Friday, August 03, 2007

Researchers flag VoIP exploits; Microsoft seeks Black Hat tips; Meet the Borat of hackers

Network World

Daily News: PM

Network World Daily News: PM, 08/03/07

Researchers flag VoIP exploits at Black Hat
Security consultancy iSec Partners detailed half a dozen ways to compromise VoIP-based phone systems based on the H.323 and Inter Asterisk eXchange protocols.

Microsoft seeks Black Hat tips on virtualization security
Microsoft Wednesday for the first time laid out the underpinnings of the security capabilities it has built into its forthcoming Windows Server Virtualization technology, in hopes that researchers will help vet the software, which is expected to ship next year.

Q&A: Meet the Borat of hackers
President of "Hackistan" talks up identity theft at Black Hat security event.

Application Acceleration

More companies today are taxed with supporting global business processes in real-time. Download this Webcast, Application Acceleration: Merits of Managed Services to learn how managed Web acceleration services might best support this goal.

Click here to check it out!

Nortel shops while its management turns over
Nortel has begun discussions with potential takeover targets, according to a Reuters report citing an interview with CEO Mike Zafirovski.

Questions swirl around virtual-machine rootkit detection
Can rootkit malware that hides by mimicking a software-based virtual machine ever be detected? That was the topic of debate as security researchers presented their latest findings to packed audiences at the Black Hat Conference in Las Vegas.

Massachusetts remains lightning rod on open documents
Massachusetts has been a lightning rod and a leader in the movement for governments to embrace open document formats, and neither of those roles change with Wednesday’s announcement that it will adopt Open XML.

Elton John blasts the Internet
Rocket Man Elton John is wading into waters he doesn’t admit to knowing much about - the Internet.

Diebold voting machines vulnerable to virus attack
Diebold Election Systems voting machines are not secure enough to guarantee a trustworthy election, and an attacker with access to a single machine could disrupt or change the outcome of an election using viruses, according to a review of Diebold's source code.

A surefire way to get funding for green IT projects
Green may be fashionable, but it’s also a hard sell – unless you know this magic method to calculate ROI.

CA accuses Rocket Software of stealing source code
CA has accused Rocket Software of stealing source code and other intellectual property to build database administration tools that closely resemble CA’s, and is asking a federal judge for more than $200 million in damages.


Twisted Pair: Philadelphia Wi-Fi Freedom
Jason and Keith discuss new flaws for Mozilla's Firefox, the $50 billion government contract for IBM and AT&T, and figure out why Elton John might not want to shut down the Internet.


Buzzblog: MLB embraces ‘Net ticket scalping … NFL next?
Yesterday's announcement that StubHub has become "The Official Ticket Scalper of Major League Baseball" (no, they don't actually use that language) brings nearer the day when the NFL will jump into the scalping business, says a former StubHub seller (me) who's only "former" because the New England Patriots revoked his season tickets ... for selling on StubHub.

Today at Cisco Subnet
Heise Security is reporting three bugs in older Cisco PIX appliances that could cause DKIM e-mail headers to be rejected. Blogger Michael Morris continues his series about early Cisco plans for two advanced network design certifications, including details of the upcoming beta test. Blogger Brad Reese reports that AT&T's managed firewall services has available a new Cisco ASA option. IP routing expert Jeff Doyle ventures into the scary world beyond the network edge.

Today on Layer 8 - don't call us, we'll call you:
If you signed up for the federal or your state’s Do Not Call Registry a few years ago, you might want to think about refreshing it. Pennsylvanians this week got a wake-up call, so to speak, from state Attorney General Tom Corbett, who kicked off a public awareness campaign designed to remind people what many have forgotten or never knew - that the 2002 law set registrations to expire after five years. The Pennsylvania action is a reminder that the National Do Not Call Registry has a five year life span as well.

Mark your calendars for a Cool Tools Chat with Keith Shaw
2-3 p.m. EDT, Friday, August 17
You love his blog, his Twisted Pair podcast show, and his Cool Tools videos. Now talk with Keith live about today’s best techno-toys.


1. Do Not Call Registry gets wake-up call
2. IBM saves $250M with Linux-run mainframes
3. NAC alternatives hit the mark
4. Cisco muffles Linksys death knell
5. Nortel lands huge $300M VoIP win
6. Hogwarts IT director quits
7. Online gamers' dirty little secrets exposed
8. Massachusetts adopts Open XML
9. Wireless LAN best practices
10. Forget your PIN? Use your face

Twisted Pair: One year later, we're still wasting time

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