Tuesday, November 25, 2014

HotAir Daily Express 11/25/2014

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Obama has made Americans look toward the GOP to handle immigration
11/25/2014 10:01:01 AM  Noah Rothman
In the same way that Democrats had a difficult time proving their national security bona fides in the wake of Jimmy Carter's presidency, Barack Obama may be doing his party a generation's worth of damage on the issue of immigration. For years,

Gruber: I'll testify in Oversight hearing
11/25/2014 9:21:08 AM  Ed Morrissey
It looks like Darrell Issa’s tenure at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will end with a bang, not a whimper. Issa requested testimony from controversial ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber at a hearing in two weeks, but it seemed

Holder to Ferguson: Hey, we're still working on the case
11/25/2014 8:41:23 AM  Ed Morrissey
This curious statement from the outgoing Attorney General came at a curious point in time. With the grand jury’s announcement in Ferguson pushed off until 8 pm local time — and then read out with a surprisingly lengthy preamble before getting

Obama: "not just an issue for Ferguson. This is an issue for America"
11/25/2014 8:01:14 AM  Jazz Shaw
Allahpundit covered the long expected decision last night, and you’ve all had plenty to say about it. Even as the violence and unrest continue, I wanted to take a few moments to examine some of the highly disturbing comments which were delivered by

Quotes of the day
11/24/2014 10:41:20 PM  Allahpundit
Heading into Thanksgiving weekend, D.C. is all a twitter with news that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has been fired, er, asked to step down, er, initiated talks about leaving. It has long been a staple of Washington news reporting (read, gossip) that

New plan. Let's ban suitcases with wheels
11/24/2014 10:01:26 PM  Jazz Shaw
Let me guess. When you read the title, you thought this was going to be about either Berkeley or San Franciso, right? I’ll confess, I thought the same thing. Who in the world would want to ban the single most useful technological advancement in

WaPo: Four Pinocchios for Obama on Bush 41 amnesty claim; Update: Three
11/24/2014 9:21:34 PM  Ed Morrissey
Actually, Glenn Kessler gives Peak Pinocchio to both Barack Obama and his press secretary Josh Earnest for disseminating a dishonest argument intended to bolster the notion that Obama’s predecessors used executive power for amnesty. The argument

Video: Adorable little girls to drop F-bombs until violence against women is no more
11/24/2014 8:41:30 PM  Allahpundit
In case you thought the public outcry last month over teaching six-year-olds to curse like sailors in order to sell t-shirts might shame this outfit into rethinking its approach, let me assure you that you are very, very naive. That’s not the way

"Walking Dead" grumble thread: After the napalm zombies, there's nowhere to go but up
11/24/2014 8:01:52 PM  Allahpundit
The Atlantic’s resident “Walking Dead” fans are in raptures over last night’s episode but I’m having trouble finding something to say about it. It was an interstitial hour, a running play for short yardage in an otherwise

Burn: Milbank accuses Obama of turning into George W. Bush
11/24/2014 7:21:49 PM  Noah Rothman
Despite conspicuous displays of bravado and self-assuredness, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the left to defend the President Barack Obama's actions. How can you tell? A few are starting to jump ship. Take, for example, The Washington Post's

The end of wind welfare approaches
11/24/2014 6:41:20 PM  Jazz Shaw
Renewable energy fans have been waiting for this day for a long time, and while it will still take a lot of research to verify the numbers, it may be getting close. Some solar and wind turbine installations may now be producing energy at affordable

Pivot: China building 'airstrip capable' island in disputed waters near Spratly Islands
11/24/2014 6:01:25 PM  Noah Rothman
While defending the administration's decision to accept Defense Sec. Chuck Hagel's resignation on Monday, White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest cited a variety of pressing new national security challenges which he said demand new blood. Those challenges

SCOTUS to delve into darkest side of Facebook
11/24/2014 5:21:12 PM  Jazz Shaw
When the Supreme Court hears the case of Anthony Elonis next week they will be jumping into one of the darkest, deepest wells of despair known to the human race: Facebook. At issue is the conviction of Elonis on charges of making threats against his

