Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Control and security of corporate open-source projects proves difficult

  Network Security Trumps Server Security in the Enterprise (Part 2) | DARPA wants huge Holy Grail of mobile ad hoc networks
  Network World Security

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Control and security of corporate open-source projects proves difficult
Open source has become a staple for software development in the enterprise, but keeping track of it and maintaining security for it remains an elusive goal, according to a survey of more than 3,500 data architects and developers published today by Sonatype, which provides component lifecycle management products and also operates the Central Repository for downloading open-source software. Read More


10 Steps to Risk-based Security Management
Many professionals in information security espouse the belief—and commitment to—"risk based" security management. In fact, according to the latest Ponemon Report on Risk Management, 77% of those surveyed claimed a commitment to it. Learn More


Defending Against Today's Targeted Phishing Attacks
We've all heard about how high profile organizations and even government agencies have fallen prey to attacks. Learn why traditional defenses fail. Read Now!

Network Security Trumps Server Security in the Enterprise (Part 2)
I posted a blog at the end of March describing that network security processes, skills, and technical controls are often more thorough than server security processes, skills, and technical controls at enterprise organizations. As a review, recent ESG research revealed that: • 19% of enterprises say that network security processes, skills, and technical controls are "much more thorough" than... Read More

DARPA wants huge Holy Grail of mobile ad hoc networks
Even the often far-reaching researchers at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seems to think this one is a stretch: Develop what's known as mobile ad-hoc wireless technology that lets 1000- 5000 nodes connect simultaneously and securely connect in the field. Read More

Living Social password leak just another reminder to use safe passwords
Like many of you reading this, I recently received the following email from Living Social CEO Tim O'Shaughnessy, IMPORTANT INFORMATION LivingSocial recently experienced a cyber-attack on our computer systems that resulted in unauthorized access to some customer data from our servers. We are actively working with law enforcement to investigate this issue. Read More


The Science of Social Listening for Customer Experience
Customers today expect immediate service and fast resolutions from the social Web. These conversations are happening right now, on millions of sites, among millions of people. Are you listening? Learn how your business can transform the customer service experience into a more social one. Learn More!

BYOD worries in mind, Novell and NTP bust out secure mobile file sharing
Novell and NTP today announced their own versions of mobile file-sharing applications, both of which take advantage of a corporation's existing infrastructure to offer access to data behind the firewall. Read More

White House program targets IT jobs for service members
The Obama administration this week teamed with Cisco, Microsoft, HP and others to roll out what it called an "IT Training and Certification Partnership" designed to get thousands of service members into the information technology world. Read More

D-Link firmware flaws could allow IP video stream spying
If you run a bank and use an IP video camera from D-Link, you may want to pay attention to this. Read More


Five Tips for Outsmarting the Information Age Adversary
Today's attackers vigilantly wait for you to slip up before they strike your information systems and compromise your data. Learn five actions you can take to improve your information risk management and security strategy and stay one step ahead of the information age adversary. Read More

Supply chain 2013: Stop playing whack-a-mole with security threats
IT can never take all the risk out of a supply chain, but it can help organizations minimize their vulnerability in a world of new threats. Read More

Trend Micro seeks to make Amazon Web Services more secure
Trend Micro today announced a slate of cloud-based security services that it says protect servers for Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers. Read More

Interop: The quiz
From strange titles of talks to the use of exotic broadcast media, Interop has been drawing attention for more than two decades Read More

RIT students win national cyberdefense title after falling in finals past 2 years
A team of Rochester Institute of Tecnology students earlier this month won the National Collegiate CyberDefense Competition vs. 9 other regional winners, showing resiliance after being beaten in the finals the past 2 years. Read More



CEO pay

Median pay for tech CEOs in 2012 was $10.7 million, according to Network World's analysis of CEO compensation in the tech industry.


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1. IBM launches an appliance for the 'Internet of Things'

2. FAQ: Phishing tactics and how attackers get away with it

3. Brocade unleashes a data center barrage

10. 10 years of the iTunes Store

9. Interop: The quiz

6. iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending April 26

5. 25 must-have technologies for SMBs

4. iPhoneys 6: The iPhone 6 and iPhone 5S edition

7. Windows 8 update: Transition from Android to Windows Phone made easier

8. How big is cloud's impact? Depends on who's asking



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