Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

German President Spills the Beans: “No German Identity Without Auschwitz”

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 09:27 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

"Following these claims that gassing and lampshading the Jews is a defining factor of German identity, it is definitely looking as though Joachim Gauck is Cobra Commander." -Andrew Anglin

“Following these claims that gassing and lampshading the Jews is the defining factor of German identity, it is definitely looking as though Joachim Gauck is indeed Cobra Commander in disguise. It was always ridiculously obvious that his face is a latex mask.” -Andrew Anglin

On the 70th anniversary of the allied liberation of the Nazi-run Jewish Luxury resort of Auschwitz, the President of Germany, Joachim Gauck – who people are increasingly suspecting of being Cobra Commander in disguise – has warned the German people never to forget the lampshading of sixty gazillion Jews by Adolf Hitler. He said that they and their children and their children’s children and those children’s children, etc. will always be responsible for it because it is a fundamental aspect of German identity.

The Local:

There is no German identity without Auschwitz,” Gauck said before the packed chamber, where survivors of the death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland sat watching MPs, government ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“The memory of the Holocaust remains a matter for every citizen who lives in Germany. It belongs to the history of this country.”

He said the “moral duty” for Germany was not only to remember the past but also what he termed the “mission” to protect and preserve humanity and every individual’s rights.

“We say that precisely in times when, we in Germany, again have to agree on cooperation between different cultures and religions.

“The community in which we all want to live will only thrive where the dignity of the individual is respected and where solidarity is alive,” Gauck added.

“Different cultures and religions,” you say?  Wow, that almost sounds like a reference to these asylum seeking hordes.  But what would turning Jews into lampshades have to do with letting your country be invaded by Africans, I wonder?  It’s almost as if the guilt over these lampshades is being used as a hammer to drive nails into the coffin of the German race.

What the President has admitted is that Germany is now a nation enslaved to a fictional historical event, that it can never escape it.  And that’s true.  There is no escape.  There is only confrontation and conquest of the obstacle.  The only way to do this is to dispel the myth.  And that isn’t hard.

Again, I am going to plug the site Holocaust Deprogramming Course.  I don’t know who put it together, but it has all the info on this hoax, proving six million times over that it is not only a filthy, vicious lie, but one of the stupidest lies anyone has ever come up with ever in history.

More important info about Joachim Gauck and his sick Jew agenda:

So, I Watched American Sniper…

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 08:35 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

A strong White man who doesn't feel bad about headshotting brown people?  This is a new holocaust.

A strong White man who doesn’t feel bad about headshotting brown people? He even has a beard.  This is a new holocaust.

Given the controversy and my interest in controversies, I made a point to watch American Sniper.  I will here give my thoughts on this film and the controversy surrounding it.

Firstly, it must be said that the film is an artistic masterpiece, in every way.  The cinematography is beautiful, the acting superb and the narrative structure riveting.  It is no surprise that it was nominated for all these Oscars, as it would have been clearly political if the Academy had stubbed it; they would have looked ridiculous.

But that isn’t really the issue we are concerned with.  Many films and other types of art have been well-done and promoted Jew agendas.

Clint definitely deserves the prize.  How crazy is it this guy is doing this at 85?

Clint definitely deserves the prize. How crazy is it this guy is doing this at 85?

Currently, the drama in the public spectacle factory (the media) is a disagreement about the character of Chris Kyle, and the war itself.  Republicans are praising the man as a hero and blah blah blah saving the freedoms, while liberals are calling it a pro-war film which celebrates a man who admittedly enjoyed killing Arabs who he said were savages he hated.

Meanwhile, Nazis in the comments section of the leading Nazi News site The Daily Stormer are conflicted, some taking either position, but with more siding against the film than with it.

Firstly, I think it is important for people to see the film before they draw conclusions.  Of course, as a reactionary, you see Bill Maher and Seth Rogan calling it fascist and Nazi and you’re like “well, must be okay,” then you see Sean Hannity and John McCain saying “no he’s a hero he saved freedom from Iraqis who were going to invade us” and you’re like “well, this is some type of heavy Jewing going on here from all angles.”

And on the scene of the current “culture war” narrative surrounding the blockbuster film, I would have to agree that it is all a massive Jewing.  Neither the position of “this film is about an evil White man was a total psychopath killing the innocents” nor “yeah freedom gotta stop those Arabs and help the only democracy in the Middle East” are good positions to hold.

Sarah Palin lol

Sarah Palin lol

But there is something more going on here that that forced narrative.

