Friday, October 26, 2007

Antispam start-up studies receiver's reputation; Storm worm strikes back at security pros

Network World

Antispam News Alert

Network World's Anti-spam News Alert, 10/26/07

Antispam start-up studies receiver’s reputation, 10/22/07: Turning the idea of sender reputation on its head, a new e-mail security company called Abaca Technology is announcing a gateway product that determines an inbound e-mail message’s potential to be spam based on how much unwanted e-mail the receiver has gotten in the past.

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Storm worm strikes back at security pros, 10/24/07: The Storm worm is fighting back against security researchers that seek to destroy it and has them running scared, Interop New York show attendees heard Tuesday.

Storm Worm now just a squall, 10/21/07:The Storm Worm's days may be numbered, according to a University of California researcher.

1. Unlimited gall to cost Verizon $1 million
2. Storm worm strikes back at security pros
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5. NASA offering $2M prize for lunar lander
6. What's holding Vista back?
7. Top 20 Firefox extensions
8. Apple now bigger than IBM
9. What a PC store pays for hard drive loss
10. Storm Worm now just a squall

Storm worm strikes back at security pros

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Contact Site Editor Jeff Caruso



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