Tuesday, March 01, 2011

WindowsNetworking.com - Monthly Article Update

WindowsNetworking.com - Monthly Article Update

Hi Security World,

New articles and tutorials added to WindowsNetworking.com last month:

Title: Windows Admin Tips Update
Author: Mitch Tulloch
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Windows-Admin-Tips-Update.html
Summary: Admin Tips that help you share files within Hyper-V, customize tasks in MDT 2010, find UUID of computers, update Windows Images and secure spooled print files.

Title: DameWare NT Utilities - Voted WindowsNetworking.com Readers' Choice Award Winner - Remote Control
Author: The Editor
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/news/WindowsNetworking-Readers-Choice-Award-Remote-Control-DameWare-NT-Utilities-Jan11.html
Summary: DameWare NT Utilities was selected the winner in the Remote Control category of the WindowsNetworking.com Readers' Choice Awards. VNC Enterprise Edition and Radmin 3 Remote Control Software were runner-up and second runner-up respectively.

Title: Network Diagnostics and Tracing in Windows 7
Author: Eric Geier
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Network-Diagnostics-Tracing-Windows-7.html
Summary: In this article, we'll review the new troubleshooting features available to the end-users in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. We'll also see how to perform network tracing for more advanced troubleshooting.

Title: Microsoft System Center Roadmap
Author: Scott D. Lowe
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Microsoft-System-Center-Roadmap.html
Summary: This article looks at Microsoft's System Center Roadmap. The author shares some useful information that he has retrieved from a number of sources regarding roadmaps for each product.

Title: Infrastructure Considerations for Cloud Computing
Author: Brien M. Posey
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Infrastructure-Considerations-Cloud-Computing.html
Summary: This article explains that although it can be beneficial to outsource various resources to the cloud, you must ensure that you prepare your on-premise infrastructure to meet the unique challenges that come with using hosted services.

Title: Customizing the Default User Profile in Windows 7 (Part 5)
Author: Mitch Tulloch
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Customizing-Default-User-Profile-Windows-7-Part5.html
Summary: This article discusses more issues that can arise when trying to customize the default user profile in Windows 7 and describes some possible workarounds.

Title: Building Test Labs with Hyper-V (Part 1): Base Configuration and Virtual Networks
Author: Deb Shinder
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Building-Test-Labs-Hyper-V-Part1.html
Summary: This article discusses the history of building out test labs and how virtualization has made it much easier to create valid test labs that allow us to test software and services in a controlled environment.

Title: Single Chip Cloud Computer
Author: Russell Hitchcock
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Single-Chip-Cloud-Computer.html
Summary: In this article the author discusses Intel's new 1000 core processor.

Title: Securing Wireless Network Traffic (Part 4)
Author: Brien M. Posey
Link: http://www.WindowsNetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Securing-Wireless-Network-Traffic-Part4.html
Summary: This article continues the series on securing wireless network traffic by discussing some more of the security mechanisms that are typically built into wireless hardware.

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