Saturday, December 01, 2012

CloudTweaks Daily Update

Latest News Dec 1, 2012

The Lighter Side Of The Cloud – Size Matters

The Lighter Side Of The Cloud – Size Matters

iMac Apple

By David Fletcher

Our comic collection has simply taken the light side of cloud computing to a whole new level. After all, isn't cloud computing a fun way to get things done. Doesn't it simplify our lives? So after a long day's work in the cloud, you can stop by our comic library for that much deserved moment of fun before you call it a day.  ...

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The Cloud, Week In Review: November 30th, 2012

The Cloud, Week In Review: November 30th, 2012

This week, Google and Amazon have brought forth new goodies for consumers that are going to make our lives even easier than before. And the privacy of the data we are going to use through their services may receive a new level of privacy security if a bill proposed by Patrick Leahy will be passed. ...

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Solving Problems On The Cloud Part 3: Overcoming Unhealthy Fixations

Solving Problems On The Cloud Part 3: Overcoming Unhealthy Fixations

One example of an unhealthy fixation is the 2012 survey by Security Alliance who learned that the top threat listed by survey participants is data loss. ...

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Featured Free Resource

Why Hackers Love Hotels, Restaurants and Other Businesses

Hackers are experts when it comes to stealing credit card data. Learn how to protect your business.

Could Google Become The New Microsoft Of Cloud IT?

Could Google Become The New Microsoft Of Cloud IT?

For the past 15 years, Microsoft has been the unquestionable king of business IT. As the market leader in both workstation and server operating systems, Microsoft set the standard and controlled the experience for a generation of both ...

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Some Main Reasons Why Companies Are Moving To The Cloud

Some Main Reasons Why Companies Are Moving To The Cloud

A recent survey has showed that 70% of Australian companies are planning to increase their spending in cloud services. The trend may be very strong in Australia but it is mirrored on a bigger or smaller trend all over the world and we are starting to see more and more companies abandoning the more traditional local software and storage solutions for their cloud alternatives. The reason for the move vary from country to country and from company to company but a eventually they do come to several common denominators. ...

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Cloud Computing In FMCG Sector

Cloud Computing in FMCG Sector

A vertical market or vertical is engaged in trade based on specific and specialized needs where competition is within a well-defined segment. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) – or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) is a vertical that fulfil the primary needs of consumers. Each one of us uses fast moving consumer products every day such as dairy products and baked goods, cosmetics, teeth cleaning products, and shaving products. ...

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Featured Free Resource

Data, Data Everywhere - A Special Report on Managing Information

Learn how businesses are transforming themselves based on the abundance of data, and benefits found in the various uses of information and the new methods of visualizing data.

Cloud Infographic: The BYOD Revolution

Cloud Infographic: The BYOD Revolution

As new innovations continue to fill the technology marketplace, a shift in how business and the IT consumer alike utilize technology is shaping the face of a more connected. We are becoming more streamlined in our day to day processes, thanks largely in part to the power of mobile computing. Computing technology available off the shelf is pound-for-pound, far more powerful and as such more sustainable, than ever before. Take into consideration the power of virtual computing and it would seem that the journey is just beginning.  Read:  ...

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Top 25 European Rising Stars 2012: Cluttr

Top 25 European Rising Stars 2012: Cluttr

…….The Latest Wave in Third-party Data Infrastructure Auditing for Cloud Efficiency

With one year to its name counting, ...

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Business Continuity: Let Us Plan For A Cloud Failure

Business Continuity: Let Us Plan For A Cloud Failure

Every cloud proponent has been saying that the cloud is the only safe place left for our businesses and various other IT systems, while " ...

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