Thursday, October 15, 2009

L.A. critics of Google cloud services need a little perspective

EDITOR'S NOTE; Google using 'double talk' on cloud security, says L.A. consumer group
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L.A. critics of Google cloud services need a little perspective

A consumer group protesting the use of Google cloud services by the City of Los Angeles says the company is speaking out of both sides of its mouth about security, but the complaint may be overblown. Read full story

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Google using 'double talk' on cloud security, says L.A. consumer group
A consumer advocacy group that is opposed to a plan by Los Angeles to adopt Google's hosted e-mail and office applications is accusing the vendor of a double standard on security issues.

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Better definitions of cloud services needed says Forrester
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Microsoft Subnet is giving away training from Global Knowledge and 15 copies of Microsoft Expression Web 3 In Depth. Cisco Subnet is giving away training from Global Knowledge and 15 copies of Building Service-Aware Networks. Google Subnet is hosting many new bloggers. Entry forms can be found on the Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet home pages.

Network World on Twitter? You bet we are

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SmartphonesWhat if you could combine the best parts of every phone out there?

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October 15, 2009


  1. Missing dot drops Sweden off the Internet
  2. Google to send detailed information about hacked Web sites
  3. 802.11n price wars already underway
  4. IE, GDI flaws good place for IT to start Patch Tuesday cleanup
  5. Developer ups iPhone app to $40 after complaints about price
  6. Human race on the verge of a massive upgrade
  7. Cisco buying wireless wunderkind Starent
  8. Sidekick implosion: Was it sabotage?
  9. Microsoft delivers massive Patch Tuesday, fixes 34 flaws
  10. House decommissions last mainframe, saves $730k

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