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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Jews Say Fall of Sheldon Silver Signals the End of Jew Control of New York

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 07:12 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015



Top Jew politician and criminal Sheldon Silver was arrested Thursday for ceaselessly Jewing over absolutely everyone.

The New York Assembly Speaker and an entire criminal Jew political/financial network are expected to fall completely.  And at least the Jewish press is openly admitting that this is a completely Jew issue.  How long until the goyim figure it out?

Jewish Daily Forward:

Silver was a member of a tight-knit coterie of Jewish political operators who came up together in the co-op developments on Grand Street. Many had working class roots, belonged to the Bialystoker Synagogue on Willett Street, and developed power together through the same few Jewish institutions.

Now, that Lower East Side crew is falling to pieces. William Rapfogel, Silver's close ally, is in state prison after pleading guilty to embezzling millions as executive director of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty. Silver was a key benefactor of the Met Council, and William Rapfogel's wife Judy is Silver's chief of staff. Heshy Jacob, the traditional third member of Rapfogel and Silver's Lower East Side power troika, was traveling in Israel and said he was unaware of Silver's arrest when reached via telephone.

Speaking about the roles he, Rapfogel and Silver played on the Lower East Side in an interview with the Forward in 2013, Jacob was forthright about the old guard's power: ""We put in time and effort for the people," Jacob said at the time. "It's not that we simply are despots."

That power is now evaporating, as is the influence it wielded in Albany.

According to a New York Times report, the U.S. Attorney's charges against Silver will relate to payments from a law firm called Goldberg & Iryami that specializes in tax certioari. Jay Arthur Goldberg, who leads the firm, grew up on the Lower East Side with Silver. His firm represents the Grand Street co-op buildings where Silver and Rapfogel lived. Some of those buildings are managed by Jacob.

If we combine this with the developing Jew Epstein teen sex jet scandal and the fact that Netanyahu is literally at the throat of the US President who for whatever reason he is unable to command, plus the impending charges for war crimes, 2015 is shaping up to be a horrible year for the international parasite.

And that is good for the Whites.

Updates on the Epstein Sex Slave Debacle

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 06:07 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

January 24, 2015

Jeffrey Epstein's International Jewish Flying Teen Sex Circus!

Jeffrey Epstein’s International Jewish Flying Teen Sex Circus!

Some great new information came out on the Epstein sex slave scandal situation from the rather unlikely source of Gawker.

The articles are written by Nick Bryant, who previously investigated and wrote a book called “The Franklin Scandal“about a sick homo-pedo ring in the government.  They are both so informative, I am not even going to bother to quote them just now, and instead just like them (also my shift is about over, and I don’t quite have the energy to write another long article today, but this information is extremely important).

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire's Sex Jet

Here Is Pedophile Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book

Both of them contain totally new information.  The Dersh has been caught lying, and it is looking like Clinton is going to get wrangled into this thing as well.  Many other top Jews are involved, including high-up Israeli officials.

This whole thing hinges on whether or not more of these unnamed (or first name only) girls come forward and join this lawsuit.  I sure hope they do.  It is now too big for them to get murdered for it.  And how fantastic it would be to have this entire thing blown wide open.

Here’s a documentary on the Franklin Scandal.  Not for the faint of heart.

Moslem Leader of German Marxists Seeks to Give Moslems Official Status

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 05:53 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Raed Saleh: A true German

Raed Saleh: A true German

Without all of these Moslems, Germany wouldn’t be Germany anymore.

It would become some unspecified different thing.

The Local:

Social Democratic Party (SPD) leader Raed Saleh wants to create a contract with the Muslim community similar to the one between the town hall and Christian and Jewish groups that grants them official status.

The SPD began drafting a contract with Berlin’s diverse Muslim population of more than 250,000, RBB reported.

Similar contracts with the Christian and Jewish communities allow the groups to regulate religious holidays, funerals, collaborative work at universities and pastoral care.

“We are telling them ‘you are a part of this city, you are at home here,'” Saleh said.