CNN poll: How would you rule in Ferguson case, despite not having access to any evidence?
11/24/2014 4:41:18 PM  Noah Rothman
A poll conducted by CNN/ORC and released on Monday just may make you miss the midterm elections. The polling team at CNN determined that the best use of their resources was to conduct a national survey of opinions surrounding the case involving the

Time to play Who Wants To Be A Defense Secretary
11/24/2014 4:01:06 PM  Ed Morrissey
Earlier today, Barack Obama bid a fond farewell to the man he fired, according to what his own White House was telliing reporters. The scene was more than a little awkward, with both Obama and Chuck Hagel gushing over each other and even engaging in an

Open thread: Ferguson grand jury announcement expected within hours; Update: No indictment; Update: Obama to deliver statement
11/24/2014 3:21:32 PM  Allahpundit
Actually, there’s wiggle room in the timeline. CNN thinks the news will break today, possibly as early as 5 p.m. ET. WaPo says it’ll “likely” be today. As I’m writing this, Fox News is citing a family attorney as saying the

More evidence that the left wants to get into your bedroom
11/24/2014 2:41:16 PM  Noah Rothman
The American right was at once mocked and feared by liberals for the scrutiny they devoted to the sex lives of average Americans. This impulse among conservatives culminated in George W. Bush's administration's unsuccessful attempt to enshrine

Ted Cruz: The Senate must block all presidential nominees until Obama rescinds his amnesty
11/24/2014 2:01:39 PM  Allahpundit
Another leftover from Sunday brunch via the Corner. Joel Pollak floated this idea a few weeks ago in a piece for Breitbart. I thought of it again on Thursday night, when I was busy enjoying my vacation from HA by watching Obama’s amnesty speech and

Obama: Voters want a new-car smell in 2016
11/24/2014 1:21:57 PM  Ed Morrissey
American voters will want a candidate in 2016, Barack Obama told George Stephanopoulos yesterday on ABC’s This Week, that “doesn’t have as much mileage as me.” They’ll want that “new-car smell” from their next

Is Hagel's resignation a first sign of the administration's implosion?
11/24/2014 12:41:50 PM  Noah Rothman
The White House's defenders will attempt to knock down claims that Defense Sec. Chuck Hagel's resignation is loaded with implications for the future of this administration. Cabinet officials come and go, they’ll note, but this White House has made

Rand Paul goes to war?
11/24/2014 12:01:53 PM  Ed Morrissey
Normally, one would expect the voice calling the loudest for an American declaration of war to come from the hawk caucus, not the non-interventionists. After all, the US has not issued a formal declaration of war since World War II, although we have yet

Obama: My massive unconstitutional power grab on immigration must not be used by a GOP president to lower taxes
11/24/2014 11:31:51 AM  Allahpundit
Via the Corner, note that he makes no actual argument to support the distinction. It’s an empty assertion, of necessity. Absolutely he can seize lawmaking power from Congress to amnestize five million people; absolutely not may a Republican

As fighting intensifies, U.S. arming Iraqi tribesman in push for Anbar Awakening 2
11/24/2014 11:01:28 AM  Noah Rothman
Coinciding with the news that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is set to resign his post on Monday are developments in Iraq that indicate the fighting between ISIS and Iraqi Security Forces continues to rage virtually unchecked. Last week, Islamic State

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Iran cheats, Obama whitewashes
Poll: 45% support Obama's executive order on amnesty, 48% oppose
Glass shattering? Flournoy tops Pentagon shortlist
Missouri state senator to MSNBC: "This is our race war"
Al Sharpton: Rand Paul's outreach to blacks could hurt Democrats in 2016
John McCain 'strongly encouraging' Lindsey Graham to consider 2016 run
Not the man for the job: How Obama dumped Hagel
Darren Wilson, recalling shooting, said Michael Brown looked like a demon
Doing heroin with my dad
Women with workplace power are more depressed. Men, not so much.


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