It is not a political film.  It is a biopic, about a strong-willed, masculine and principled White man who did what he thought was right and didn’t apologize.  That is why it is powerful.  There is no political message at all, not even an ideological one.  I would argue that the thing that people are identifying with in the film is the identity of the character of Chris Kyle, not the idea of fighting Moslems to save Israel.

Of course the war was a completely Jewed-up debacle.  But expecting the soldiers involved in that war to have figured all that out is ridiculous.  How were they supposed to know?  Watching Michael Moore’s films?  Chris Kyle believed he was fighting a real enemy, he showed up and a bunch of savage Arabs were trying to kill him and his dudes, he killed them mercilessly and had no regrets.

The film features not a single sympathetic Moslem.

The film features not a single sympathetic Moslem.

The idea that all of the soldiers who went and fought these wars was a “bad person” – something I have seen people saying – is simply dumb.  The idea that it is some horrible thing that the guy actually enjoyed the war is also dumb.  Soldiers do what they are told to do, that is the job of soldiers, and Kyle did it very well, courageously and proudly.  At least in the film, which is what we are talking about here.

The idea of a film which didn’t have a sympathetic Moslem character and had a White hero who was masculine and determined is what the Jews whining about the film hate.  They don’t care about dead Arabs, they’re the ones who launched the war.  Conversely, the “conservative” political figures coming out and endorsing the film don’t care about the human story, and instead want to make the film political and a justification for these Jew wars.


Ultimately, the narrative in the Jew media surrounding this film is so stupid, I would have to agree with the anti-Snipers that its total effect is probably negative.  However, the film itself there is nothing wrong with because no judgements are drawn.  I watched it just waiting for some moment political messaging, but it doesn’t exist.  It is just about a guy who did what he thought was right based on limited knowledge.

So it’s unfortunate that the narrative is what it is, because I don’t think that is what people are really thinking after they see the film.  I mean, maybe they go away thinking Moslems are savages, but they are, are they not?  They don’t go away thinking “yeah, that Iraq war was great, we should do more of them.”  But then John McCain tells them to view it that way.

My final verdict is that the film is innocent and fantastic, but as with everything innocent and fantastic, it is being twisted to serve a Jew agenda.

But go see it.  It’s worth $9.

NOTE: Please do not comment without reading the entire article

I am a bit shocked by the comments section, with many people arguing against something I did not say, some even apparently suggesting I support the Iraq war (?) – those who read it before commenting are aware that I’ve not only condemned the war but stated that the results of the film have been negative.  So, please read the whole thing before responding.  I might well be wrong, and it is impossible for anyone to fight in a war for Jews and not be evil, but also consider that this means the grandfathers of our American and British readers would all be men much more evil than Chris Kyle, not only fighting an insane war for Jews but killing other European people and ultimately causing the death of the greatest leader who ever lived.

Also, here’s a link for those who don’t want to spend nine dollars on this movie.

France: Treasonous President Vows to Eradicate Online Anti-Semitism

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 07:37 AM PST

Marcus Cicero
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

"I assure you, stupid Goyim.  Even though I was born in 1969, I survived the Lysol chambers of Auschwitz." -Joint Jew-Francois Hollande statement.

“I assure you, stupid Goyim. Even though I was born in 1969, I survived the Lysol chambers of Auschwitz, and to question this is a felonious offense.” -Jew statement to European peoples.

Not wishing to be left out by the slovenly actions of most of Europe’s traitorous leadership, French President Francois Hollande yet again pledged his undying allegiance to the Jews squatting inside his country, pledging to take legal action against those who, “promote anti-Semitism and Holocaust-denial online.”

Such a course of action, quite threatening to the French readers of this site, was promised by Hollande during a Tuesday visit to Paris’ Holocaust Memorial; an outing that featured meetings with lying parasites claiming to have somehow survived the imagined “genocide” of their people during the Second World War.

According to the proposal, penalties would be exacted on internet service providers and social media outlets who refrain from reporting comments, websites, and debates that touch upon the ridiculousness of gas chambers, mass Jew graves, and bucket-baby drownings.

Hollande also used the meeting to whine about escalating attacks on Jews within France, although nothing was said regarding the importation of Moslems and Africans, almost universally responsible for the strikes, into the country by subversive, and often Jewish, politicians and social engineers.


French President Francois Hollande called on Internet service providers to take action against the spread of anti-Semitism online.

During a visit to France’s Holocaust Memorial on Tuesday, Hollande said Internet service providers cannot ignore anti-Semitic and Holocaust- denial theories that are disseminated on social networks. Otherwise, he says, “they will be regarded as accomplices.”