Hamburg and Bremen already have contracts with their Muslim communities and Lower Saxony is expected to sign one in the spring. Saleh said these could be used as models for Berlin.

“Berlin needs a contract,” said the city’s culture secretary, Tim Renner.

“It is important that we have such a central contract with Muslim communities, even if only as a sign, especially now,” when the topic of Islam is discussed everywhere.

The contract would be more symbolic than effective, because real contracts are only negotiated with registered public bodies.

Good German goyim understand that if they just keep giving things to Moslems, eventually they will stop demanding things. Similar to the way, following the civil rights era in America, when Blacks were given all sorts of special rights and free things constantly, they eventually became happy and integrated into society completely and stopped causing any types of problems whatsoever.

The “just keep giving them more and more and more until they eventually stop trying to completely destroy you” method has worked across the world when White majority populations have sought to integrate non-White minorities. It simply cannot fail.

Government Media Official Lists RT with ISIS on List of Dangerous Media Threats

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 05:39 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Obama shocked the world when he admitted he had no strategy for dealing with Abby Martin's legs.

Obama shocked the world when he admitted he had no strategy for dealing with Abby Martin’s legs.

Rather hilariously, the newly appointed Head of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Andrew Lack, has come out and listed RT with ISIS and Boko Haram as major media threats.

New York Times:

"We are facing a number of challenges from entities like Russia Today which is out there pushing a point of view, the Islamic State in the Middle East and groups like Boko Haram," he said. "But I firmly believe that this agency has a role to play in facing those challenges."

RT has written about their outrage.

RT never expected to find itself on a list with the two most dangerous terrorist groups of the day and is seeking clarification on the comment.

"We are extremely outraged that the new head of the BBG mentions RT in the same breath as world's number one terrorist army," said Margarita Simonyan, RT's editor-in-chief. "We see this as an international scandal and demand an explanation."

Apart from BBG itself, RT is also seeking clarification from the US State Department and the US Embassy in Russia.

I lol’d.

Though to be honest, ISIS is probably putting out better media than RT at present.  Their news site is okay, I guess, a little bit better than some of the big American ones, not really as good as the Daily Mail.  But the YouTube channel is utter crap.  It seems to get progressively worse, and I don’t really understand why.

Denmark: Asylum Entries Doubled in 2014

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 05:21 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Syrian refugees: You need this vibrancy goyim.

Syrian refugees: You need this vibrancy goyim.

Denmark is often held up as a country with a more reasonable immigration policy, but the fact remains that at this rate, without deporations, the Danes will be a minority in their own country within three generations.

What is the purpose of this? Why would anyone possibly destroy the nation their ancestors gave them in this sick way?

The Local:

The 14,815 people who sought asylum in Denmark last year is nearly double the number from the year before and an almost fourfold increase from 2009.

The number of refugees seeking asylum in Denmark nearly doubled in 2014, newly-released figures from the Danish Immigration Service (Udlændingestyrelsen – DIS) show.

A total of 14,815 people sought asylum in 2014. Although the final number ended up significantly below the government's estimate of 20,000, it is still nearly double the number from 2013, when 7,557 asylum seekers made their way to Denmark.

The 2014 numbers represent a nearly fourfold increase over 2009, when just 3,855 asylum seekers came to the country.

Nearly half of all the asylum seekers in 2014 came from war-torn Syria. The 7,185 Syrians who sought asylum in Denmark were more than three times larger than the next biggest group: 2,293 Eritreans.

The number of refugees seeking and receiving asylum in Denmark was a dominant topic among the nation's politicians and media throughout much of 2014.

In September, the government announced that it would introduce a new, temporary type of residence permit for asylum seekers fleeing civil wars such as the Syrian conflict after a huge surge in the number of applications. Two weeks later, that was followed by the introduction of new restrictions on the ability of refugees to have their family members join them in Denmark. Those restrictions were criticised by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and a long line of human rights organisations.

What these people need to understand is that restricting numbers is, at this point, simply dragging out the murder of your nation. Without deportations, it’s game over, no matter what, due to the way these people breed.

