Video: An open source 802.1X alternative
The OpenSEA Alliance is pushing for an open source 802.1X client to put everyone on equal footing. Network World's Keith Shaw talks to three key players from idEngines involved in the development of the open source client.

Video: Inside Voice over Wi-Fi interoperability testing
A behind the scenes look at how the InteropLabs team tested the latest voice over Wi-Fi technology, what problems they found and what you can do ensure your voice over wireless implementation goes smoothly.

Inside NAC interoperability testing
A behind the scenes look at how the InteropLabs team tested the latest Network Access Control (NAC) gear, what problems they found and what you can do ensure your NAC implementation goes smoothly.


1. The $2.3M home lab of Quadruple CCIE
2. Top 25 'iPhonies'
3. Harry Potter worm says he is dead
4. Withdrawn Black Hat paper hints at security flaws
5. iPhone buzz reaches to Microsoft's back yard
6. Lawyers show how to avoid hiring an American
7. 3Com to spin out TippingPoint
8. IPv6 D-Day is coming up fast
9. Gartner to IT: Avoid Apple's iPhone
10. Hackers target C-level execs and their families

How MySpace is hurting your network

Contact the author:

Questions? Feedback? Contact Site Editor Jeff Caruso.



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