Monday, February 16, 2009

Using Active Directory to Optimize and Streamline User Entitlements

Managing user entitlements is a key port of security and compliance. Not only do you have to get them right, you have to keep them right as projects progress, jobs change and departments are realigned. Moreover, you have to prove you entitlement process is on track to auditors with reams of documentation to satisfy compliance requirements.

Unfortunately the entitlement process is unwieldy and inefficient in many organizations. For example in my assessments I frequently find highly-qualified Active Directory administrators reduced to essentially clerical operations of adjusting group memberships at the direction of designated data owners. What a waste of their time and skills especially at a time when budgets are being scrutinized!

In this webinar I will show you how to leverage Active Directory features like delegation of control, custom Microsoft Management Consoles and the security log to streamline the process of updating user entitlements and the required documentation. You will see demonstrated how to give more appropriate staff the ability to update group memberships and related entitlement settings without making them full Domain Admins. This will be a great example of doing more with less while still adhering to least privilege. I’ll also show you how to use the security log for providing a basic audit trail of changes in AD entitlements to serve part of the documentation required by SOX compliance and many other regulations.

To pick up where my suggestions leave off I’ve arranged for Aveksa to demonstrate their unique Enterprise Access Governance solution which addresses the work flow, reporting and documentation gaps in the user entitlement process.

Title: Using Active Directory to Optimize and Streamline User Entitlements
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2009 12:00 PM

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Thanks as always for reading and best wishes on security,
Randy Franklin Smith

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