Hollande also called European and international leaders to define new regulations with penalties for Internet service providers which do not comply.

Instead of demanding that the peoples of the Western World surrender their centuries-old traditions of freedom of speech and uninhibited discourse, permanently relocating to Israel, originally set up for the Earth’s deranged and “persecuted” vermin, could prevent another six trillion being magically annihilated, and would reduce the chances of encountering antipathy on a day-to-day basis.

But alas, this would require feelings of empathy and conscience within the mind of the average Jew, and as we all know and understand, these are traits that are severely lacking within the Christ-killing, nation-wrecking population.

In other news, the conference with Hollande also produced new material for teaching young White children of the horrors of the "Holohoax." This excerpt is exactly how it happened, and cannot be researched further.

In other news, the conference with Hollande also produced new material for teaching young White children of the horrors of the “Holohoax.” The above snapshot is exactly how it happened, and cannot be researched further.

Berlin: Lesbo District Mayor Seeks to Seize Private Holiday Homes and Give Them to Invading Hordes

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 07:07 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

Goyim, I...

Goyim, I…

In Germany, things just got way stupider again.

The Local:

Amid rising tensions around the Pegida movement, a Berlin official stirred alarm on Monday with a proposal to commandeer private holiday apartments to house asylum seekers.

The mayor of the capital’s eastern Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district, Monika Herrmann, has deemed it “tactically shrewder” to temporarily take over unused private apartments than set up temporary accommodation in places like school sports halls, the Berliner Morgenpost reported.

Herrmann, who is no stranger to controversial proposals, later said that she had merely requested the city Senate to check the legality of such a move. She then added that the mulled accomodation of asylum seekers in commandeered properties would only be for a few months at a time

“That won’t really hurt anyone,” added the mayor, who briefed colleagues from other Berlin districts last week on her brainwave.

The mayor justified her plan by saying the pressure to accommodate refugees was subjecting the social services to unsustainable pressure.

She cited the example of school sports halls being used to accommodate refugees, although she said no sports activities for pupils had yet been cancelled as a result.

However, city senator for justice Thomas Heilmann slammed the apartment idea as unworkable and said the mayor had “not thought it through”.

Home owners subjected to such measures would inevitably take the matter to court, Heilmann said, warning against meddling with “basic rights”.

lol @ “basic rights.” Like, “man, wait a second, I think we might be almost just about to go too far with this thing.”

It really is like the whole concept of a government forcing a country it rules to accept millions of hostile poor people who will never integrate into their society is so nuts that the basic idea of it crosses some threshold of insanity where once it is accepted anything which is said afterwards is not considered insane because the concept of insanity is no longer relevant.

If that makes sense.

Dyke Bitch Monika Herrmann fraternizes with her pet Negroes

Dyke Bitch Monika Herrmann fraternizes with her pet Negroes

I mean, it seems like basic normal common sense that if a government official comes out and says “yeah I’ve been thinking about these people protesting and demanding we stop bringing all of these primitive third world people into the country, and I think the best solution is to start seizing people’s private property and giving it to the primitives” she would be immediately relieved of his position and required to undergo mental health treatment. Instead people are just like “yeah man I dunno I don’t think that will help much lol.”

This is so obviously a Jew program to completely obliterate the German people.  How is it possible every single one of them doesn’t see it?

UK: McDonalds Doorman Sacked After Asking Vile Faggots to Stop Slobbering Over Each Other

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 06:52 AM PST

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015


Matthew Dummigan is now pretending that he ‘didn’t want McDonalds doorman to be fired,’ yet he is still proud of his bigoted behavior and wants other faggots to follow his example.

Faggots always feel a need to flaunt their depravity and to force other people to be subjected to their sickening behavior.

They are incapable of keeping their perverted actions to themselves, as they are so shallow that the only thing they can think of to define themselves by is their obsession with other men's anuses.

They like nothing better than to shock and disgust normal people and thanks to the 'equality' legislation that the Jews helped them to push through government, we are now forced to either watch their filth or we lose our jobs, as this unfortunate McDonald’s security guard recently found out.


Wouldn’t it be great to see something like this in Britain?

Leicester Mercury:

A McDonalds doorman who allegedly told two men to stop kissing has been told he will never work for the fast-food chain again.

The doorman, who is employed by a third party security firm has been permanently removed from working in any McDonald's restaurant.

This comes after Matthew Dummigan, of Leicester city centre claimed the doorman at the Market Street branch told him "no kissing allowed" when his male friend "pecked" him on the lips.

