Monday, February 02, 2009

Cisco, HP ratchet up data center battle; Analysts expect a solid Q2 for Cisco

Cisco and HP armed for an impending battle in the data center
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Spotlight Story
Cisco, HP ratchet up data center battle

Jim Duffy By Jim Duffy
Cisco and HP last week armed themselves for an impending battle in the data center in which each company will invade the other's turf. Read full story

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Analysts expect a solid Q2 for Cisco While some financial analysts are cutting their expectations for Cisco's earnings for the rest of the fiscal year, MarketWatch is reporting that analysts expect Cisco to post solid Q2 results. Wall Street is expecting the networking giant to report an 8% slide in revenue to $9 billion.

Are these the real reasons for Nortel's demise Reese: I am personally fascinated by the following comments that were made to a previous blog story of mine. The authors appear to be former Nortel and Bay Networks employees (keep in mind that none have been verified) offering comments as to the real reasons for the fall of Nortel.

Why you and your CFO speak a different language Doyle: The CFO wants to hear an answer such as, “We are 85% certain that this project will reduce the network risk by 30%, resulting in an annual savings of $175,000 over the next five years.” You’re used to measuring something and deriving a definite number in which you are 100% confident. You can’t put a definite number around “risk reduction.”

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Cisco Security Expert: Jamey Heary: Cisco updatest SSL VPN with performance boost, Windows Mobile support Cisco recently released a new version of its Anyconnect SSLVPN client that adds support for Windows Mobile 6.1, 6.0 and 5.0 touch-screen devices.

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Take Control of Network TCO by Automating IPAM
Growing networks are in a vicious circle of rising costs, increasing downtime, and rising staff stress. Join Enterprise Strategy Group's Jon Oltsik, for this information-packed webinar on how enterprises can reduce stress and operational expenses by automating IPAM, listen today.


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  6. 10 woeful tales of data gone missing
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  9. Taser-wielding boss? Can't get to me here
  10. Are these the real reasons for the fall of Nortel?

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