Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Bulgarian Police do Massive Raid on Muslim Homes and Mosque

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 11:29 AM PST

Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

Bulgarians: They are not known for being prone to play around.

Bulgarians: They are not known for being prone to play around.

Security forces in Bulgaria raided more than 40 homes and a mosque in the south of the country on Tuesday and seized books and computers of individuals linked to terrorism.


The popular private bTV channel showed armed police detaining Muslim prayer leader Ahmed Mussa at a mosque in the city of Pazardzhik, while local media said several other people were also detained.

The operation was part of a pre-trial investigation of crimes linked with anti-democratic ideologies and incitement to violence, the State Agency for National Security said in a statement.

“Some 40 addresses have been searched so far and numerous pieces of evidence seized,” it said.

The agency and the prosecutors’ office declined to provide further information or give the number of people detained during the raids in the cities of Pazardzhik, Plovdiv, Smolyan, Haskovo and Asenovgrad.

Mussa was sentenced to a year in jail for spreading radical Islam last March in a case seen as a test for the delicate relations between the country’s minority Muslims and Orthodox Christian majority. He was free pending appeal.

A former Christian who converted to Islam in 2000 while working in Vienna, he was convicted on the same charge in 2003.

Bulgaria is one of the few countries in Europe who has an “indigenous” Muslim population, mainly Turks left over from the occupation.  They have been itching to retake the country for a long time, but in the Balkans, unlike in the rest of Europe, people remember what Muslims are and what it is like to live under their rule.

Jew York Times Publishes Officer Wilson’s Home Address

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 11:17 AM PST

November 26, 2014

The reporters responsible.

Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson: The reporters responsible.

The New York Times obtained Darren Wilson’s unpublished home address and broadcast it to the whole world. Since then, Ferguson protesters have been relentlessly re-posting it on social media. The New York Times was blatantly pandering to the worst elements of Mike Brown's supporters and encouraging violence against Darren Wilson.

The New York Times published this address after Mike Brown supporters had already set fire to 26 structures in St. Louis County, and posted hundreds of death threats against Darren Wilson online.

From New York Times:

Officer Wilson and [his wife] own a home together on XXXXXXX Lane in XXXXXXXXXX, Mo., a St. Louis suburb about a half-hour drive from Ferguson.

The address was published by reporters Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson.

Buchanan: Moral Befuddlement in Ferguson

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 11:13 AM PST

Patrick J. Buchanan
November 26, 2014

"It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters."

Edmund Burke's insight returned to mind while watching cable news coverage of the rampage in Ferguson, Missouri, after St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch announced that officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

The rioting, looting, arson and gunfire that began after McCulloch relayed the grand jury's decision, a decision long predicted and anticipated, revealed the unspoken truth about Ferguson.

The problem in Ferguson is not the 53-man police department. The problem is the hoodlum element those Ferguson cops have to police, who, Monday night, burned and pillaged the stores on the main streets of their own community.

The police were portraits in restraint as they were cursed and showered with rocks, bottles and Molotov cocktails. If the police were at fault at all, it was in their refusal to use the necessary force to stop a rampaging mob that destroyed the lives and livelihoods of honest businessmen and women of Ferguson.

Many will not be able to rebuild their stores. Many will not be able to get insurance. Many will give up and move away, the investment of a lifetime lost in a night of thuggery.

One recalls that the Detroit riot of 1967 was the beginning of the end of Motown. And it was decades before D.C. fully recovered from the riot and arson that followed the assassination of Dr. King.

In the wake of the Ferguson riot, some seek absolution for the rioters by redistributing responsibility to police and prosecutor.

Why, they demand, did McCulloch wait until 8 p.m., St. Louis time, to report the grand jury findings? Why did he wait until after dark?

Well, perhaps it was to give time for kids to get home from school and off the playgrounds, for businesses to close and shutter down, for rush hour to end. Hoodlums from Ferguson earlier stormed onto I-70 and shut down the Interstate — the way home for tens of thousands of St. Louisans.

Whatever reason McCulloch had for waiting until 8 p.m. does not explain or excuse the rampant criminality that lasted until midnight.

