Monday, February 02, 2009

Obama's broadband stimulus: throwing money at wrong target? The tangled web of universal broadband

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Metzler: IT Initiatives for 2009
In late 2008 Jim Metzler surveyed over 300 IT professionals on a number of topics. In this brief he gives an overview of 5 key initiatives that IT organizations should implement in 2009 to respond to the challenging economic environment. Learn more about why new initiatives must have tangible business value. Download this brief today.


Spotlight Story
Obama's broadband stimulus: throwing money at wrong target?

Scott Bradner By Scott Bradner
President Obama is not happy that the United States is ranked 15th in the world in broadband adoption and wants to fix things as part of his big economic stimulus package. But it's not at all clear that the type of approach in the current draft bill will help improve the U.S. ranking all that much. Part of the problem is that the ranking is misleading. Read full story

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Metzler: IT Initiatives for 2009
In late 2008 Jim Metzler surveyed over 300 IT professionals on a number of topics. In this brief he gives an overview of 5 key initiatives that IT organizations should implement in 2009 to respond to the challenging economic environment. Learn more about why new initiatives must have tangible business value. Download this brief today.


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