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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What roles will broadband wireless assume?

Analyst thinks LTE will serve handsets; WiMAX, data devices
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The Move Towards Universal Mobility
This white paper reviews an October 2008 survey of nearly two hundred-fifty IT systems professionals that examined trends in mobile computing. The survey, sponsored by IDG, found that the percentage of desktop computers versus notebooks in organizations with more than five hundred employees is increasingly favoring notebooks.


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What roles will broadband wireless assume?

Joanie Wexler By Joanie Wexler
There are a lot of unknowns that get in the way when trying to predict what roles the various mobile broadband technologies will settle into over time. One is simply that it's difficult to get proponents of each camp to state what speeds end user services will actually support. Though that seems like a straightforward question, inherently is only as good as the amount of spectrum the operator has, how many people are on the network at once, how the operator implements the service, the size of the backhaul network...the list goes on. Read full story

Joanie Wexler is an independent networking technology writer/editor in Silicon Valley.

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Sponsored by Dell

The Move Towards Universal Mobility
This white paper reviews an October 2008 survey of nearly two hundred-fifty IT systems professionals that examined trends in mobile computing. The survey, sponsored by IDG, found that the percentage of desktop computers versus notebooks in organizations with more than five hundred employees is increasingly favoring notebooks.


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