"No justice, no peace!" has been a howl of the protesters.

What they mean is strikingly clear: Michael Brown, one of us, is dead. Therefore, this cop, Darren Wilson, must go on trial for his life.

But this is not justice in America. We have a legal process to determine who was in the right and who in the wrong, and whether a crime has been committed by a policeman in the use of deadly force.

"No justice, no peace" is an encapsulation of the lex talionis, an eye for an eye. Do we really want to go back to race-based lynch law?

That 10 o'clock split screen of Obama in the White House briefing room calling for peaceful protest and greater efforts by police to understand "communities of color," side by side with graphic video of mob mayhem in Ferguson, tells a sad truth.

America's election of a black president has not closed and, for some, has not even narrowed the racial divide.

We are now half a century on from the Civil Rights Act of 1964. African-Americans have risen out of poverty and the working class to become successes as actors, artists, athletes, executives, politicians, TV anchors, journalists, scholars, generals, authors, etc.

But if the hate we saw on the streets of Ferguson, and heard from many voices on cable Monday night, are a reflection of sentiment in the black community, the racial divide in some parts of America is as great as ever.

Indeed, we may be slipping backwards.

"Where is the black leadership now?" asks Juan Williams of Fox News. Indeed, where?

Unfortunately, many are openly pandering to the crowd, denouncing the prosecutor, denouncing the grand jury, denouncing the Ferguson cops, but tongue-tied when it come to denouncing the thuggery of black youth on the streets of Ferguson.

The morning after the riot in Ferguson, President Cornell William Brooks of the NAACP called the grand jury decision not to indict Wilson "salt in the wound of a brutal injustice. … The people in this community and across the country are … saddened and outraged."

Where, from the president on down, do we hear any thunderous condemnation of what went on in Ferguson Monday night and of those responsible, coupled with a clarion call for the restoration of law and order in Ferguson, as an essential precondition of any civilized society?

Here is Eric Holder's venture into moral equivalency when the grand jury decision came down:

"It does not honor [Michael Brown's] memory to engage in violence or looting. In the coming days it will likewise be important for local law enforcement authorities to respect the rights of demonstrators, and deescalate tension by avoiding extreme displays–and uses–of force."

Now there's a lion of the law.

Ferguson: Black Infowars Reporter Threatened for Working for the Fat Racist Jones

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 11:10 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

Ferguson has succeeded in providing seemingly endless lols, and this may be the funniest thing I’ve seen yet.

The Black reporter for Alex Jones’ Infowars was singled out and harassed last night for being a sellout working for the racist Alex Jones. Two Black guys in masks came up to him and berated and threatened him.

The instigator’s issue was that – which this guy apparently reads – called Blacks burning down buildings “terrorists.” The masked Black was apparently incapable of distinguishing between Blacks who burn down buildings and those who don’t – this is interesting because I have that same problem.

This shows just how racialized the whole situation is. Alex Jones is a White race traitor who has spent months covering Ferguson from the perspective of Black victims against the evil White police, yet here he is the enemy because he is White, and Jones Black reporter Jakari is a sellout because he works for a White man.

This is race war. There is nothing else going on here. Obviously it does not matter that Wilson was only defending himself. What matters to them is that they don’t like White people, they don’t like White people’s buildings, and they want to see it all burn.

Alex Jones is a hoax. This video proves it. He has tried to excuse the Black rioters for months, and all they want to do is kill him.

Also hilarious is the Black defense of the burning of buildings, saying that people have a right to express their anger. Black logic 101 right there.

Also notable is that Jakari Jackson says he doesn’t like Darren Wilson. I don’t know what Jones has been saying about the Hero Darren, but presumably because he is a cop, Jones hates him and wants to see him killed by Blacks.

Patrick Stewart to Star as Neo-Nazi in New Film

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 10:14 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

Edgy, brah.

Edgy, brah.

Patrick Stewart, famous for being in some okay Star Trek episodes and a bunch of horrible X-Men films directed by the alleged boy-rapist Jew Bryan Singer, is playing a Skinhead neo-Nazi in a new film called “Green Room.”

