Friday, August 03, 2007

Meet the Borat of hackers; A heated duel over security research

Network World

Security News Alert

Network World's Security News Alert, 08/03/07

Q&A: Meet the Borat of hackers, 08/02/07: Ever hear of the nation of Hackistan? I hadn’t until I met the president of Hackistan, who happened to be manning a booth at the Black Hat conference here Wednesday. He showed me on a map how Hackistan borders North Sloberia, East Sloberia and the Alpha Zone. The prez was kind enough to grant an interview to explain the important international role his country now plays in identity theft, hacking networks and phishing.

Podcast face-off: A heated duel over security research: Should security companies pay for vulnerability research? Yes, TippingPoint's Terri Forslof; No says Dave Marcus.

Questions swirl around virtual-machine rootkit detection, 08/02/07: Can rootkit malware that hides by mimicking a software-based virtual machine ever be detected? That was the topic of debate as security researchers presented their latest findings to packed audiences at the Black Hat Conference.

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Researchers flag VoIP exploits at Black Hat, 08/02/07: Security consultancy iSec Partners yesterday detailed half a dozen ways to compromise VoIP-based phone systems based on the H.323 and Inter Asterisk eXchange protocols.

Microsoft seeks Black Hat tips on virtualization security, 08/02/07: Microsoft Wednesday for the first time laid out the underpinnings of the security capabilities it has built into its forthcoming Windows Server Virtualization technology, in hopes that researchers will help vet the software, which is expected to ship next year.

Diebold voting machines vulnerable to virus attack, 08/03/07: Diebold Election Systems voting machines are not secure enough to guarantee a trustworthy election, and an attacker with access to a single machine could disrupt or change the outcome of an election using viruses, according to a review of Diebold's source code.

Security expert takes aim at leaky C software programs, 08/02/07: A University of Illinois at Chicago researcher is working on a tool to help C programmers build applications that are much less likely to reveal personal data. He recently received a $250,000 National Science Foundation grant.

Web browser attack skirts corporate, 08/01/07: A 10-year-old security problem has come back to haunt corporate IT, a security researcher told an audience at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas Wednesday.

D'oh! Homer photo exposes Chinese media piracy, 08/02/07: A photo of Homer Simpson accompanying an article about multiple sclerosis (MS) has exposed Chinese state-run media's penchant for using images without permission.

European project looks to manage online threats, 08/01/07: Researchers are looking for formal European Union sponsorship of a new project that would keep an eye on malicious software and computer attacks around the world.

MPack crimeware hits 500,000 victims, 08/01/07: Poor detection of the MPack data-theft toolkit by anti-virus software has allowed it to run riot on the Internet, a new analysis from Finjan has claimed.

Review: How we tested NAC appliances, 07/30/07: Here's what was included in our all-in-one NAC product test bed.


1. IBM saves $250M with Linux-run mainframes
2. Nortel lands huge $300M VoIP win
3. Cisco muffles Linksys death knell
4. NAC alternatives hit the mark
5. Grid pays handsome dividends for HR firm
6. AT&T, IBM among winners of $50B federal deal
7. Online gamers' dirty little secrets exposed
8. IBM supercomputer more powerful than before
9. Hogwarts IT director quits
10. Apple iPhone battery complaints mounting

NAC alternatives hit the mark

Contact the author:

Senior Editor Ellen Messmer covers security for Network World. E-mail Ellen.



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