Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Security vendor hacked; Evolution of the router; Fast chip runs on fumes; Cisco smartphone in works?

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Storage Networking and Server Virtualization
Server virtualization is transforming the way IT delivers services back to the business. Companies are leveraging this technology to consolidate servers, increase utilization, and reduce costs. Before exploring the drivers of server virtualization, it is important to understand the role server virtualization plays in the data center.


Spotlight Story
Kaspersky says Web hack 'should not have happened'

Robert McMillan By Robert McMillan
It's the worst thing that can happen to a computer security vendor: This weekend, Moscow's Kaspersky Lab was hacked. Read full story

Related News:

Evolution of the router
From its gestation period 40 years ago until now, the router has matured along with the Internet to become the linchpin of all communications - data, voice and video. Its application seems limitless as the Internet is enhanced to support more and more features and services. Here's a look at the story of the router.

Fast chip runs on fumes
Mobile computing devices that need charging once a day would need it just once a month with a new type of chip that uses a thirtieth of the power of conventional chips and is seven times faster by virtue of underlying logic that embraces error in its calculations.

Cisco developing smartphone?
Reese: In a research note, RBC Capital Markets Managing Director Mark Sue surprisingly states: "Considering its big push into the consumer market, we believe Cisco may be developing a smartphone of its own, slated for mid 2010."

The Google G1 and Privacy - Danger, Will Robinson (and everyone else)
Mathias: And to think that we're paying Google (via T-Mobile, at present) to spy on us. Are these guys smart, or what? And are we stupid, or what?

Microsoft goofs, unveils new Web-based smartphone sync service
Microsoft accidentally raised the curtain on its My Phone sync service, a Web-based platform that lets Windows Mobile 6 devices back up and store all kinds of content to a...

IBM prepares to take on 21st century infrastructure
IBM announces products, plans to address three key areas enterprise companies will face as they work to manage dynamic environments, volumes of data and advanced...

Spanning Tree - Oh Woe Is Me
Hogg: I am amazed by the number of networks that I encounter that do not have optimal spanning tree configurations. I first read Radia Perlman’s book “Interconnections” back in 1994. I am amazed that 15 years later we are still dealing with spanning tree protocol (STP) issues in networks.

It is time for American Companies to start to think about the "Home Team"
Chaffin: A friend sent me an email about the great plan from IBM to ship laid off workers in the USA to other countries. But the thing was, they were going to be paid the local wage for the country and job. Can you see an engineer who was making 120k a year moving to some Asian country and making let's say 3 dollars a day? Who came up with this idea and why are they not thinking of the home team?

Bringing Flow to New Places
Frey: At EMA, we’ve been pushing application awareness as the path to service-savvy enlightenment for network engineering and operations professionals. And yet, one of the big challenges is finding application activity details from the less well-outfitted corners of your domain. That might have just gotten a little easier.

FTC kills fraudulent online check-processing operation
The Federal Trade Commission got a U.S. District Court to permanently stop what it called illegal operations of an Internet-based check creation and delivery service and required the group to give up some $535,000 in ill-gotten gains.

Podcast: Save money by tracking software license usage
For companies looking to trim costs, one area of potential savings could come from software licensing fees. Steve Butler, CEO of ManageSoft, discusses how to get a better handle on your software licenses being used in your organization. (14:53)

Tiny, powerful lasers sculpt optical devices for giant telescopes
Layer 8: It makes sense that some of the giant telescopes being built by researchers across the world would require special optical technology to analyze distant space objects and light. In one case researchers are looking at using powerful lasers to carve out micron-sized light pathways in three dimensions with the idea of being able to more easily find and analyze deep space viewed through these giant telescopes.

Today on Cisco Subnet
Cisco announces that it will sell $4 billion in debt – is the company gearing up for a big acquisition?

Today on Microsoft Subnet
Microsoft's latest commercial features an adorable four-year-old, but will that be the key to making Windows cool again?; Microsoft My Phone goof: It's a cool mobile sync app but it also has serious drawbacks; Best Microsoft-related Tweets (and list of softies on Twitter).

February giveaways from Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet
Up for grabs: One American Express gift card worth $250 from Global Knowledge; One Microsoft training course worth $2,995 from Global Knowledge; 15 copies each of the hot book titles Voice over IP Security, and CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide and 15 copies of Exchange Server 2007 How-To: Real Solutions for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Administrators. Get all the entry details here.

IT & social networks
where IT pros do their social networkingSurvey takes a look at where IT pros do their social networking.

Hot spot safety tips
Top 10 hot spot safety tipsHow to protect laptop data at your local Wi-Fi hot spot.

Sponsored by Brocade

Storage Networking and Server Virtualization
Server virtualization is transforming the way IT delivers services back to the business. Companies are leveraging this technology to consolidate servers, increase utilization, and reduce costs. Before exploring the drivers of server virtualization, it is important to understand the role server virtualization plays in the data center.


Preparing for the Next Cyber Attack.
Ensure you are up-to-speed on the latest security technologies available to keep your network safe. Get a thorough assessment of the corporate security threat landscape. Protect your network with data leakage protection, NAC and other technologies.
Download this Executive Guide now.

Preparing for IPv6.
Get concrete facts on what IPv6 adoption means for your organization in this Executive Guide. Learn how IPv6 and IPv4 can coexist and the role of NAT devices in this new world. Find out if you need to develop a business case today and how to get started.
Download this Executive Guide now.



Today's most-read stories:

  1. Wikileaks releases 6,780 Congressional reports
  2. Mac clone maker wins legal round against Apple
  3. Microsoft rounds out voice assault
  4. Security problems still plague retailers' wireless LANs
  5. Mommas don't let their babies grow up to be engineers
  6. Porn site feud spawns new DNS attack
  7. Top 10 spam-friendly registrars named and shamed
  8. Cisco is not ruling out layoffs
  9. Nortel still signing up customers
  10. Apple planning TV with iTunes integration and DVR capability?

Preparing for IPv6.
Get concrete facts on what IPv6 adoption means for your organization in this Executive Guide. Learn how IPv6 and IPv4 can coexist and the role of NAT devices in this new world. Find out if you need to develop a business case today and how to get started.
Download this Executive Guide now.

IT Buyers guide


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