Monday, April 01, 2013

Cisco Certified Network Associate Certification Turns 2: Here's what's new

Juniper losing its enterprise mojo | It's in the algorithm: Extremely tight races in Major League Baseball chase this year

Network World Cisco

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Cisco Certified Network Associate Certification Turns 2: Here's what's new
By: Cisco Press author Anthony Sequeira Read More


The Cisco Unified Workspace
Trends such as mobility, virtualization, video, collaboration, knowledge management, and cloud have come to the forefront as companies struggle with how to integrate iPads, tablets, and smartphones into their business and IT models. In response, the Cisco Unified Workspace provides a solution for creating an organization-wide mobility strategy. Learn More.


The #1 real-time network mapping and monitoring tool.
InterMapper provides an at-a-glance, real-time view of your network devices, services, applications, connections and traffic patterns. Drilling down on maps uncovers details needed to fix performance problems. It is an industrial strength monitoring, mapping and alerting tool that empowers network administrators to maintain healthy IT environments.

Juniper losing its enterprise mojo
Is Juniper's enterprise strategy unraveling? Enterprise accounts for 35% of the company's business but consider these recent, or recently reported, developments: Read More

It's in the algorithm: Extremely tight races in Major League Baseball chase this year
Perhaps not surprisingly parity is coming to Major League Baseball this season if you believe the mathematical analysis of a researcher at New Jersey's science and technology university, NJIT. Read More

Magor rolls out cloud-based visual conversations
The annual Enterprise Connect event was held in Orlando last week. I had a number of speaking slots at the event, including as one of the panelists on the final session of the conference, the Locknote. One of the questions that co-chair Fred Knight asked me was what was new at this year's event, to which I responded that I hope the term "conferencing" is stricken both from our vocabulary and our... Read More


The Network Foundation of an IT-to-ET Transformation
Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 1:00 PM EDT There's an evolutionary process at work that will eventually affect every enterprise IT department. Nemertes Research describes it as a transformation from IT to ET – Enterprise Technology. Learn More

Air Force exploring systems that safeguard spacecraft network security
How are all manner of spacecraft development from the space parts supply chain to actual space operations protected from those who would try to penetrate or disrupt the networks involved in that process? Read More

Huawei loses to ZTE in French patent suit
Networking and telecom equipment vendor Huawei has lost a patent lawsuit it filed in France against ZTE over a USB connector patent, ZTE said on Friday. Read More

Critical denial-of-service flaw in BIND software puts DNS servers at risk
A flaw in the widely used BIND DNS (Domain Name System) software can be exploited by remote attackers to crash DNS servers and affect the operation of other programs running on the same machines. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Wildpackets

Essential Reference for Monitoring Your IT Infrastructure
How do you choose a network monitoring solution – SNMP monitoring, flow-based monitoring, or packet analysis – that is right for your IT infrastructure? This ebook your crash course in network monitoring for analysis and learn to use multi-segment analysis to diagnose performance problems with distributed application architectures. Download this ebook

More SDN-friendly Arista switches could boost cloud services
Arista Networks this week unveiled software-defined networking (SDN) extensions to its data center switch operating system that tie the company's products into cloud orchestration and flow management systems. Read More

Madeleine Albright: 'There's a special place in hell reserved for women who refuse to help one another' in the workforce
Speaking at the CIA Women's History Month Celebration this week former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright offered a number of career advancing suggestions for women in the workforce. Read More

Extreme Slaloms its way toward an end-to-end SDN solution
Big Switch stole many of the networking headlines this week when it announced its Switch Light software release. Switch Light, based on the open source technology Indigo, can be used on commodity white box switches to create an OpenFlow-based switch than can be used as part of a software defined network implementation. One of the elements of the press release that I felt flew under the radar, was that... Read More

Juniper uncorks its core SDN switch earlier than expected
Earlier than expected, Juniper this week unveiled the EX9200 programmable core switch for 10G, 40G and 100Gbps software-defined networks. Read More


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How to tell if your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn efforts are paying off.


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1. iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending March 29

2. Gartner predicts 3D printers will cost less than a PC by 2016

3. Victim of $440K wire fraud can't blame bank for loss, judge rules

9. More Apple iPhoneys: The iOS 7 edition

5. Avaya willing to share customers with Cisco, Microsoft

6. Cisco lays off 500 of workforce

7. iPad 5 rumor rollup for the week ending March 26

8. Cloud prices: How low can they go?

10. A visual history of Linux

4. First look: Juniper's core SDN switch

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