Wednesday, January 28, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 01/28/2015

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The writing is on the wall: The GOP will be an interventionist party in 2016
1/28/2015 10:01:32 AM  Noah Rothman
The lively Republican presidential primary is only getting livelier. A fascinating development on the donor front could indicate which way the winds of fortune will blow for the prospective GOP candidates ahead of the early primary debates later this

Obama caves on taxing 529 college savings plans
1/28/2015 9:21:20 AM  Jazz Shaw
Here’s a refreshing change of pace for you. Normally when we have to talk about politicians caving in on a position they’ve staked out, it winds up being the Republicans. This week, however, the collapse took place in the White House. Barack

Hezbollah, Israel trade blows across border, UN peacekeeper killed
1/28/2015 8:41:16 AM  Ed Morrissey
The northern frontier of Israel has begun heating up once again. After a clash in the Golan Heights, where Israel struck across into Syria and reportedly killed a visiting Iranian general working with Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed terror network struck

Cruz to introduce bill banning the political targeting of citizens
1/28/2015 8:01:34 AM  Jazz Shaw
A pair of measures which failed to reach daylight when the Democrats were in charge of the upper chamber should be seeing new life this year. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex) will reintroduce legislation intended to prevent another partisan debacle like the IRS

Seattle government now going through citizens' trash for public shaming, revenue
1/27/2015 10:01:27 PM  Mary Katharine Ham
Sure, the incentive to compost is the putative reason for this regulation, but exactly how is it enforced? In order for city officials and trash collectors to know you have committed the civic sin of disposing of leftover food in your trashcan, they have

Quotes of the day
1/27/2015 10:01:08 PM  Allahpundit
The Marxist left has always dismissed liberalism's commitment to protecting the rights of its political opponents — you know, the old line often misattributed to Voltaire, "I disapprove of what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to

Alabama chief justice: I refuse to enforce this federal court ruling legalizing gay marriage
1/27/2015 9:21:20 PM  Allahpundit
It’s Roy Moore, who’s already nationally famous for his willingness to defy federal courts. He got elected chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in 2001, had a monument to the Ten Commandments installed on the courthouse grounds, then

Video: The freaky deaky "this dude will put six arrows in you before you can even move, bro" clip
1/27/2015 9:21:17 PM  Allahpundit
Via Time, not until this moment did I think a video about archery could do 20 million views in four days. Now, having watched it, I’m surprised it hasn’t done 40 million. They should hand “The Walking Dead” over to this guy, let

Russia's act of war against the United States
1/27/2015 8:41:11 PM  Noah Rothman
Just yesterday, Obama's baseless assertion that America is not entering into a new Cold War with Russia was shown to be little more than aspiration when NATO officials blamed Russia for a recent rocket attack on a Ukrainian city and a Russian spy ring

Video: MSNBC anchor's war on English language achieves new level of brutality
1/27/2015 8:01:26 PM  Guy Benson
Can any post featuring this race-baiting, riot-fomenting, hoax-perpetrating huckster truly qualify as a “palate cleanser”?  Perhaps not, but Sharpton’s teleprompter fails at MSNBC are a bottomless pit of unintentional hilarity

Cross party appeal: Mitt wraps up the critical Nancy Pelosi endorsement
1/27/2015 6:41:25 PM  Jazz Shaw
AP already covered the rebranding of Mitt 3.0 and apparently it’s worked. Sure, you all want him as the nominee again.. that’s a given. But in order to improve on his last outing, Romney will need to attract more of the independent vote, and

It turns out gay marriage isn't a priority for all gay Americans
1/27/2015 6:01:11 PM  Noah Rothman
If you were only privy to popular American media or culture, you could be forgiven for thinking that same-sex marriage is both a singularly pressing issue for most Americans and universally popular among gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered

Boehner on defunding DHS: Maybe we'll, uh, sue Obama over executive amnesty instead
1/27/2015 5:21:41 PM  Allahpundit
And so the monthlong “cromnibus” charade, which was premised on the GOP exercising its power of the purse by shutting down Homeland Security if Obama refused to cave on amnesty, ends as we expected — with a punt. Boehner told his