If you’re not going to deport the savages who are already there, you might as well just let them all in now and get it over with. Man up and pull the trigger.

Negro vs. Jew 2015: Who will be the Ultimate Decider of the Fate of America?

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 05:06 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

The stats.  Who shall be the ultimate victor?

The stats: Who shall be the ultimate victor?

Obama is apparently seriously pissed-off* at Bibi. Which is sort of funny to think about, given that as much as I dislike Obama, he really is a rather docile figure who seems to lack basic personality and as such the ability to get seriously pissed-off.

*Dear my dear British readers: in American/International English, “pissed” means angry, not drunk.

Obama’s administration started out with Rahm Emanuel directing him. Emanuel, being the son of an Israeli terrorist chieftain, is an Israelish type Jew. Now most of the Jews surrounding Obama are Americanish Jews. Of course, all Jews, liberal or conservative, support Israel, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they support Bibi’s extremism. Still, I can’t imagine there are too many Jews who are comfortable with the idea of Obama engaging in open-conflict with the king of the Jews, which makes me wonder why some figure in the US isn’t putting pressure on Obama to chill.

Is it showdown time???  Octagon now!

Is it showdown time??? Octagon now!

What is even more surprising is that the partial Jew John Kerry is now backing Obama up against Bibi.

It’s weird.

Times of Israel:

The White House's outrage over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to speak before Congress in March — a move he failed to coordinate with the administration — began to seep through the diplomatic cracks on Friday, with officials telling Haaretz the Israeli leader had "spat" in President Barack Obama's face.

"We thought we've seen everything," the newspaper quoted an unnamed senior US official as saying. "But Bibi managed to surprise even us.

"There are things you simply don't do. He spat in our face publicly and that's no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price," he said.

Officials in Washington said that the "chickenshit" epithet — with which an anonymous administration official branded Netanyahu several months ago — was mild compared to the language used in the White House when news of Netanyahu's planned speech came in.

In his address the Israeli leader is expected to speak about stalled US-led nuclear negotiations with Iran, and to urge lawmakers to slap Tehran with a new round of tougher sanctions in order to force it to comply with international demands. The Mossad intelligence service on Thursday went to the rare length of issuing a press statement to deny claims, cited by Kerry, that its chief Tamir Pardo had told visiting US politicians that he opposed further sanctions.

Haaretz reported that Obama had personally demanded that Netanyahu tone down his pro-sanctions rhetoric in a phone call between the two last week. The president has said a sanctions bill would cripple negotiations with Iranian leaders at a critical stage, and has threatened to veto such a bill should it come through.

The Washington Post reported that Netanyahu's apparent disrespect for the US leadership was particularly offensive to Secretary of State John Kerry, who over the past month had made frenzied efforts on Israel's behalf on the world stage — making dozens of calls to world leaders to convince them to oppose a UN Security Council resolution which would have set a timeframe for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

"The secretary's patience is not infinite," a source close to Kerry told the Post. "The bilateral relationship is unshakable. But playing politics with that relationship could blunt Secretary Kerry's enthusiasm for being Israel's primary defender."

The White House said Thursday that Obama would not meet with Netanyahu when he travels to Washington, with a spokeswoman citing a "long-standing practice and principle" by which the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections. Kerry will also not meet with Netanyahu.

Netanyahu will be in Washington in part for a March 3 address to a joint session of Congress. House Speaker John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to Congress without consulting the Obama administration.

The White House initially reacted icily to Netanyahu's plans to address Congress, an appearance apparently meant to bolster opposition to a nuclear deal with Iran as it is currently shaping up, as well as opposition to new sanctions against Tehran.

Kerry is definitely diehard, but even he got upset trying to explain why Netanyahu just kept on slaughtering all those kids last year. Obama has been so slapped around, with Bibi literally telling him to “never second guess” his decisions in baby-killing, I am not surprised he is experiencing ego, but I am surprised it is reaching these levels.

