Monday, June 04, 2012

AT&T demands we change our networks

Usage-based Internet service: Sometimes competition in name only | Jailbreaking: Don't blame the player, blame the game

Network World Voices of Networking

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AT&T demands we change our networks
If you recall, some time ago I had problems with my AT&T U-verse DSL service until a small village's worth of AT&T folk got involved and resolved the issues. Since then, an executive director from the "Office of the President at AT&T," who I'll call "Bob," has followed up with me once a week to make sure things are still OK. Read More

RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: BYOD & Mobile Device Management Tech Seminar

BYOD & Mobile Device Management Tech Seminar - 6/26
During this one-day tech seminar, IT executives, managers and teams will learn how to successfully manage the onslaught of new mobile devices, along with the strategies and policies that can help avoid pitfalls and ensure success. June 26 - Omni Parker House, Boston Click to continue


IT Roadmap Denver: New Sessions
Including: Unified Communications and VOIP, Mobility Strategies, The New Enterprise Network in the Era of the Cloud, Risk Management, Applications Strategy, Reducing IT Cost and Increasing Efficiencies, Analyzing Your Customers for Business Intelligence, and more. So register now and get ready for an all new IT Roadmap in 2012: Click to continue

Usage-based Internet service: Sometimes competition in name only
The National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) held its annual Cable Show in Boston at the end of May. The opening remarks by Michael Powell, ex-chairman of the FCC and current head of the NCTA, were quite good, but he glossed over a basic conflict of interest present in today's cable business. Julius Genachowski, the current FCC chairman, did an even better job of ignoring this issue. Read More

Jailbreaking: Don't blame the player, blame the game
There has been much written (here, here and Read More


ESG Report: Modernizing Data Protection
In order to assess the current state of the data protection market, ESG recently conducted a global survey among IT professionals familiar with and/or responsible for data protection solutions and processes, as well as potential future plans. Learn More

Open Source Blackberry To Set RIM Free
Lots of news about RIM's continued slide and their hiring of bankers to explore strategic options. Some options are to find licensees for their technology to an outright sale of the company. Read More

U.S. and Israel unleashed Stuxnet, says New York Times
A New York Times report this morning appears to confirm what has long been suspected by many: that the United States and Israel were responsible for the Stuxnet cyber attack against Iranian nuclear facilities. Among the story's key points: Read More


Develop Business Resiliency in VMware Environments
In this report, Enterprise Strategy Group reviews how HP's portfolio of hardware, software, and services can provide the foundational support for VMware environments. Learn more.

Do NOT dismiss TV host's frivolous lawsuit, EFF urges court
Now here's something you don't see every day: The Electronic Frontier Foundation is urging a California court not to dismiss a frivolous lawsuit. Why? So that the "TV star" who filed the suit will get a taste of California's tough anti-SLAPP justice instead of scurrying off to the plaintiff-friendlier Illinois legal system. From the EFF press release: Read More

Dollars and Senseless: The Real Financial Impact of a Cyber Attack
The security industry has long debated the potential impact of a large-scale cyberattack. From actual security analysts who have been accountable for implementing and managing security solutions to security "pundits" who love to speculate about things in the security world that they've never actually done, everyone has an opinion. Read More

Google's Chromebook is the first step in the Evolution of the PC in the Post-PC World
Yesterday, Google and Samsung announced a sequel to the original Chromebook launched last year. The idea behind the Chromebook is that it's a device in a laptop form factor that is optimized for this cloud-driven, post-PC era that we now live in, and while it looks like a traditional laptop, there are several major differences. Read More

Sanitize Office: How to remove personal metadata
Yesterday Microsoft announced Office 365 for Government. Since "security and privacy play a big role in any decision to move to the cloud," the feds' version will reside on separate servers than from the standard Office 365 users. Read More


10 terrific LTE smartphones for $150 or less
LTE on the cheap: Offerings from Apple, Samsung, Nokia and more make cut.

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  1. U.S. and Israel unleashed Stuxnet, says New York Times
  2. Is RIM ruined?
  3. Why F5 beats Netscaler ... and the rest of the competition
  4. U.S. warns users of new Citadel ransomware hit
  5. The 20 best iPhone/iPad games of 2012 so far
  6. Flame malware: All you need to know
  7. Flame malware: All you need to know
  8. Iran's discovery of Flame malware turning into political hot potato
  9. Open source BlackBerry: RIM's last resort
  10. IT staff, engineers among top 10 toughest jobs to fill in U.S.

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