He recently Tweeted a promo image for the film which is due out next year.

Stewart plays the leader of a Nazi gang centered in the Pacific Northwest.

Apparently, the film is a thriller about a punk band that gets trapped in a nightclub and has to fight Stewart’s Nazi gang for some reason.

The movie is directed by Jeremy Saulnier, who has a Jewy sounding name but doesn’t look very Jewy.

Jeremy Saulnier: Jew or not Jew?  You decide!

Jeremy Saulnier: Jew or not Jew? You decide!

Saulnier previously directed Blue Rain, a thriller which he somehow got produced through a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign.  I haven’t seen it, but reading about it I didn’t get the impression it was particularly thick with SJW messages.

But if you wanna go big in Hollywood, the easiest way to do it is with something about evil Nazis.

Ferguson: Black Reporter Hit in the Head with a Rock on Live TV Says “I’ve Been Hit with Much Worse in My Day”

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 09:42 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

Here you have a Black female reporter getting hit in the head with a rock on live TV while covering the burning down of Ferguson.

Both hilarious and weird is that when asked if she is okay, she replies “I’m okay, I’m okay – I’ve been hit with much worse in my day.”

The world now wants to know: what is worse to get hit in the head with than a rock? Her Black boyfriend’s fist? Perhaps a bullet?

Or maybe she just meant that she has been hit with bigger rocks?

Why has this TV reporter spent her life getting hit with things?

Denmark will Require African Immigrants to Prove They are Personally in Danger

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 09:29 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

Eritrea: It's an awesome country LOL

Eritrea: It’s an awesome country LOL

Denmark is once again leading the charge to reform mass invasion legislation passed by the Jews throughout Europe.

They are yet to go full Nazi, but they’re getting there.

The Local:

A massive increase in refugees from Eritrea earlier this year led Denmark to put a halt to asylum for Eritreans until the Danish Immigration Service (Udlændingestyrelsen) could evaluate the reason for the sharp uptick.

The results of the Immigration Service's investigation have now been delivered to the Justice Ministry and Eritreans will once again be eligible for asylum in Denmark – but under much tougher criteria than before.

The Justice Ministry said in a press release on Tuesday that Eritreans will no longer be automatically granted asylum if they came to Denmark to flee their home country's authoritarian rule and compulsory military service.

Instead, Eritreans will need to show that they face a personal threat in order to be granted asylum in Denmark.
The UN reported in 2013 that Eritreans subject to conscription into national service risked retribution and even possible death if they fled the country. But the Immigration Service's three-week fact finding mission concluded that an alleged shoot-to-kill policy targeting Eritreans who illegally leave the country "might have been party true previously but … people are no longer being shot at just because they try to cross the border into Ethiopia".

Immigration Service also said that international reports of up to 10,000 political prisoners in Eritrea "is difficult to harmonize with the reality on the ground".

The extensive fact finding report indicates that the human rights situation in Eritrea may not be as bad as rumoured, thus Denmark will no longer give blanket asylum to Eritreans.

"The report gives new and relevant information on the asylum situation in relation to Eritrea. The report shows that there was a need for updated information and that it was necessary for Immigration Service to carry out a fact finding mission," Justice Minister Mette Frederiksen said.

Frederiksen wouldn't comment directly on what would happen to the some 1,400 Eritreans who have been waiting in Danish asylum centres for their cases to be processed.

Gee, I just can’t imagine why people from one of the poorest countries in the world would lie to get into one of the richest countries in the world and get everything for free.  Especially people as hardworking as Black people are.

Silly, stupid goyim.

Pretty Jewy looking nose you've got there Mr. Eritrean.

Pretty Jewy looking nose you’ve got there Mr. Eritrean.

Though it might sound bad that they are allowing any of them in, virtually none of these subhumans are going to be able to meet the criteria, because it was a hoax to begin with. The Jews who run the UN make up any gibberish they can think of to explain away allowing trillions upon trillions of poor, stupid monkeypeople into our bases.

Whenever I see the word "Eritrean"...