Bibi almost appears as though he is trying to organize some weird coup with the Jewpublicans.  Maybe he knows something we don’t and they really will win in 2016.  But obviously Jeb Bush nor Mitt Romney could possibly win an election.

Interesting Fact: Without a Black Population, St. Louis would be Homicide Free

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 04:35 AM PST

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
January 24, 2015

About nine months before Darren Wilson and Michael Brown became household names, the New York Times published a feature story on type of life individual black people had collectively created  in North St. Louis.

It wasn’t flattering. [In Places Like North St. Louis, Gunfire Still Rules the Night, 11-19-13]

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch decided to supplant the Times 2013 expose of black North St. Louis, with a story detailing the complete collapse of the one-time purported center of the city’s black middle class.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch highlights "onetime center of St. Louis' black middle class" now fighting high murder count, without noting Greater Ville neighborhood was 100 percent white in 1950 (and home to the infamous "Shelley House")

St. Louis Post-Dispatch highlights “onetime center of St. Louis’ black middle class” now fighting high murder count, without noting Greater Ville neighborhood was 100 percent white in 1950 (and home to the infamous “Shelley House”)

It was equally unflattering.

Both stories showcase the haunting validity of Robert E. Lee’s timeless observation: "I have always observed that wherever you find the negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving." [Onetime center of St. Louis' black middle class now fights high murder count, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1-23-15]:

It didn't take long for Virginia Savage to realize she needed to leave.

The single mother moved her two children and nephew to an apartment on Greer Avenue in the Greater Ville neighborhood in late 2013. The block was half-empty, and her apartment stood among decaying, boarded-up buildings. It was what Savage, 48, could afford as a home health care aide, and it was close to where her kids went to school.

"That was not good for us," Savage explained later. "We moved two doors down from where the prostitutes stayed. Drug dealers. Drug users." There was nightly gunfire, and her children often didn't want to come home after school.

The day before they moved late last year, a man was shot and killed a block away.

Now she lives just a mile east, still on Greer Avenue and still in the Fourth Ward.

But she said it feels like a different city: Fewer vacant buildings. Less gunfire. More long-term residents. Block parties. A block captain. Neighborhood patrols at night.

A little distance can mean a big difference when it comes to St. Louis crime.

Although murders were up 33 percent in 2014 over the year before, a Post-Dispatch analysis of police data shows that 102 of the 159 were slain in just eight of the city's 28 wards.

The Fourth Ward, in the heart of north St. Louis, is a good place to get a feel for that violence. It had 15 murders last year, second-highest of all the wards.

It consists primarily of the Ville and Greater Ville neighborhoods — residents just call it the Ville — which once were the center of the city's black middle class. Now, the typical household income is in the low- to mid-$20,000s, and unemployment is high. Between the 2000 and 2010 censuses, the population dropped 26 percent.

Neighborhoods are pockmarked by vacant lots and crumbling homes, with conditions varying widely from block to block. The alderman, Sam Moore, said there are 1,242 vacant buildings in the area, a number he repeats for emphasis. Five schools sit empty. There are 1,700 vacant lots. Some entire blocks are just overgrown grass.

"I've torn down over 600 buildings," Moore said. "I can't tear down all of them."While murders were up, reports of other violent crimes — assault, rape and robberies — were down 24 percent last year, and showed a 56 percent drop since peaking in 2009. It was the biggest drop of any ward. The city had a 5.4 percent increase in such crimes last year.

The contradiction is difficult to explain. Falling population and clearance of abandoned buildings obviously play a role. But Moore doesn't believe that violent crime is dropping at all, and said that if the numbers are down it's only because police don't patrol there enough.

The Greater Ville Preservation Commission director, Harold Crumpton, said that clearing vacant buildings has a significant effect. "When you tear down the places where (criminals) hang out," he said, "they're gone."

In recent years, Crumpton led a community effort to drive out crime, with regular meetings with residents. He and Moore worked to identify nuisance properties and contact landlords.