Matthew said that when he asked the doorman whether it would be acceptable if it had been a man and a woman, the doorman said "yes".


People in America show what should be done outside Leicester city center McDonald’s, who have just fired a security guard for asking two faggots to stop engaging in homosexual acts.

So because the doorman was a normal human being, with a normal preference for the opposite gender just like everything else in the natural world that functions correctly, the vile primadonna faggot went and reported him for being 'intolerant' of sexual deviants.

Once it became known that the security guard had been given the sack for this, the attention-seeking pervert tried to claim that he had not intended for the man to lose his job, but just wanted to force him to undergo 'proper training and education on equality and diversity' whatever that is, probably some kind of Clockwork Orangesque procedure, where the thought-criminal is deprived of food and sleep and forced to watch homosexual acts.

These queers will not stop until they have silenced or jailed all opposition to their sick twisting of the natural order.



Posted: 27 Jan 2015 06:33 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

The worst place ever in history, where 4 million Jews died.  I mean 1.5 million Jew died.

The worst place ever in history, where it is an unquestionable fact of history that 4 million Jews died. I mean 1.5 million Jew died.

Today is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the brave Nazi-fighters.

Auschwitz, for those who don’t know, was mainly a Jew-skin lampshade factory, though they also produced Jew-hair mattresses and Jew-fat soap. These human-hair mattresses, it is a documented historical fact which cannot ever be questioned, were made exclusively for German women, evil blonde-haired harlots who slept like babies on these human hair mattresses with the full knowledge that the Jews who this hair once belonged to were gassed to death and then turned into lampshades and soap.

During WWII Germans were living it up, often French kissing in showers while erotically lathering one another up with Jew soap

During WWII Germans were living it up, often French kissing in showers while erotically lathering one another up with Jew soap

This advertisement was featured prominently in drug store windows across Germany during WWII.  A common insult at the time was "you can't even afford pure Jew soap."

This advertisement was featured prominently in drug store windows across Germany during WWII. A common insult at the time was “you can’t even afford pure Jew soap.”

Another popular ad from 1940s Germany, seen in stores across the country.

Another popular ad from 1940s Germany, seen in stores across the country.

Products made from the corpses of gassed Jews were the highest type of fashion in Hitler's Germany.

Products made from the corpses of gassed Jews were the highest type of fashion in Hitler’s Germany.

Today, the whole world remembers the suffering, and it is important to remember that not only the Germans are responsible for this atrocity, but White people as a whole, who constantly abused Jews for no reason and so helped the Holocaust to happen.

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, the best thing that White people can do to make up for this genocide they committed is to send money to Israel.  After you have done this, go find a Jew and personally apologize to them and ask if there is anything you can do for them to do your part to make up for the exactly sixty trillion lampshades.  They may ask you to mow their lawn, to go run errands for them or they may request sexual favors.  Anything you can do for them helps to alleviate the guilt the White race holds for having lampshaded these innocents.

You can also help by lobbying to have people thrown in prison for daring to question the factual reality of the eternal suffering of the always victimized Jew race.  We need to ensure that in 2015, websites like this one:

are permanently shut down and the people who run them are punished.  Because nothing hurts the feelings of Jews more than doubting the fact that they were made into lampshades.  And after they were made into lampshades, they have a fundamental human right to not have their feelings hurt by people saying things they don’t like or disagreeing with them in any way.

Now that you understand the feelings of the Jew, you understand why 2015 must be the year that protection of these feelings and emotions takes precedent over so-called “free speech,” “war crimes” and “sex trafficking laws,” when Antisemitic websites such as the Holocaust Deprogramming Course are outlawed, the Antisemitic ICC is disbanded and Antisemitic sex slaves are thrown in prison.

End White Pride - No History

Ireland: 2014 Saw Record Number of Citizenship and Visa Applications

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 06:15 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

Stupid goyim.  Isn't it beautiful?

Stupid goyim. Isn’t it beautiful?

The number of new applications for visas, residence and citizenship the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service (INIS) received in 2014 are the highest in the country’s history.

This isn’t in any way surprising. It was the year of the quickening, when the Jews made clear their plan to literally bury us alive in piles of chimping chimps.

The Journal.ie

Provisional figures show that at the end of 2014 there were approximately 95,000 non-European Economic Area (EEA) nationals with permission to remain in the State. This figure stood at 107,000 at the end of 2013.

All non-EEA nationals remaining in the country for longer than 90 days are required to register with An Garda Síochána.

