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Monday, January 26, 2015 - Monday Jan 26 2015

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Mon Jan 26, 2015 - 1:40 pm EST

Feminism’s self-defeating about-face on porn

By Jonathon van Maren

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Mon Jan 26, 2015 - 7:42 pm EST

Pope Francis sorry for insulting large families

By John-Henry Westen

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Mon Jan 26, 2015 - 2:42 pm EST

In first-ever speech to Duma, Russian patriarch calls for total abortion ban

By Thaddeus Baklinski

Top News

Tens of thousands march for life in Paris

Organizers say 45,000 took part.

By Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent

San Fran. archbishop responds to Pelosi: 'No Catholic can dissent in good conscience' on abortion

Nancy Pelosi may refuse to say whether an unborn child is human, but science and Catholic teaching is clear, says her archbishop.

By Patrick B. Craine

Fox News' Bret Baier explains why he cancelled on Legatus

The mass-attending Catholic apparently takes issue with the Catechism.

By Lisa Bourne

Births and abortions declining among New Zealand teens: gvmt report

New Zealand has had the second highest teen birth rate in the developed world for decades.

By Michelle Kaufman, New Zealand Correspondent

Nigerian gvmt plans to ban porn websites: official

The government 'is planning to ban and block websites that inculcate negative attitudes in our children,' says a Nigerian official.

By Thaddeus Baklinski

The Pulse

Your voice was heard: TLC receives over 210,000 signatures supporting the Duggars

TLC stood with the Duggars when they could have abandoned them, and now they know more than 210,000 people do as well.

By The Editors

Pope to Catholic couples: you can't get married if you're not open to children

'It's true that openness to life is a condition for the sacrament of matrimony.'

By John-Henry Westen


Pope Francis sorry for insulting large families

I'm fairly sure the reason for the first turn around of Pope Francis comes thanks to the most powerful force for good on this earth.

By John-Henry Westen

Feminism’s self-defeating about-face on porn

'Pornography is the theory,' renowned feminist Robin Morgan once wrote, 'rape is the practice.'

By Jonathon van Maren


MSM yawn: 57 pro-life youth hold die-in on White House lawn

A day before the 2015 March for Life, prolife leaders staged a "Million to One Memorial Die-In" in front of the White House.

By Katie Yoder

Will media show berserk pro-abortion protestors blocking pro-life March?

Blocking pro-lifers' path to the Supreme Court, the pro-abortion protesters yelled in the faces of police, 'Forced motherhood is female enslavement!' and 'Will the real women of the world stand up?'

By Katie Yoder

Abortionist, clinic under investigation for abortion horror

Subjecting women to surgical abortions without anesthesia is a barbaric practice that only ensures that the emotional wounds of abortion will heal slowly, if at all.

By Cheryl Sullenger

America's most notorious abortionists

Murders of women, murders of babies, sexual harassment, illegal abortions, fraudulent billing practices, failing to adhere to medical standards...the list of notorious abortionists and their crimes goes on.

By Matt Yonke

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