Friday, March 20, 2009

About Net Security: March 20, 2009    Net Security
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  from Tony Bradley, CISSP-ISSAP
Less than two weeks to April 1st. Here in the United States, April 1st is more affectionately known as 'April Fool's Day'. Many people barely acknowledge that the day is anything other than just the first day of April. But, there are those pranksters who plot and scheme to pull off the ultimate prank, and there are a variety of PC pranks to be found. Check out the April Fool's Day PC Pranks article for more details and make sure you lock your PC when you're away- at least on April Fool's Day.

In the Spotlight
April Fool's Day PC Pranks
The major holidays are well...they're the major holidays. Whatever those major events are for your respective faith or culture, people tend to have relatively consistent traditions and rituals related to those major holidays. When it comes to minor holidays though- some people don't even remember they are occurring, some people at least realize when they are, and some people go nutso overboard. You know who I am talking more

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iEnigma Delivers 2-Factor Authentication Using iPhone
Even for organizations that have solid password policies, or for users who have done everything they can to ensure they are using a secure password, the password alone is still weaker protection than two-factor authentication. The possibility exists for an attacker to guess or crack the password to gain unauthorized access. Two-factor authentication requires an more

Visa Pilot Testing Additional Credit Card Security
It seems like it is at least a weekly occurrence to hear of a consumer information or credit card data security breach of some sort. There was just such a headline just this morning from ITNews regarding 19,000 credit card accounts being exposed via cached information within the search engine. Of course, 19,000 pales in comparison to record-breaking data security breaches like TJX and Heartland. I think many people have become numb and just accept that these more

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