He and volunteers have tacked up and passed out hundreds of signs encouraging people to report problems to the police and the Citizens' Service Bureau. "We're encouraging people to snitch," he said.


Around the Ville, Crumpton, of the preservation commission, points to dozens of churches and historic brick homes that have been rehabbed, and blocks that remain fully populated.

"What we're looking at," Crumpton said, "is a neighborhood that at one point had real strong middle class families living in it, and some of them are still living here.

"These people are really fighting back," he said.

But his enthusiasm level varies block by block. He contrasts buildings too far gone to fix against new community gardens. He sees a corner store where gang members hang out, a block of new homes filled with families and an alley where someone was murdered.

The Ville is filled with what Moore calls "dollhouses" — empty shells where much of the brick has been stripped away by thieves, exposing open rooms or entire floors of rotting furniture. Even one of the brightest spots — two blocks of newer houses on Lincoln Avenue — has a crumbling bungalow just waiting for a bulldozer.


One of those “dollhouses” (remember… the so-called ‘black middle-class’ that inhabited the area known as Greater Ville weren’t the people responsible with building the houses and neighborhood infrastructure; this was done by whites who left the area when Restrictive Covenants were deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court) in the Greater Ville neighborhood happens to be one of the most important addresses in the history of civil rights movement: The “Shelley House” at 4600 Labadie Avenue in North St. Louis.

The “Shelley House” being of the aforementioned 1948 Shelley v. Kraemer SCOTUS case… (for those wishing to quantify the costs of legalizing the spread of black dysfunction, consult here to learn the fiscal costs – burden – of the black undertow).

Once, the sky seemed the limit for those living in the Greater Ville neighborhood. This was as late as 1950, when the entire neighborhood was 100 percent white. [Justice and the American Metropolis, Clarissa Rile Hayward and Todd Swanstrom, p. 1-2]

Now, the condition of the nearly 100 percent black neighborhood is an ineluctable reminder that those who dared fight the black families integrating the Greater Ville neighborhood (because of the damning economic consequences they would bring, reflected back in the “dollhouses” of today) were absolutely, positively correct in their courageous stand.

What’s more, it can be stated with absolute certainty the city of St. Louis would be nearly homicide free without a black population; and the Greater Ville neighborhood would once again see the sky as the limit for those gentrifying the blighted, “dollhouse” infested community.

LOL: Affirmative Action Jungle Woman to Decide on Israeli War Crimes Charges

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 04:21 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Fatou Bensouda: What sort of sick bastard shaves a gorilla...?

Fatou Bensouda: What sort of sick bastard shaves a gorilla…?

In a turn of fate that is perhaps not good or bad but simply hilarious, a prehistoric relic of an age beyond time itself, Fatou Bensouda, has been appointed decision-maker in the International Criminal Court’s case of Israeli war crimes charges.

She is clearly an affirmative action hire, placed in this position because the ICC was so often prosecuting Africans, who are incapable of understanding the basic concept of morality, let alone laws and courts, and so often run afoul of the international legal system.

Interestingly, Haaretz has a very high opinion of her:

The past week's legal and diplomatic storm has focused on the decision by one highly esteemed woman, whose decisions in the coming years are likely to shape the legal and political course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, who assumed the position in June 2012, is the second person to hold the post, having served as the court's deputy prosecutor for eight years. Bensouda's rich experience in international criminal law began when she served in several senior positions in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The Rwanda tribunal, alongside the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, were the two ad-hoc international criminal courts set up in the 1990s that foretold the formation of the ICC, which began operating in 2002.

Prior to her appointment to the Rwanda tribunal, Bensouda had a rich legal background in her home country, The Gambia, where she filled a series of senior roles, including state prosecutor and attorney general. After completing her legal studies in Nigeria, she earned a master's degree in international maritime law in Malta. In 2012, Time Magazine named her among the world's 100 most influential people, writing, "Thoughtful, soft-spoken, yet determined and forceful, Bensouda has been a leading voice pressing governments to support the quest for justice, particularly in Africa."