The inevitable "let's ban drones" discussion is upon us
1/27/2015 4:41:21 PM  Jazz Shaw
CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergen has an updated op-ed out this week in which he delicately dances around the question of when and how we are going to regulate the use of drones. He begins by reminding us all that a drone just landed on the

Conservatives should oppose Mike Pence's terrible experiment in state-run media
1/27/2015 4:01:02 PM  Noah Rothman
Imagine if you learned that a Democratic governor with potential presidential aspirations but problems appealing to his party's base planned to start a taxpayer-funded state-run news operation. You might be appalled at the implications of this decision,

Hot Air Primary Survey: Post-Freedom Summit
1/27/2015 3:21:30 PM  Patrick Ishmael
If you’re a Sarah Palin supporter, you’ll appreciate the last candidate question. You too, Donald Trump supporter. (And

Tuesday TEMS: Andrew Malcolm, John Bolton
1/27/2015 3:15:46 PM  Ed Morrissey
Hey, I’m back — for today, anyway! On The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day! Andrew Malcolm joins us for Tuesdays with Andrew! The Prince of Twitter and I will discuss all of the hot political

Success: Syrian opposition gets short shrift after SOTU bragging
1/27/2015 2:41:28 PM  Ed Morrissey
Just how successful has the strategy to use “moderate Syrian opposition” been as a bulwark against ISIS? The White House has identified these groups as their key strategy against ISIS, after waiting years until they became a sideshow to the

New Romney strategy emerges: He's going to "rebrand himself as authentic"
1/27/2015 2:01:51 PM  Allahpundit
Reminds me of what Philip Klein wrote a few weeks ago upon reading that Romney was set to run to Jeb Bush’s right in the primaries. “That strikes me as quintessential Romney,” said Klein. Put aside the fact that (whatever his drawbacks)

Nothing to see here: Obamacare to cost $50K per person covered
1/27/2015 1:21:00 PM  Jazz Shaw
Buried deep inside the latest CBO budget outlook report there is some shocking (by which I mean not shocking to anyone who has been paying attention) information on the effects of ObamaCare. You can forget about all the promises that were made by the

Does any feminist care that Susan Rice is this White House's scapegoat?
1/27/2015 12:41:59 PM  Noah Rothman
Over at New York Magazine, Jonathan Chait has authored a masterpiece critiquing the absurd liberal culture of political correctness. It is a long read, but it is worth every minute you spend delving into the inanities that have subverted productive

Bernie Sanders wants to cut the "deficits" by spending trillions more
1/27/2015 12:01:15 PM  Jazz Shaw
Oh, dear Lord above, I try not to ask for much, but if You could find it appropriate, please let the Democrats nominate Bernie Sanders to run for President. The Hill chooses the unintentionally humorous description of saying that VT Senator Bernie

Rush Limbaugh: If you want to beat the left in 2016, follow Scott Walker's blueprint
1/27/2015 11:21:30 AM  Allahpundit
Via the Daily Caller, is this not effectively an endorsement? He doesn’t formally endorse in primaries (well, usually), but if Scott Walker has masterminded a way to beat the left and Scott Walker is, per Rush, a Reaganite conservative who’s

Attkisson, Engelbrecht added to witness list for Lynch confirmation hearing
1/27/2015 10:41:58 AM  Ed Morrissey
The occasion of Eric Holder’s exit from the Department of Justice gives Republicans in charge of the Senate Judiciary Committee a big opportunity to air questions about long-simmering scandals such as Fast & Furious and IRS targeting. The

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Conservative grassroots bloggers moving on from 2008 heartthrob Palin
How student debt harms the economy
Poll: Large majority of Americans oppose Obama's immigration actions
Good for her: Michelle Obama refuses to wear head wrap during trip to Saudi Arabia
Poll: 64% want Congress to restore subsidies for federal ObamaCare exchange if Dems lose Halbig case
How meteorologists botched the blizzard of 2015
Mormon church backs LGBT rights — with one condition
The Netanyahu disaster
The GOP bracket challenge
In the future, your touchscreens will touch you back


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