Thursday, February 12, 2009

How Darwinian: Evolution of 6 key techs; Cisco gets generous; This week's 25 most-read stories

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How Darwinian: Evolution of PCs, Macs, Internet, routing, cell phones and Windows
By Network World Staff
Feb. 12 marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth and this year mark's the 150th anniversary of his "On the Origin of Species." In Darwin's honor, we take a look at the evolution of six key network technologies.
Evolution of the PC
The mobile phone evolution
Evolution of the router
Evolution of the Internet
Evolution of Microsoft Windows
Mac Evolution: Apple's 11 Most Intriguing Computer Designs

Related News:

News podcast: Network World 360
While the constant news of technology industry layoff announcements may have you thinking that huge numbers of IT workers are out on the street, the numbers they report do not reflect actual people losing their jobs, according to some analysts. Also, a new report by Cisco says mobile Web traffic volume will double every year between now and 2013, when traffic will total roughly 2.2 million terabytes per month. (6:51)

Cisco may offer to finance $10M per client for UC deployments
Cisco Subnet blogger Brad Reese has the inside skinny on what could be Cisco's latest attempt to convert Nortel customers to its UC wares -- a generous financing offer with no-interest terms.

Satellites collide, create major flying junk pile
It was perhaps inevitable that satellites would collide in space. Indeed that happened Tuesday when an Iridium satellite smacked into an inactive Russian Cosmos-2251 military satellite. The crash happened almost 500 miles above Siberia, reports said.

This week's 25 most-read stories

1. Evolution of the router
2. Evolution of the Internet
3. Largest Coordinated ATM Rip-off Ever Nets $9+ Million in 30 Minutes
4. Evolution of the PC
5. A few clean words from the creator of Cursebird
6. Google adds ActiveSync to accommodate iPhone, Win Mobile
7. Angry shareholders say Microsoft squanders billions on pointless R&D projects
8. Kaspersky says Web hack 'should not have happened'
9. Microsoft rounds out voice assault
10. Credit Card Skimming: How thieves can steal your card info without you knowing it

11. Evolution of Microsoft Windows
12. Wikileaks releases 6,780 Congressional reports
13. Palm pulls the plug on Palm OS, bets the future on Pre's webOS
14. Top 10 hot spot safety tips
15. The mobile phone evolution
16. IBM, Juniper join in cloud strategy
17. Google's Latitude: Not new, but worrisome
18. FAA network hacked
19. Tech layoffs: The real numbers aren't so bad
20. Mommas don't let their babies grow up to be engineers

21. Most notable IT layoffs of 2008
22. Mac clone maker wins legal round against Apple
23. 10 of the Worst Moments in Network Security History
24. 20 cool third-party iPhone apps
25. Microsoft goofs, unveils new Web-based smartphone sync service

Today on Google Subnet
John Brandon says Google PowerMeter’s just a bit too ambitious; while Phil Lenssen catches Google penalizing itself; plus, 8 ways to get noticed on Google News; Social bar makes Google Friend Connect even friendlier; and location-aware Gmail rivals Mail Goggles in silliness.

IT & social networks
where IT pros do their social networkingSurvey takes a look at where IT pros do their social networking.

Hot spot safety tips
Top 10 hot spot safety tipsHow to protect laptop data at your local Wi-Fi hot spot.

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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Evolution of PCs, Macs, Internet, routing, cell phones, Microsoft Windows
  2. Largest coordinated ATM rip-off ever nets $9+ million
  3. Palm pulls the plug on Palm OS, bets the future on Pre's webOS
  4. NSA identifies top 25 programming errors
  5. Shareholders say Microsoft squanders billions on R&D projects
  6. WiMAX coverage to reach 800 million by 2010
  7. WAN critical to virtualization's payoff
  8. Tech layoffs: The real numbers aren't so bad
  9. FAA network hacked
  10. Cisco: Mobile data traffic to grow 66-fold by 2013

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