Bensouda was born in 1961 to a polygamous Muslim family. Her father had two wives, and she was raised by her mother and her father's other wife in an expanded family. She has over a dozen brothers and sisters.

"One thing that really made me [want to become a lawyer] was the fact that I realized that there were not many female lawyers," Bensouda told the American network PBS several years ago. "And I also saw that there were a lot of issues affecting gender and children, which I thought I should be able to play a huge part in presenting it before the court and standing up for them."

Her prime conviction, she emphasized throughout the interview, was to act on behalf of victims. The ICC, she said, reflected the idea of a "common bond" among the international community. Until its formation, perpetrators of atrocities effectively had impunity, she noted.

"I think perpetrators of these crimes do know that they can be held accountable. There is a court in existence now. A court is not going to be established after they have done whatever they have done. It is in existence. And I think that, in itself, sends a message that there is going to be accountability … Impunity is going to end."

She tends to reject criticism that the ICC is a European court investigating African countries and a repeat of the colonial relationship. "Africa has the largest number of countries in any one continent to be members of the court," she pointed out. "They wanted this court to be created, because Africa was also sending a signal that we also want to end impunity and through this court we think we can achieve that."

She noted that all eight cases currently before the court related to African countries, four of which originated in the African countries themselves, who asked the court to intervene, and two (Sudan and Libya) after being referred by the United Nations Security Council. Only in two countries, Kenya and the Ivory Coast, had Bensouda herself initiated the legal process.

As the story goes, she was found when a team on a routine expedition experienced the greatest earthquake ever known, high on the rapids.  They brought her back to run the world war court.


Few Interested in Arizona State University’s “Problem of Whiteness” Anti-White Indoctrination Course

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 03:40 AM PST

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
January 24, 2015


Since January 12th, Arizona State University (ASU) is now offering its students a class titled "U.S. Race Theory & the Problem of Whiteness."

Lauren Clark, a student of journalism at ASU, reports that in the class students will be learning about subjects such as: "The Possessive Investment in Whiteness," "Critical Race Theory," and "Everyday Language of White Racism,"

The class is not very popular with a reported 20 students enrolled.

"I think it shows the significant double standard of higher education institutions," said James Malone, an ASU student, "they would never allow a class talking about the problem of 'blackness.' And if they did, there would be an uproar about it. But you can certainly harass people for their apparent whiteness."

The class has received quite a few negative comments online; one commenter described them as "Little marxist indoctrination centers"

"This sort of tripe should not be supported by a single tax dollar" said another.

"How about teaching a class about the 'problem of liberal professors'?" another commenter quipped.

One commenter said they supported the class because it teaches "how racism works", which implies that only Whites can be "racist".

In any case, this class stands as an example of how anti-Whites like to spin their arguments. No matter what good deeds White people do we are always the oppressors, according to anti-Whites, and no matter what bad deeds non-Whites do, they are always the oppressed.

The solution to this "privilege problem" they say, is to make White people a minority – this is legally defined as genocide. But don't worry, because there's no "privilege problem" in non-White countries though that requires them to become a minority.

They say they're anti-racist . . . but if they only target White people, then anti-racist means anti-White.

Greece: Syriza is Going to Win

Posted: 24 Jan 2015 03:37 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

You should have listened.

You should have listened.

Though we’ll have coverage of this tomorrow when the ball officially drops, it is now completely indisputable that Syriza is going to win in Greece.


Greece’s anti-bailout Syriza party has widened its lead over the ruling conservatives to 6.7 percentage points from six points previously, a survey showed on Friday, two days before a national election.

The survey by GPO for Mega TV showed Syriza taking 33.4 percent of the vote, ahead of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ New Democracy party which would take 26.7 percent of the vote.

Having spent a lot of time with the Golden Dawn in Greece, I never thought I’d be rooting Syriza, who are basically a completely Marxist bunch of degenerates. But this is fantastic. They are going to have to default on some of the debt (they are now saying half, down from all), and they are going to have to pull out of the eurozone.

That means: happening.

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