The current top six registered nationalities – which account for over 50% of all people registered – are Brazil (12%), India (11%), China (9%), USA (7%), Nigeria (6%), and the Philippines (5%). The majority of people with permission to remain in the State are here for work or study purposes.

Overall in 2014, approximately 172,000 new applications (i.e. visa, residence, protection and citizenship) were received by the INIS.

Decisions were issued in almost 179,000 cases (a proportion of decisions issued relate to applications submitted in previous years); and 92,000 new or renewed registrations of permission to remain in the State were issued by the Garda National Immigration Bureau.

Provisional figures indicate that approximately 101,500 entry visa applications for both short and long stay visits were received in 2014, an increase of 6% on 2013 and a cumulative increase of 22% since 2011. The approval rate for entry visa applications was 91%. The top 5 nationalities applying for visas in 2014 were India (17%), Russia (14%), China (11%), Nigeria (6%) and Saudi Arabia (5%).

Some 42 new recruits start started working in Immigration Service today as part of civilianisation of border control at Dublin Airport.

Nowhere left to run now, White Man.

So what’s the plan?

Benedict Cumberbatch Calls Blacks “Colored,” World Outraged

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 04:50 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015


Benedict Cumberbatch, confirmed racist hater.

First the fascist patriarch Clint Eastwood makes a movie with a White guy who shows no remorse for slaughtering innocent hadjis, then Benedict Cumberbatch comes out and refers to Blacks as “colored.”

Looks to me like it’s time to clean the racists out of Hollywood.


The “12 Years a Slave” actor said he was an “idiot” and “devastated” at his choice of words during an interview with PBS’ Tavis Smiley about the lack of diversity in the British film industry.

Cumberbatch, 38, told Smiley: “I think as far as colored actors go, it gets really difficult in the UK, and I think a lot of my friends have had more opportunities here [in the U.S.] than in the UK, and that’s something that needs to change.”

His comments were criticized by some observers on Twitter as being insensitive and out of touch. One user called Sonya Thomas asked: “Benedict Cumberbatch used the term ‘coloured’ to describe black actors. What year are we in?”

Cumberbatch clearly sought to reduce the uniqueness of Black heritage by making them out to be just any old color. Black isn’t just any color, it is “the very darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white.”

Historically, Whites called Black people “colored” in order to make out like they were just any old random color, when in fact they were Black. They also tried to reduce their Blackness by calling them “Negro,” which is the Spanish word for Black but is also completely racist because by using a non-English word to define their Blackness, we are making them into alien outsiders.

Republicans Outraged Over Boner Surrender, Still No Anti-Immigration Candidate

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 03:41 AM PST

James Kirkpatrick
January 27, 2015



The Washington Times reports growing anger among the grassroots at the surrender of Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on immigration issues.

The anger I see from my audience at the Republican Party cannot become any more palpable," nationally syndicated talk radio host Steve Deace said. "We have a president who looks for new and unique ways to shred the Constitution on an almost daily basis, and we have a Republican Party leadership that refuses to do anything about it."

[Boehner-McConnell retreat in Obama amnesty fight panics conservatives, by S.A. Miller, Washington Times, January 25, 2014]

But so what?  This comes amidst reports that the leading candidates for the Republican nomination for President are people like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.  What does all this anger actually mean if it can't translate into support for a specific person who will do something different? Over the past few days, the potential Republican field has expanded dramatically, with even Sarah Palin expressing interest.  In a field this disparate, any candidate that seizes on immigration as his or her core issue will capture the support of the angry conservative grassroots.

Sketch Released of the Usual Black Thief That Killed A White Man in His Own Back-Yard This Time

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 03:31 AM PST

WF My News
January 27, 2015


Vann Yates was killed in his own back yard by a stray Black who was looking for someone to rob.

The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office released a sketch Saturday morning of one of the suspects wanted in the shooting death of a High Point homeowner.

Deputies say the composite sketch was completed by the help of a witness in the case. The suspect, which deputies say is the shooter, is described a 5 foot 6 inches to 5 foot 8 inches and possibly has a slight African or Jamaican accent. He also has a scar below his right eye.


Wendy Talent says it was the same man in the sketch who put a gun to her face Tuesday, demanding money while she was sitting in her car.

Vann Yates, 57, was working in his backyard with a landscaper on Fairfield Street Wednesday afternoon when two men stopped and asked to buy some lawn equipment. Colonel Randy Powers says the suspects tried to rob him and made other demands.

Yates was then fatally shot in the chest. Deputies used an airplane, K9 units, and searched the surrounding area for the suspects.

The man in the sketch is believed to same man, who deputies believe robbed two other people, along with another suspect.

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