Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Conficker activation passes quietly, threat isn't over; UltraDNS service knocked offline by attack

Cloud Security Alliance formed to promote best practices
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The Cost of Securing your Database
Former Gartner analyst and founder of security consulting firm Securosis, Rich Mogull will explain how to make the most of IT security and compliance dollars by ensuring your databases are secure. Learn concrete tips and recommendations in this Live Webcast Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. PT. entitled "Cost-Efficient Security and Compliance." Register Today.


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Conficker activation passes quietly, but threat isn't over

Sumner Lemon By Sumner Lemon
An expected activation of the Conficker.c worm at midnight on April 1 passed without incident, despite sensationalized fears that the Internet itself might be affected, but security researchers said users aren't out of the woods yet. Read full story

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What you need to know about the Conficker worm If you've been paying attention to general computer news, you may have read about the Conficker worm, and what may (or may not) happen to Windows PCs that are infected with Conficker on April 1. The worm has received a lot of attention, leading more than a few Mac users to ask about the worm's impact on OS X. Mac security maker Intego received so many inquiries that the company added a Conficker entry to its blog.

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The Cost of Securing your Database
Former Gartner analyst and founder of security consulting firm Securosis, Rich Mogull will explain how to make the most of IT security and compliance dollars by ensuring your databases are secure. Learn concrete tips and recommendations in this Live Webcast Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. PT. entitled "Cost-Efficient Security and Compliance." Register Today.


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The Need for an Adaptive Threat Management Architecture - Live March 31.
Create a more secure and efficient network. Find out how in this Live Webcast, "The Need for an Adaptive Threat Management Architecture." Join us on Tuesday, March 31, 2009, at 1:00 p.m. ET/10:00 a.m. PT. Get real-world advice from Jon Oltsik, senior analyst at consulting firm Enterprise Strategy Group.
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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Conficker on April 1st: Eve of destruction or big joke?
  2. Mobile Skype: The end of cellular as we know it
  3. Top 10 technology skills
  4. Conficker's patch gambit exposed by researchers
  5. The 10 worst Microsoft product names of all time
  6. Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries
  7. Feds give $50 billion IT services deal a second try
  8. Preparing for the Pre: Palm and Sprint must get it right
  9. Seven reasons MPLS has been wildly successful
  10. Fake security software scammers jump on Conficker
  11. Students learn through robot battles

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