Whenever I see the word “Eritrean”…

Not that the basic concept here even makes any sense – even if you are getting shot for refusing to comply with military conscription, why do you then automatically have a right to go live in one of the richest countries in the world? It makes absolutely no basic logical sense, even if you did care about African people getting shot for deserting their military – I personally do not and doubt very many White men do (I’m sure a whole lot of White women do, specifically those who don’t have children and thus need to direct their nurturing instinct to monkeypersons).

Regardless of Denmark’s failure to, as of yet, explicate exactly why this immigration Jewing is stupid, they are moving directly in the right direction, and every time they make an announcement it seems a bit more hardcore than the last.

Black people have their own entire continent.  It is rich in resources and yet they continue to fail every second of every day.  Giving them our base is not only stupid, it is goofy.

Black people have their own entire continent. It is rich in resources and yet they continue to fail every second of every day. Giving them our base is not only stupid, it is also an admission of just how pathetic they actually are.

Stefan Molyneux on the Ferguson Situation

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 08:50 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

I never would have thought I would be regularly posting this guys videos, but here he is again with another great one.

Really good points of argument on the whole situation presented to share with any SJW cult members you may come across.

YouTube description:

Stefan Molyneux examines the Ferguson Grand Jury verdict in the Michael Brown shooting case and the reaction to the news that Officer Darren Wilson will not face criminal charges.

The Truth About Michael Brown and the Ferguson Riots…

What Pisses Me Off About The Michael Brown Shooting………………………

Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at:

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A Note to Alex Jones Re: Militarizaton of the Police

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 06:53 AM PST

Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

Your comment, Mr. Jones?

Your comment, Mr. Jones?

The libertarians are constantly on about how horrible and evil the cops are, and how bad it is that they have been “militarized.”

However, as the situation in Ferguson demonstrates, we need these cops and we need them militarized.  Otherwise, the militarized Black population would murder us all.

It was very funny to see Alex Jones on the same side as Barack Obama and Eric Holder talking about the “brutality” of the Ferguson police.

Sure, some cops are just faggots who got made fun of in high school and now want power to make themselves feel big.  But most of them are good people, who signed up for that job because they have an instinct to protect people.

I’ve had bad experiences with cops and I’ve had bad experiences with Blacks.  I have had a lot more bad experiences with Blacks than I have with cops.

And objectively – statistically – the Blacks, and not the cops, are the threat.

PayPal has Officially Jewed Us

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 05:10 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2014

Daily Stormer: Crisis on Infinite Shekels

Daily Stormer: Crisis on Infinite Shekels

Okay, so PayPal has officially banned me and accused me of being a hater.

The harsh reality is that PayPal is the hater, and I am a total bro.  But to a hater, reality is of no concern.

They noticed we were rolling...

They noticed we were rolling…

I can bitch all I want about how this is political oppression, how I have never hated and only loved my people, but it won’t change the fact that this site is now incapable of accepting financial contributions through PayPal.  And as PayPal has an anti-trust violating monopoly on the market of internet transactions, this creates a serious issue.

I of course knew this was going to happen eventually, and knew I would need a back-up plan.  However, I never thought of one.

This, quite conveniently, comes just as our costs have gone up significantly due to the Jewing we received from the Jewish Internet Police AKA Anonymous.  When it rains it pours, brothers.

Anonymous AKA The Jewish Internet Police

Anonymous AKA The Jewish Internet Police

There are options I can set up to receive contributions through credit card, and I can of course continue to receive cash and money orders through the mail, but whatever the case, this means there is going to be less money coming in to keep things going here.

Probably the best option is for me to start selling magic penis juice.  Or maybe there is some other option.  Not all ads are invasive, but I’m not even sure how much that would bring in.  What I am sure of is that the site needs funded, and I will figure out a way to do it.

Right now, cash through the mail would definitely be awesome, as the monthly contributions keeping us going are not going to come in this month.  Maybe if you have been one of the $2 a month contributor, you can drop a twenty for a year.  Or whatever.

Address is here.

Fear not.

We shall prevail.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin

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