Thursday, January 15, 2009

Avoid conflicts over intellectual property

Lessons from the case of AMS vs. Gagnon
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SOA Governance and Compliance
Hear about the latest industry trends around new heightened information security regulations in this on-demand Webcast featuring Andreas Antonopoulos from Nemertes Research. Get solutions that reduce your company's risk and allows you to better manage your environment. Watch now.


Spotlight Story
Avoid conflicts over intellectual property

M. E. Kabay By M. E. Kabay
As I continue my research on intellectual property law developments in 2008, I came across an interesting (and sad) case that stimulated ideas that may be useful for both consultants and clients working together on software development. Since the Parkerian Hexad explicitly includes control or possession as one of the fundamental security attributes of information, I'll give you the facts and my interpretation in one exceptionally long column today. Read full story

M. E. Kabay, PhD, CISSP-ISSMP, specializes in security and operations management consulting services. CV online.

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The 5 Most Dangerous Security Myths: Myth #5You've cleared away most of the web of myth. You know that today's evil viruses and other malware exist to make money, that antivirus alone is no guarantee of safety, and that neither is your own good sense (as important as that is). And you know that some of the best protection comes from keeping your software and your operating system up-to-date.

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January giveaways from Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet
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IT Outlook '09
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9 hot technologies for '09
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Sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent

SOA Governance and Compliance
Hear about the latest industry trends around new heightened information security regulations in this on-demand Webcast featuring Andreas Antonopoulos from Nemertes Research. Get solutions that reduce your company's risk and allows you to better manage your environment. Watch now.


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  6. Telescammers to fork over $50 million in restitution
  7. Outlook '09
  8. Windows 7 beta shows off task bar, UI goodies
  9. Solving Obama's BlackBerry dilemma
  10. Top 25 software screw-ups

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